In this tutorial, you will create a custom data provider that allows for creating, reading, updating, and deleting point feature data hosted in a MongoDB instance. The source code used in this tutorial can be accessed here.
- Install ArcGIS Server and the ArcGIS Server Custom Data Feeds Runtime on the same machine.
- Install a version of Node.js between 16.19.1 and 20.17.0 on your development machine depending on your ArcGIS version. See Installing and configuring for version details.
- Install the ArcGIS Enterprise SDK on your development machine. It is highly recommend that your development machine and server machine are running the same operating system and the same version of Node.js.
- Setup your own MongoDB instance and populate it with the provided dataset. The data are found in data/
wildfires-sample.json. This tutorial assumes a local deployment of MongoDB. Edit your
accordingly below in the configuration.String - It is recommended that you complete the Yelp Walkthrough before this tutorial in order to get a foundational understanding of how to create a custom data provider.
How the Provider Works
This sample provider will read and write to a MongoDB instance that is populated with documents in the format below.
"_id": "1150d48a-4283-409f-95dc-d97487b8ad84",
"fireId": "AK6448214467319840607",
"fireName": "GLACIER CREEK",
"fireType": "Wildfire",
"acres": 1897,
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"alternateID": 212345
Notice in the document above the attribute alternate
. ArcGIS does not currently support strings as ObjectIDs, so the _id
field generated by MongoDB cannot be used. If you inspect the sample code, there is a function that hashes the _id
and saves the hashed integer as the alternate
in the document. This alternate
is used as the ObjectID. See the API Reference for details on designating a feature attribute as the ObjectID with the id
metadata property.
Create a Custom Data App
Complete the following steps to create a custom data app named mongodb-app.
On your development machine, open a command prompt and navigate to a directory where you want your project to be saved.
Create the app by running the command:
cdf createapp mongodb-app
. -
Verify your app runs by running the command:
npm start
. -
Once you verify that the app is running, stop it by running the command:
ctrl + c
Create a Custom Data Provider
After you've created a custom data app, open a command prompt in the app directory and run the
cdf createprovider editable-mongodb-points
command. This will create an editable-mongodb-points directory that includes a project template with boilerplate code.
Install required packages
In the command prompt, navigate to the providers/editable-mongodb-points directory, and run the command
npm install config mongodb proj4 @esri/proj-codes
to install the needed modules.proj4
are tools that are used for coordinate system conversion.
Configure the Provider
In the providers/editable-mongodb-points/cdconfig.json file, set the value of the
field totrue
field toId Param false
. -
In the providers/editable-mongodb-points/config directory, configure your MongoDB connection in the default.json file. It will look similar to this:
"editable_mongodb_points": {
"connectString": "mongodb://",
"definedCollectionsOnly": true,
"databases": {
"editable-sample-fires": {
"fires": {
"geometryField": "location",
"idField": "alternateID",
"cacheTtl": 0,
"crs": 4326,
"maxRecordCount": 2000
Implement the Provider Code
Click here to acces the source code and dataset for this tutorial.
Enable the apply Edits
For detailed documentation on how the editing capability is achieved in custom data providers, click here.
Create a new file called routes.js in the providers/editable-mongodb-points/src directory. Add the following code to the file:
Use dark colors for code blocks Copy module.exports = [ { path: `/editable-mongodb-points/rest/services/:host/:id/FeatureServer/:layer/applyEdits`, methods: ['POST'], handler: 'editData' }, { path: `/editable-mongodb-points/rest/services/:host/:id/FeatureServer/applyEdits`, methods: ['POST'], handler: 'editData' } ]
Create a new file called controllers.js in the providers/editable-mongodb-points/src directory. Add the following code to the file:
Use dark colors for code blocks Copy function Controller (model) { this.model = model } Controller.prototype.editData = async function (req, res) { const pathParams = req.params; const body = req.body; const reply = await this.model.editData(pathParams, body); res.status(200).json(reply); } module.exports = Controller
Open the file index.js in the providers/editable-mongodb-points/src directory. Add the two lines (
) shown in the code below to theprovider
object.Use dark colors for code blocks Copy const packageInfo = require('../package.json') const csconfigInfo = require('../cdconfig.json') const provider = { type: csconfigInfo.type, name:, version: packageInfo.version, hosts:, disableIdParam:, Model: require('./model'), routes: require('./routes'), Controller: require('./controllers') } module.exports = provider
Implement the model.js
Replace the contents of the default providers/editable-mongodb-points/src/model.js with the provided sample code. Due to the size of the files in the src directory, they are not shown in their entirety on this page, but important aspects of the code are highlighted in this tutorial.
