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View DataReviewer - Update Result Lifecycle Status sample in sandbox
DataReviewer - Update Result Lifecycle Status


When a feature or row is submitted to the Reviewer workspace it becomes a Reviewer result. Data Reviewer provides a defined data quality control workflow that helps you review a result, correct any problems with the result, and then verify the fix to the result. Lifecycle status represents the state of a Reviewer result in the workflow. This sample updates Lifecycle Status of Reviewer results to Data Reviewer for Server using the updateLifecycleStatus function. This sample also demonstrates the use of ReviewerLifecycle class. This class has a function getLifecycleInfo which determines the next appropriate lifecycle status and phase that the result(s) will advance to. Select the Records per page, Session Name and Return Fields. The Reviewer Results will be displayed in a grid. To update Lifecycle status, select results from the grid and click on Update Status button. The live sample updates Lifecycle status to a hosted instance of Data Reviewer for Server.


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