Control the widget state

This widget demonstrates how to control another widget's state programmatically. This sample needs to be used in an Experience that, at minimum, has a sidebar widget or a controller widget with at least one widget within it.


Controlling the opening and closing of a widget within the widget controller widget will only work with developer edition 1.6+.

How to use the sample

Clone the sample repo and copy this widget's folder (within widgets) to the client/your-extensions/widgets folder of your Experience Builder installation.

How it works

In widget.tsx, the end-user selects a collapsible sidebar widget and a widget within the widget controller widget. As each are selected, a corresponding action button is presented, allowing the end-user to toggle the state of the widget programmatically.

For the sidebar widget

// Get the widget state - because the sidebar state may change in the runtime, via Redux's useSelector hook
const widgetState = useSelector((state: IMState) => {
  const widgetState = state.widgetsState[sidebarWidgetId];
  return widgetState;

// Toggle the sidebar widget
const handleToggleSidebar = (): void => {
  // If widget state's collapse property is true, collapse
  if (widgetState && widgetState.collapse === true) {
  // If widget state's collapse property is false, expand
  else if (widgetState && widgetState.collapse === false) {
  } else {

For the widget within the widget controller

// Load the widget class prior to executing the open/close actions
const loadWidgetClass = (
  widgetId: string
): Promise<React.ComponentType<WidgetProps>> => {
  if (!widgetId) return;
  const isClassLoaded =
  if (!isClassLoaded) {
    return WidgetManager.getInstance().loadWidgetClass(widgetId);
  } else {
    return Promise.resolve(

// Open widget method
const handleOpenWidget = (): void => {
  // Construct the open action, then run the loadWidgetClass method, dipatch the open action
  // and, finally, set the openness to true
  const openAction = appActions.openWidget(openCloseWidgetId);
    .then(() => {
    .then(() => {

// Close widget method
const handleCloseWidget = (): void => {
  // Construct the close action, then run the loadWidgetClass function, dipatch the close action
  // and, finally, set the openness to false
  const closeAction = appActions.closeWidget(openCloseWidgetId);
    .then(() => {
    .then(() => {

// Handler for the openness toggle button
const handleToggleOpennessButton = (): void => {
  // Check the openness property value and run the appropriate function
  if (openness === false) {
  } else if (openness === true) {
  } else {
    console.error("Something went wrong with toggling widget openness.");

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