CoordinateConversionResult QML Type

a CoordinateConversionResult stores the textual representation of a a point converted to a string using the formatting given in a CoordinateConversionOption. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRutime 100.10



Detailed Description

Property Documentation

[read-only] name : alias

The the name of this result. The name is the name as given by the associated CoordinateConversionOption.

See also type.

notation : string

The textual representation of a point.

The CoordinateConversionOption used to format points passed into this object. Returns the current associated CoordinateConversionOption.

Method Documentation

updateCoordinatePoint(Point point)

Given a point, updates the notation of this object to the textual representation of the point as dictated by the formatting options given in type.

  • point to store in notation field.

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