
AMD: require(["esri/tables/elements"], (elements) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as elements from "@arcgis/core/tables/elements.js";
Object: esri/tables/elements
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.31

A convenience module for importing AttributeTableElement classes when developing with TypeScript. For example, rather than importing table elements one at a time like this:

import TableAttachmentElement from "esri/tables/elements/AttributeTableAttachmentElement";
import TableFieldElement from "esri/tables/elements/AttributeTableFieldElement";
import TableGroupElement from "esri/tables/elements/AttributeTableGroupElement";
import TableRelationshipElement from "esri/tables/elements/AttributeTableRelationshipElement";

You can use this module to import them on a single line:

import { AttributeTableAttachmentElement, AttributeTableFieldElement, AttributeTableGroupElement, AttributeTableRelationshipElement } from "esri/tables/elements";

This module also allows you to implement type guards on the attribute table elements, making your code smarter.

import { AttributeTableElement } from "esri/tables/elements";

function logTableElement(element: AttributeTableElement): void {
  if (element.type === "field") {
    console.log("Attribute table element type is field");
  else {
    console.log("The value is not a table field element.")

Type Definitions


Type Definition
AttributeTableAttachmentElement AttributeTableAttachmentElement

AttributeTableAttachmentElement defines how one or more attachments can participate in the attribute table.

Attribute table element types.


Type Definition
AttributeTableFieldElement AttributeTableFieldElement

AttributeTableFieldElement defines how a feature layer's field participates in the attribute table.


Type Definition
AttributeTableGroupElement AttributeTableGroupElement

AttributeTableGroupElement defines a container that holds a set of attribute table elements that can be displayed together.


Type Definition
AttributeTableRelationshipElement AttributeTableRelationshipElement

AttributeTableRelationshipElement defines how a relationship between feature layers and tables participates in the FeatureTable.

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