Package-level declarations


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sealed class GeoViewProxy

Used to perform operations on a composable MapView or SceneView.

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sealed class GeoViewScope

The receiver class of the MapView/SceneView content lambda.

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Contains default values for the composable MapView.

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Used to perform operations on a composable MapView.

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The receiver class of the MapView content lambda.

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Contains default values for the SceneView.

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Used to perform operations on a composable SceneView.

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The receiver class of the SceneView content lambda.

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Enum class representing the different types of viewpoint persistence on a composable MapView.


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fun MapView(    arcGISMap: ArcGISMap,     modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     onViewpointChangedForCenterAndScale: (Viewpoint) -> Unit? = null,     onViewpointChangedForBoundingGeometry: (Viewpoint) -> Unit? = null,     onVisibleAreaChanged: (Polygon) -> Unit? = null,     viewpointPersistence: ViewpointPersistence = MapViewDefaults.DefaultViewpointPersistence,     graphicsOverlays: List<GraphicsOverlay> = remember { emptyList() },     locationDisplay: LocationDisplay = rememberLocationDisplay(),     geometryEditor: GeometryEditor? = null,     mapViewProxy: MapViewProxy? = null,     mapViewInteractionOptions: MapViewInteractionOptions = remember { MapViewInteractionOptions() },     viewLabelProperties: ViewLabelProperties = remember { ViewLabelProperties() },     selectionProperties: SelectionProperties = remember { SelectionProperties() },     insets: PaddingValues = MapViewDefaults.DefaultInsets,     grid: Grid? = null,     backgroundGrid: BackgroundGrid = remember { BackgroundGrid() },     wrapAroundMode: WrapAroundMode = WrapAroundMode.EnabledWhenSupported,     isAttributionBarVisible: Boolean = true,     onAttributionTextChanged: (String) -> Unit? = null,     onAttributionBarLayoutChanged: (AttributionBarLayoutChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     timeExtent: TimeExtent? = null,     onTimeExtentChanged: (TimeExtent?) -> Unit? = null,     onNavigationChanged: (isNavigating: Boolean) -> Unit? = null,     onMapRotationChanged: (Double) -> Unit? = null,     onMapScaleChanged: (Double) -> Unit? = null,     onUnitsPerDipChanged: (Double) -> Unit? = null,     onSpatialReferenceChanged: (spatialReference: SpatialReference?) -> Unit? = null,     onLayerViewStateChanged: (GeoView.GeoViewLayerViewStateChanged) -> Unit? = null,     onInteractingChanged: (isInteracting: Boolean) -> Unit? = null,     onRotate: (RotationChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onScale: (ScaleChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onUp: (UpEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onDown: (DownEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onSingleTapConfirmed: (SingleTapConfirmedEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onDoubleTap: (DoubleTapEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onLongPress: (LongPressEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onTwoPointerTap: (TwoPointerTapEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onPan: (PanChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onDrawStatusChanged: (DrawStatus) -> Unit? = null,     content: @Composable MapViewScope.() -> Unit? = null)

A compose equivalent of the view-based MapView.

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inline fun rememberLocationDisplay(key: Any? = null, crossinline init: LocationDisplay.() -> Unit = {}): LocationDisplay

Create and remember a LocationDisplay. Checks that ArcGISEnvironment.applicationContext is set and if not, sets one. init will be called when the LocationDisplay is first created to configure its initial state.

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fun SceneView(    arcGISScene: ArcGISScene,     modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     onViewpointChangedForCenterAndScale: (Viewpoint) -> Unit? = null,     onViewpointChangedForBoundingGeometry: (Viewpoint) -> Unit? = null,     graphicsOverlays: List<GraphicsOverlay> = remember { emptyList() },     sceneViewProxy: SceneViewProxy? = null,     sceneViewInteractionOptions: SceneViewInteractionOptions = remember { SceneViewInteractionOptions() },     viewLabelProperties: ViewLabelProperties = remember { ViewLabelProperties() },     selectionProperties: SelectionProperties = remember { SelectionProperties() },     isAttributionBarVisible: Boolean = true,     onAttributionTextChanged: (String) -> Unit? = null,     onAttributionBarLayoutChanged: (AttributionBarLayoutChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     cameraController: CameraController = remember { GlobeCameraController() },     analysisOverlays: List<AnalysisOverlay> = remember { emptyList() },     imageOverlays: List<ImageOverlay> = remember { emptyList() },     atmosphereEffect: AtmosphereEffect = AtmosphereEffect.HorizonOnly,     timeExtent: TimeExtent? = null,     onTimeExtentChanged: (TimeExtent?) -> Unit? = null,     spaceEffect: SpaceEffect = SpaceEffect.Stars,     sunTime: Instant = SceneViewDefaults.DefaultSunTime,     sunLighting: LightingMode = LightingMode.NoLight,     ambientLightColor: Color = SceneViewDefaults.DefaultAmbientLightColor,     onNavigationChanged: (isNavigating: Boolean) -> Unit? = null,     onSpatialReferenceChanged: (spatialReference: SpatialReference?) -> Unit? = null,     onLayerViewStateChanged: (GeoView.GeoViewLayerViewStateChanged) -> Unit? = null,     onInteractingChanged: (isInteracting: Boolean) -> Unit? = null,     onCurrentViewpointCameraChanged: (camera: Camera) -> Unit? = null,     onRotate: (RotationChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onScale: (ScaleChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onUp: (UpEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onDown: (DownEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onSingleTapConfirmed: (SingleTapConfirmedEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onDoubleTap: (DoubleTapEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onLongPress: (LongPressEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onTwoPointerTap: (TwoPointerTapEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onPan: (PanChangeEvent) -> Unit? = null,     onDrawStatusChanged: (DrawStatus) -> Unit? = null,     content: @Composable SceneViewScope.() -> Unit? = null)

A compose equivalent of the view-based SceneView.