Use a third-party library: D3

The jimu libraries that come with Experience Builder can be used to include a variety of functionality into your widget. In addition to this functionality, third-party libraries can be included and used within a custom Experience Builder widget. This sample demonstrates how to install a third-party library (D3) via manual download and use it within a custom Experience Builder widget.

How to use the sample

Clone the sample repo and copy this widget's folder (within widgets) to the client/your-extensions/widgets folder of your Experience Builder installation.

How it works

The D3 library was downloaded from the documentation website and copied into the widget files here, at d3/src/runtime/lib/d3. The library can then be referenced via a relative path, see in widget.tsx:

import * as d3 from "./lib/d3/d3.min.js";

This method of installing a third-party library, via download and relative import, should be used if this library is planned on being used in multiple widgets. See the Using Third-Party Libraries guide topic for information about how to use this pattern and other ways to use third-party libraries.

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