
This sample shows how to add an instance of IntegratedMeshLayer to a WebScene in a SceneView. Other layers can be placed relative to the integrated mesh. For example the points of interest are aligned to the height of the mesh and the walk time polygons are draped on the mesh.

An integrated mesh can represent built and natural 3D features, such as building walls, trees, valleys, and cliffs, with realistic textures and includes elevation information. Integrated mesh scene layers are generally created for citywide or landscape 3D mapping and can be created using Drone2Map for ArcGIS or provided by third party contributors, like in this example, whose data was provided by nFrames.

Starting with version 4.15 features can be aligned relative to an IntegratedMeshLayer. In this sample the elevation mode of the points of interest is relative-to-ground. Like this, they are aligned relative to the integrated mesh. The polygons representing walk time to the Frankfurt cathedral are draped on the integrated mesh. Their elevation mode is on-the-ground.

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