Update a Custom Data Provider Feature Service

There are three options for updating a custom data provider (CDP):

  • Update a registered CDP in ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory
  • Update a registered CDP in ArcGIS Server Manager
  • Update a registered CDP through the CDF command line tool (available in version ArcGIS Enterprise SDK version 11.3)

Update a Custom Data Provider in ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory

  1. In your development environment, make your changes to the custom data provider code, and export the custom data package as described in Build Custom Data Package.
    Do not attempt to modify and reuse an existing custom data package file (.cdpk). You should create a new one with the export command.

  2. Navigate to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory in a web browser, and sign in as an administrator.

  3. Click uploads > upload.

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  4. On the Upload Item page, click Choose File, and select your new .cdpk file. It is recommended that you provide a description in the Description text box to make it easier to distinguish between the new and old .cdpk. Before uploading the new .cdpk, you may alternatively delete the old one to avoid confusing the two.

  5. Click the Upload button. Once the file is uploaded, you will be directed to a page with the following header: Uploaded item - <item_id>. Copy the item id.

  6. Browse back to the root of the Administrator Directory and then click services > types > customdataproviders.

  7. On the Registered Customdata Providers page, click update. Now on the Update Customdata Provider page, paste the item id of your updated provider package into the Id of the uploaded item field.

    cdf arcgis server update provider page
  8. Click the Update button.

Update a Custom Data Provider in ArcGIS Server Manager

Sign into ArcGIS Server Manager and navigate to Sites > Custom Data Feeds. From here, follow the built in Server Manager help system.

Update a Custom Data Provider Through the CDF Command Line

In ArcGIS Enterprise SDK v11.3, the option to update a custom data provider from the command line is available. When updating a custom data provider from the command line, you do not need to use the cdf export <name> command. See Custom Data CLI Reference for more details postionals and options.

  1. Navigate to the app-level directory of your custom data provider.

  2. Use the command cdf register <name> <server-admin-url> <token>. When using the CDF command line too, the register command will update/overwrite any existing registered custom data provider on ArcGIS server with the same provider name.

Now your feature service will be updated to use the latest changes you made to your custom data provider. Note that the update feature works by updating the provider by provider name. In order to update your provider, you must use the exact custom data provider name as you used on initial provider creation, and it must match an existing provider name.

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