Build SOAP SOEs using Eclipse

This topic describes how to create, build, and deploy a SOAP server object extension (SOE) under the Maven framework using Eclipse. It also describes how to consume the SOE from the ArcGIS Server Services Directory.

  1. Create the SOAP SOE project
  2. Build the SOAP SOE project
  3. Deploy the SOE to ArcGIS Server

The SOE that you will create in this topic is also provided as a sample, named Simple SOAP SOE in ArcGIS Enterprise SDK(..\EnterpriseSDK\Samples\Java\serverobjectextensions\simplesoapsoe).

Create the SOAP SOE project

To create a SOAP SOE using Eclipse, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that ArcGIS Enterprise SDK, Java, and Maven are all installed on your development environment. See more details in the Installation section.

  2. Open Eclipse and select File > New > Maven Project. The New Maven Project wizard appears.

  3. Uncheck Create a simple project (skip archetype selection) and click Next.

  4. If the soap-soe-archetype has already been added, skip this step.

    Otherwise, click the Add Archetype button on the right, type the following values in the Add Archetype wizard, and click OK:

    • GroupId: com.esri.arcgis.enterprise.sdk
    • ArtifactId: soap-soe-archetype
    • Version: 11.4.0 (use 11.4.0 for 11.4 SDK and 11.3.0 for 11.3.0 SDK)
    building soapsoe eclipse 113
  5. The soap-soe-archetype is now added. Select this archetype and click Next.

    building soap soes eclipse2
  6. Enter the information in the parameters below and click Finish:

    building soap soes eclipse3
    • GroupId — entsdksamples.soe
    • ArtifactId — simplesoapsoe
    • Package — entsdksamples.soe
    • soeName — JavaSimpleSOAPSOE
  7. Choose Action > Do not Execute (add to pom) and click Finish, if the following Discover m2e connectors dialog box appears.

    building soap soes eclipse4
  8. A new SOE project is created now. You should see the entsdksamples.soe package, and the JavaSimpleSOAPSOE class and IJavaSimpleSOAPSOE interface under the src\main\java folder.

Verifying the servicetype

Since the Rest SOE project has already been created, please confirm which type of SOE you would like to generate: Map Service or Image Service. If you are working with a Map Service, simply keep the default settings shown in the screenshot below, where servicetype = "MapService". However, if you need an Image Service, update servicetype to "ImageService".

Build the SOAP SOE project

Building an SOE project will package the project's classes, dependencies, and resources into a .soe file, which can be deployed to ArcGIS Server. Since it's a Maven project, the Maven build lifecycle must be followed to build the SOAP SOE. Read more about project build.

You can build the SOE project by using either the Maven Build tool or the Terminal view in Eclipse.

As the project is created from soap-soe-archetype, it automatically loads the boilerplate code that implements a ready-to-use SOE. For now, we can just customize the displayName and description of the SOE and leave the rest of the code as is.

building soap soes eclipse5
  1. Open the SOE class JavaSimpleSOAPSOE, located in the src\main\java folder (see A in the example above).

  2. Set the displayName and description to Java Simple SOAP SOE (see B).

  3. Follow these steps to build the project.

    • To build the project using Maven Build, do the following:

      a. Right-click the project and choose Run As > Run Configuration.

      b. Double-click Maven Build from the list on the left side of the Run Configuration wizard.

      c. The New_configuration wizard appears. Click Workspace to set the current project as the workspace. Type clean install in Goals, click Apply, and click Run.

      building soap soes eclipse6

      d. The project is built successfully, with detailed log messages in the Console view (see C).

    • Alternatively, to build the project in the Terminal view, do the following:

      a. Click the Terminal tab at the bottom of Eclipse (see D). If you can't find this tab, you need to add this view from Window > Show View > Other > Terminal (see E).

      b. On the Terminal view, click Open a Terminal, which is a blue button on the right. A terminal is activated.

      c. Ensure the current directory is pointing to the project's base directory.

      d. Type mvn clean install. This command does a clean build of the project and you should see Build Success.

  4. Once the build finishes, a new folder named target appears in the project's base directory, and you can find the SOE file simplesoapsoe.soe and the WSDL file JavaSimpleSOAPSOE.wsdl in this folder (see F). If you don't see those files, right-click and refresh the target folder or the project.

If you would like to add third-party libraries as dependencies, you can add them to the project's pom.xml (see G). The POM contains project configuration information, such as the Java compiler (JDK) used, plug-ins used, project's dependencies, and project's version. Learn more about POM dependency management.

Note: If the SOAP SOE references classes from a third-party dependency as the SOAP method's parameters or return values, the dependency must be included under both the project's dependencies and the sdk-plugin's dependencies in the POM. Learn more details in the Enterprise SDK Maven plug-in section.

Deploy the SOE to ArcGIS Server

The SOE you created must be deployed to ArcGIS Server and enabled on a map service. To learn how to deploy an SOE, see the Deploy extensions topic in the ArcGIS Enterprise SDK help. Note that the term “deploy” is used here to mean uploading the .soe file to ArcGIS Server and registering it as an extension to map services. To learn how to enable an SOE on a map service, see the Enable extensions topic in the ArcGIS Enterprise SDK help.

Also See

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