CoordinateConversionOption QML Type

a CoordinateConversionOption is a collection of properties that dictates how a Point should be converted to and from a string. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRutime 100.10



Detailed Description

a CoordinateConversionOption is able to convert between Point <--> string using the formatting options it is currently set with.

Property Documentation

decimalPlaces : int

The number of decimal spaces in the format (if applicable).

garsConversionMode : int

The GARS conversion mode (if applicable).

hasSpaces : bool

Flags whether to add spaces in notation (if applicable).

latLonFormat : int

The Latitude and Longitude format (if applicable).

mgrsConversionMode : int

The MGRS conversion mode (if applicable).

name : string

The user friendly name of this option.

outputMode : int

The conversion type of this option.

precision : int

Precision of conversion format (if applicable).

utmConversionMode : int

The UTM conversion mode (if applicable).

Method Documentation

void pointFromString(Point point, SpatialReference spatialReference)

Given a string called point, converts it to a Point using the current formatting options applied.

This conversion has the chance of failing, in which case null is returned.

  • point string to conver to a Point.
  • spatialReference SpatialReference to use in conversion.

Returns string as a Point.

prettyPrint(Point point)

Converts a Point to a string based on the properties set in this CoordinateConversionOption

  • point Point to convert to string.

Returns string representation of point with the current formatting options applied.

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