SmartLocatorSearchSource QML Type

Extends LocatorSearchSource with intelligent search behaviors; adds support for repeated search. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.13




  • void search(var query, Geometry area)

Detailed Description

Note: Advanced functionality requires knowledge of the underlying locator to be used well; this class implements behaviors that make assumptions about the locator being the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service.

Property Documentation

repeatSearchResultThreshold : int

The minimum number of results to attempt to retrieve. If there are too few results, the search is repeated with loosened parameters until enough results are accumulated.

Note: If no search is successful, it is still possible to have a total number of results less than this threshold. Set to zero to disable search repeat behavior. Defaults to 1.

repeatSuggestResultThreshold : int

The minimum number of suggestions to attempt to retrieve. If there are too few results, the search is repeated with loosened parameters until enough suggestions are accumulated.

Note: If no search is successful, it is still possible to have a total number of suggestions less than this threshold. Set to zero to disable search repeat behavior. Defaults to 6.

Method Documentation

void search(var query, Geometry area)

Starts a search using query as input.

query can be a string or a SuggestResult.

If area is non-null, search is restricted to that area.

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