The edit
function recieves that path parameters to specify which database and collection to connect to, coordinates the helper functions, and returns the response.
// *code snippet*
async editData(pathParams, body) {
// assign database and collection name from path parameters
const databaseName =;
const collectionName =;
// add logic to normalize layer-level or service-level requests
const extractedEdits = normalizeRequestedEdits(body);
const database = this.#client.db(databaseName);
const collection = database.collection(collectionName);
let applyEditsResponse = {}; // initialize the response object
// call the necessary functions to handled the edits
applyEditsResponse = await performEdits(collection, extractedEdits.edits);
// check if the response should be an object(layer-level) or an array(service-level)
if (extractedEdits.editLevel === 'service') { = extractedEdits.layer;
return [applyEditsResponse];
return applyEditsResponse;
// *code snippet*
The get
function is a simple, full-fetch implementation that retrieves all the data from the table. The geoJSON metadata contains the id
property that points to the attribute that is used at the ObjectID, a templates
array with the object that defines what the editing widget will look like, and the fields
array that specifies the properties of each attribute.
The empty object for the value of prototype.attributes
in the templates
metadata specifies that all attributes will be shown in the editing widget.
// *code snippet*
return {...geojson, metadata: {
idField: 'alternateID',
name: 'Fires',
templates: [
"name": "Edit MongoDB Fires",
"description": "Template for editing fire data features",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {}
// *code snippet*
All feature attributes must be listed in the fields
array with correct type
and marked editable
if desired. Notice that the alternate
is larger than a standard integer, and therefore specified as a big
// *code snippet*
fields: [
"name": "_id",
"type": "string",
"alias": "mongoID",
"length": 128,
"editable": false
"name": "alternateID",
"type": "bigInteger",
"alias": "alternateID",
"editable": false
"name": "fireId",
"type": "string",
"alias": "fireId",
"length": 128,
"editable": true
"name": "fireName",
"type": "string",
"alias": "fireName",
"length": 128,
"editable": true
"name": "fireType",
"type": "string",
"alias": "fireType",
"length": 128,
"editable": true
"name": "acres",
"type": "string",
"alias": "acres",
"length": 128,
"editable": true
// *code snippet*
Implement the classes and constants files
Copy the contents of response-classes.js to providers/editable-mongodb-points/src/classes. This file contains various classes for success and error responses.
Copy the contents of constants.js to providers/editable-mongodb-points/src/constants. This file contains the wkid
for the data in the Mongo database.
Implement the helper files
Copy the contents of the seven files: document-delete-helpers.js
, document-insert-helpers.js
, document-update-helpers.js
, get
, index.js
, normalize-edits-request.js
, perform-edits.js
to to providers/editable-mongodb-points/src/helpers.
Several ancillary operations are carried out in these helper files including maintaining spatial data integrity and maintaining document object shape. See in the snippet below that the spatial reference of the incoming edit from the client (record
) is checked against that of the remote data by checking the wkid
of each and performing a conversion if necessary.
// *code snippet*
const codes = require('@esri/proj-codes');
const proj4 = require('proj4');
// other code not shown
function transformToDatasourceJson(record) {
// check if the incoming SR is the same as the data SR; if differnt, convert and modify the record
const featureSR = record.geometry.spatialReference.wkid;
// look up the code
const crs = codes.lookup(featureSR);
// convert coordinates from what is currently in client to our data source crs
const convertedCoordinates = proj4(crs.wkt,`EPSG:${CONSTANTS.SOURCE_CRS_WKID}`, [record.geometry.x, record.geometry.y]);
// push the converted coordinates into the array
record.geometry.x = convertedCoordinates[0];
record.geometry.y = convertedCoordinates[1];
const transformedJson = new DataBaseObject(
return transformedJson;
// *code snippet*
Test the Provider
After implementing all the steps above, the providers/editable-mongodb-points/ directory should have the following structure:
- config/
| default.json
- node_modules/
- src/
- classes/
| response-classes.js
- constants/
| constants.js
- helpers/
| document-delete-helpers.js
| document-insert-helpers.js
| document-update-helpers.js
| getDataHelpers.js
| index.js
| normalize-edits-request.js
| perform-edits.js
| controllers.js
| index.js
| model.js
| routes.js
| cdconfig.json
| package-lock.json
| package.json
- Navigate to the mongodb-app directory in a command prompt, and
run the
npm start
command to start the custom data app. - In a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/editable-mongodb-points/rest/services/sample-data/fires/FeatureServer/0/query, and verify that the MongoDB provider is returning data points.
