TimeSliderController QML Type

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding TimeSlider. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10




Detailed Description

This controller calculates interval steps and the range of the full extent for the TimeSlider. This is based on the combined extents of time-aware layers in the given GeoView.

The time-extent of the GeoView itself can be manipulated using steps with calls to setSteps.

Here is an example of how to use the TimeSlider from QML.

import "qrc:///Esri/ArcGISRuntime/Toolkit" as Toolkit
// add a mapView component (the geoView)
MapView {
    anchors.fill: parent
    id: mapView
    Map {
    // declare a TimeSlider and bind it to the geoView
    Toolkit.TimeSlider {
        id: timeSlider
        anchors {
            left: mapView.left
            right: mapView.right
            bottom: mapView.attributionTop
        geoView: mapView

Property Documentation

[read-only] endStep : alias

The current end step.

geoView : alias

The GeoView object this Controller uses.

[read-only] numberOfSteps : alias

The number of steps the TimeSlider should display based on on the fullTimeExtent dividied by smallest timeInterval.

[read-only] startStep : alias

The current start step.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the extents of any TimeAware layer changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onExtentsChanged.


Emitted when either the start or end step changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onStepsChanged.

Method Documentation

setSteps(startStep, endStep)

Sets the current steps.

Setting steps changes the the current time-extent of the GeoView to a TimeExtent range calculated by the current steps using timeForStep.

  • startStep start-step to set.
  • endStep end-step to set.


Calculates a date from a step.

Given "step" and numberOfSteps, we can calculate the date-time for an arbitrary step interpolated between the start and end times of the full time extent.

  • step Step to calculate a time for.

Returns a date that is the time calculated for the step.

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