ICadTransformations Interface

Provides access to members that control Cad Transformations.


Name Description
Read/write property EnableTransformations Indicates if global transformations are enabled.
Method GetFromToTransform Returns the points of a two point transformation.
Method GetTransformation Returns the rotation, scale, and translation of a transformation.
Method SetFromToTransform Sets the points of a two point transformation.
Method SetTransformation Sets the rotation, scale, and translation of a transformation.
Read/write property TransformMode The transformation type.
Read/write property WorldFileName The pathname of the world file.

ICadTransformations.EnableTransformations Property

Indicates if global transformations are enabled.

Public Property EnableTransformations As Boolean
public bool EnableTransformations {get; set;}

ICadTransformations.GetFromToTransform Method

Returns the points of a two point transformation.

Public Sub GetFromToTransform ( _
    ByRef fromPoint1 As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef fromPoint2 As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef toPoint1 As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef toPoint2 As WKSPoint _
public void GetFromToTransform (
    ref WKSPoint fromPoint1,
    ref WKSPoint fromPoint2,
    ref WKSPoint toPoint1,
    ref WKSPoint toPoint2

ICadTransformations.GetTransformation Method

Returns the rotation, scale, and translation of a transformation.

Public Sub GetTransformation ( _
    ByRef from As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef to As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef angle As Double, _
    ByRef Scale As Double _
public void GetTransformation (
    ref WKSPoint from,
    ref WKSPoint to,
    ref double angle,
    ref double Scale

ICadTransformations.SetFromToTransform Method

Sets the points of a two point transformation.

Public Sub SetFromToTransform ( _
    ByRef fromPoint1 As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef fromPoint2 As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef toPoint1 As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef toPoint2 As WKSPoint _
public void SetFromToTransform (
    ref WKSPoint fromPoint1,
    ref WKSPoint fromPoint2,
    ref WKSPoint toPoint1,
    ref WKSPoint toPoint2

ICadTransformations.SetTransformation Method

Sets the rotation, scale, and translation of a transformation.

Public Sub SetTransformation ( _
    ByRef from As WKSPoint, _
    ByRef to As WKSPoint, _
    ByVal angle As Double, _
    ByVal Scale As Double _
public void SetTransformation (
    ref WKSPoint from,
    ref WKSPoint to,
    ref double angle,
    ref double Scale

ICadTransformations.TransformMode Property

The transformation type.

Public Property TransformMode As esriCadTransform
public esriCadTransform TransformMode {get; set;}

ICadTransformations.WorldFileName Property

The pathname of the world file.

Public Property WorldFileName As String
public string WorldFileName {get; set;}

Classes that implement ICadTransformations

Classes Description
BimModelObject Esri BIM File Model class.

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