arcgis.geoanalytics module

The arcgis.geoanalytics module provides types and functions for distributed analysis of large datasets. These GeoAnalytics tools work with big data registered in the GISs datastores as well as with feature layers.

Use arcgis.geoanalytics.is_analysis_supported(gis) to check if geoanalytics is supported in your GIS.

Note: GeoAnalytics operations use the following context parameters defined in the arcgis.env module:

Context parameter



Used for setting the output spatial reference


Used for setting the processing spatial reference.


Used for setting the analysis extent.


Used for setting the output datastore to be used.

Feature Input

All GeoAnalytics Tools have input parameters that take features as their input. Features can be input as:

  • Big data file share layer. These can be obtained by using the layers property of big data file share items.

  • Item (of type Feature Layer Collection or Feature Collection) - only the first feature layer is used.

  • Instance of FeatureLayer, FeatureLayerCollection, FeatureCollection.

  • Feature Service URL as a string.

  • Python dict in the feature collection format


arcgis.geoanalytics.define_output_datastore(datastore=None, template=None)

Deprecated since version 2.3.0: Removed in: 2.3.2. GeoAnalytics is depreacted and will be removed in a future release.

Sets the arcgis.env.output_datastore by providing the datastore and template name to this method. If datastore is None, the arcgis.env.output_datastore will reset to default.




Optional Datastore/String. This specifies the big data file share to save GeoAnalyticss results to. If specified as None the arcgis.env.output_datastore will reset to default. Allowed string values are: spatiotemporal or relational.


Optional string. When specified, the template determines how GeoAnalytics result schema will be formatted. The output will be written to a file in the big data file share.


Boolean with True indicating success



Deprecated since version 2.3.0: Removed in: 2.3.2. GeoAnalytics is depreacted and will be removed in a future release.

Returns a helper object to manage geoanalytics datastores in the GIS. If a gis isn’t specified, returns a datastore manager for the active gis (arcgis.env.active_gis). If the active gis has not been configured with a GeoAnalytics Server, the function returns None.



Deprecated since version 2.3.0: Removed in: 2.3.2. GeoAnalytics is depreacted and will be removed in a future release.

Returns True if the GIS supports geoanalytics. If a gis isn’t specified, checks if arcgis.env.active_gis supports geoanalytics

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