BookmarksView QML Type

The user interface for the BookmarksView. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15


Detailed Description

The BookmarksView displays a collection of viewpoints represented by bookmarks from either Webmap/Webscene or are programmatically defined. When the user selects a bookmark from the provided list, the viewpoint in the geoView is set to the new bookmark's view extent.

Example code in the QML API (C++ API might differ):

Property Documentation

controller : var

The controller handles binding logic between the BookmarksView and the BookmarkListItem.

The QML controller is documented here and the CPP controller is documented here.

geoView : var

The GeoView for this tool. Currenlty, it can be a Map; but could be extended to use a Scene as well.

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