NorthArrow QML Type

  • NorthArrow
  • The NorthArrow displays a compass overlaid on the GeoView, with the compass heading matching the current rotation of the MapView, or Camera heading of the SceneView. Double clicking on the NorthArrow triggers the heading of the connected GeoView to be orientainted to 0. More...

    Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10



    Detailed Description

    Note: default width and height is 48.


    NorthArrow {
        geoView: parent
        anchors {
            right: parent.right
            bottom: parent.attributionTop
            margins: 10

    Property Documentation

    autoHide : bool

    When autohide is true, this view is only visible when the heading is a non-zero value.

    controller : var

    The Controller handles connections writing/reading to the GeoView.

    The CPP controller is documented here.

    geoView : var

    The GeoView for this tool. Should be a SceneView or a MapView.

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