What's new in 10.9

Network diagram support

ArcGIS Enterprise SDK now provides support for network diagrams SOEs and SOIs. Developers can directly access the diagram dataset related to any published utility network, and then retrieve existing network diagrams, create new network diagrams, and more. See Work with network diagrams.

For a list of new interfaces and classes, refer to New in 10.9 API.

Issues addressed in 10.9

  • BUG-000130430: FeatureClass.search() returns the java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error when called in Server Object Extension (SOE) built from ArcGIS Enterprise SDK.

  • BUG-000133799: When a server object extension (SOE) or server object interceptor (SOI) is removed using ArcGIS Server Manager, the SOE or SOI is not fully unregistered from all machines in a multiple-machine site deployment.

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