Features lifecycle

Urban API features, that is queries, mutations and fields in the Urban API go through the following lifecycle phases:

  • experimental
  • stable
  • deprecated
  • removed

See the sections below to learn more about each phase.

Lifecycle phases


The feature is experimental, and should not be used in production. It should be tested by experienced Urban API users only.

Opt-in to experimental features in the Urban API, by adding the following request header: experimental: true


The feature is stable and production ready.


The feature is deprecated, clients should remove it as soon as possible. Feature will be removed once the removal date is reached.


Once the removal date is reached, the previously deprecated feature will be fully removed. Clients that still rely on the features and missed the removal date will potentially break.

Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.