Build and Deploy the Custom Data Provider Package File
- Stop the custom data app if it is running.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the custom data app directory.
- Run the
cdf export editable-mongodb-points
command. - In a web browser, navigate to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory and sign in as an administrator.
- Click uploads > upload.
- On the Upload Item page, click Choose File and select the editable-mongodb-points.cdpk file. Optionally, provide a description in the Description text box.
- Click Upload. Once the file is uploaded, you will be directed to a page with the following header: Uploaded item - <item_id> . Copy the item id.
- Browse back to the root of the Administrator Directory and then click services > types > customdataproviders.
- On the Registered Customdata Providers page, click register and paste the item id into the Id of uploaded item field.
- Click Register.
Create Feature Service
Browse back to the root of the Administrator Directory and click services > createService.
On the Create Service page, copy and paste the following JSON into the Service (in JSON format) text box.
Use dark colors for code blocks Copy { "serviceName": "mongoEditPoints", "type": "FeatureServer", "description": "", "capabilities": "Query", "provider": "CUSTOMDATA", "clusterName": "default", "minInstancesPerNode": 0, "maxInstancesPerNode": 0, "instancesPerContainer": 1, "maxWaitTime": 60, "maxStartupTime": 300, "maxIdleTime": 1800, "maxUsageTime": 600, "loadBalancing": "ROUND_ROBIN", "isolationLevel": "HIGH", "configuredState": "STARTED", "recycleInterval": 24, "recycleStartTime": "00:00", "keepAliveInterval": 1800, "private": false, "isDefault": false, "maxUploadFileSize": 0, "allowedUploadFileTypes": "", "properties": { "disableCaching": "true" }, "jsonProperties": { "customDataProviderInfo": { "dataProviderName": "editable-mongodb-points", "dataProviderHost": "editable-sample-fires", "dataProviderId": "fires" } }, "extensions": [], "frameworkProperties": {}, "datasets": [] }
Click Create.
In ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, navigate to Home > services > mongoEditPoints > edit
Change the value of
, and click the Save Edits button.Editing

Keep in mind that the provider code we used above assumes a database named
editable-sample-fires and a collection named fires. If you used different names
in your MongoDB instance, update the values of data
Consume Feature Service
To access the MongoDB feature service that you created in the previous section, use the appropriate URL (e.g., https://<domain_or_machine_name>/<webadaptor_name>/rest/services/mongoEditPoints/FeatureServer). You can use this URL to consume data from MongoDB in ArcGIS clients like ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Enterprise.
To explore the editing capabilities of the provider in this walkthrough in a graphical user interface, add this feature service to a map in ArcGIS Map Viewer.
Click the editing widget and select a point on the map.
Notice that the attributes
,Id fire
,Name fire
, andType acres
are all editable.mongo
was not specified as editable in ourID geojson.medata.fields
array. -
Edit one of these attributes and click Update to change the value in the MongoDB collection.

To explore the apply
REST API calls in more detail, navigate the ArcGIS REST Services Directory and navigate to apply
at: https://<domain_or_machine_name>/<webadaptor_name>/rest/services/mongoEditPoints/FeatureServer/applyEdits
Enter the following in the Edits: texbox:
Use dark colors for code blocks Copy [ { "id": 0, "adds": [ { "geometry": { "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 3857, "wkid": 102100 }, "x": -12633717.653726798, "y": 7084687.088394526 }, "attributes": { "_id": null, "fireId": "C3PO", "fireName": "Golden Fire", "fireType": "Wild", "acres": "4682" } } ], "updates": null, "deletes": null, "attachments": null, "assetMaps": null } ]
Click Apply Edits to create the new feature.
You've successfully created a MongoDB custom data feed that can both read from and write to a MongoDB collection.