Used to perform operations on a composable MapView.
There should be a one-to-one relationship between a MapViewProxy and a composable MapView. This relationship is established by passing an instance of MapViewProxy to the composable MapView function. Operations can only be performed once the associated composable MapView has entered the composition. Operations performed when the associated composable MapView is not in the composition will fail gracefully, i.e. won't throw exceptions but won't return a successful result.
Exports an image snapshot of the current composable MapView or SceneView.
Retrieve the layer's LayerViewState.
Initiate an Identify operation on the specified layer.
Initiate an Identify operation on the specified graphicsOverlay.
Converts a coordinate within the mapview's spatial reference to a screen coordinate (in pixels). If the wraparound mode is active, this method returns the closest screen location matching the specified map location. 'Closest' meaning: If it's in view, return that location, otherwise return for the frame where the location is the closest to the center of the view.
Converts a screen coordinate (in pixels) to a coordinate within the mapview's spatial reference.
Animate the geo view's viewpoint to the viewpoint of the bookmark.
Change the geo view to the new viewpoint. The viewpoint is updated instantaneously.
Animate the geo view to the new viewpoint, taking the given duration to complete the navigation.
Animates the map view to the new viewpoint, taking the given duration to complete the navigation.
Animate the map view to the center point and scale.
Animate the map view to the bounding geometry with padding applied.
Animate the rotation of the map view to the provided angle.
Animate the map view to zoom to a scale.