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View DataReviewer - Scheduled Batch Validation live sample
DataReviewer - Scheduled Batch Validation


This sample shows how to execute Scheduled Batch Validation in ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server. Batch validation checks data based on business rules within a Reviewer Batch Job (.rbj) file. Scheduled Batch Validation jobs run repeatedly according to a schedule and terminate once maxNumberOfExecutions has been exceeded or executionEndDate has passed. Validation requires a Reviewer Batch Job (.rbj) file which is authored using ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop or provided by an Esri solution team. This sample allows you to validate data on a hosted instance of Data Reviewer for Server. You can schedule a batch job by entering the inputs. You choose an existing uploaded Batch Job file and click on Schedule Job button. Once a job is submitted, the Scheduled Job Id will be visible and you can check the status of the job by clicking on the Get Scheduled Job Details button. To schedule a Batch Validation job on your Data Reviewer for Server instance, update both the drsSoeUrl variable (sample) and the uploadsUrl variable (uploadPopup function) to point to a local Data Reviewer for Server.


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