
Used to perform operations on a TableTopSceneView.

There should be a one-to-one relationship between a TableTopSceneViewProxy and a TableTopSceneView. This relationship is established by passing an instance of TableTopSceneViewProxy to the TableTopSceneView function. Operations can only be performed once the associated composable TableTopSceneView has entered the composition. Operations performed when the associated composable TableTopSceneView is not in the composition will fail gracefully, i.e. won't throw exceptions but won't return a successful result.




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The horizontal field of view of the TableTopSceneView in degrees.

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The ratio indicates how much the vertical field of view is distorted.

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True if continuous panning across the international date line is enabled in the TableTopSceneView, false otherwise. A null value represents that it is currently undetermined.


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Exports an image snapshot of the current TableTopSceneView.

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fun getLayerViewState(layer: Layer): LayerViewState?

Retrieve the layer's LayerViewState.

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suspend fun identify(layer: Layer, screenCoordinate: ScreenCoordinate, tolerance: Dp, returnPopupsOnly: Boolean = false, maximumResults: Int? = 1): Result<IdentifyLayerResult>

Initiate an Identify operation on the specified layer.

suspend fun identify(graphicsOverlay: GraphicsOverlay, screenCoordinate: ScreenCoordinate, tolerance: Dp, returnPopupsOnly: Boolean = false, maximumResults: Int? = 1): Result<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>

Initiate an Identify operation on the specified graphicsOverlay.

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suspend fun identifyGraphicsOverlays(screenCoordinate: ScreenCoordinate, tolerance: Dp, returnPopupsOnly: Boolean = false, maximumResults: Int? = 1): Result<List<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>>

Initiate an Identify operation on all graphics overlays.

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suspend fun identifyLayers(screenCoordinate: ScreenCoordinate, tolerance: Dp, returnPopupsOnly: Boolean = false, maximumResults: Int? = 1): Result<List<IdentifyLayerResult>>

Initiate an Identify operation on all layers in the view.

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fun locationToScreen(point: Point): LocationToScreenResult?

Converts a location in map coordinates to a point in screen coordinates relative to the upper-left corner of the TableTopSceneView.

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fun screenToBaseSurface(screenCoordinate: ScreenCoordinate): Point?

Converts a screen coordinate (in pixels) to a point on the base surface of the scene within the TableTopSceneView's spatial reference.

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suspend fun screenToLocation(screenCoordinate: ScreenCoordinate): Result<Point>

Asynchronously converts a screen coordinate relative to the upper-left corner of the scene view to a location in map coordinates.