Develop SOIs

Before you start developing SOIs, ensure that Eclipse and ArcGIS Enterprise SDK are installed on the development machine. If not, see Install ArcGIS Enterprise SDK and Use ArcGIS Eclipse plugin.

Then, perform the following steps to create a simple SOI in Eclipse:

  1. Create a Java project or use an existing Java project.

  2. Create an SOI and call it SimpleSOI.

    1. Right-click your project and select New > Other from the context window.

    2. Select Esri Templates > ArcGIS Extensions > Server > Published by ArcGIS Pro > Server Object Interceptor (ArcGIS Pro).


      These wizards become available only after the ArcGIS Eclipse plugin is installed. If you have already installed the ArcGIS Eclipse plugin but still don't see the Server Object Interceptor (ArcGIS Pro) wizard, make sure you check the Show All Wizards checkbox and reopen this New dialog box.

    3. These wizards become available only after the ArcGIS Eclipse plug-in is installed.

      If you don't see the Published by ArcGIS Pro option, make sure you follow the post-installation guide for Java.

    4. Click Next. This opens New Server Object Interceptor (ArcGIS Pro) wizard. Use this wizard to define your SOI Name, Display Name, and Description.

      Name is the SOI class name. The Display Name and Description will appear on ArcGIS Server Manager when the SOI is deployed.

    5. Click Finish. Now the SOI class is created.

  3. Check the project Java Build Path.

    Right-click the project > Properties. Select Java Build Path in the Properties window:


    Make sure Java 8 and arcgis-enterprise-sdk.jar are added in Libraries.

    If you don't see arcgis-enterprise-sdk.jar, you can manually add it by selecting Add Library > Arcobjects Library > ArcGIS Enterprise SDK.

  4. Check the project Java Compiler.

    Still in the Properties window, select the Java Compiler tab:

  • SOI class annotation

    After the SOI class is created from the template, the annotation, interfaces, and methods required for the SOI class are automatically implemented. The following SOI class annotation with several properties automatically populated is used to help the server administrator identify and understand the SOI deployed in ArcGIS Server Manager.

    	displayName = "Simple SOI (Map Service - Pro)",
    	description = "This is a simple SOI for a map service published from ArcGIS Pro.",
    	interceptor = true,
    	servicetype = "MapService")
    public class SimpleSOI implements IServerObjectExtension, IRESTRequestHandler, IWebRequestHandler,
    	IRequestHandler2, IRequestHandler {

    The displayName attribute is the SOI name that appears under Service > Capabilities tab on ArcGIS Server Manager.

    Description displays after the Help button of the extension is clicked on Site > Extensions tab on ArcGIS Server Manager. Description can be empty. See the enable extensions section.

    The servicetype and interceptor attributes indicate that this is an SOI for a map service.

  • SOI initialization

    The initialization logic of the SOI is defined in the init() method, which contains the following boilerplate code:

    public void init(IServerObjectHelper soh) throws IOException, AutomationException {
    	// Get reference to server logger utility
    	this.serverLog = ServerUtilities.getServerLogger();
    	// Log message with server
    	this.serverLog.addMessage(3, 200, "Initialized " + this.getClass().getName() + " SOI."); = soh.getServerObject();
    	String arcgisHome = getArcGISHomeDir();
    	/* If null, throw an exception */
    	if (arcgisHome == null) {
    		serverLog.addMessage(1, 200, "Could not get ArcGIS home directory. Check if environment variable "
    				+ ARCGISHOME_ENV + " is set.");
    		throw new IOException("Could not get ArcGIS home directory. Check if environment variable " + ARCGISHOME_ENV
    				+ " is set.");
    	if (arcgisHome != null && !arcgisHome.endsWith(File.separator))
    		arcgisHome += File.separator;
    	// Load the SOI helper.
    	this.soiHelper = new SOIHelper(arcgisHome + "XmlSchema" + File.separator + "MapServer.wsdl");

    After the SOI is enabled with a map service and service restarts, the first method that will be triggered in the SOI is this init() method.IServerObjectHelper helps hold the reference to the current server object, which is a MapServer object providing service data access, layer properties, and access to other service information. SOIHelper provides access to REST request schema and REST request handler.

    The ServerUtilities.getServerLogger() method returns ILog, allowing the SOI to write server logs that can be viewed by the server administrator. You may also refer to the SimpleSOI sample (<Installation folder of ArcGIS Enterprise SDK>\Samples\Java\serverobjectinterceptors\SimpleSOI) for the complete SOI code.

  • SOI request handler

    The SOI class implements several interfaces, which handle different types of requests, such as REST, SOAP, and OGC requests. For example, the handleRESTRequest() method is implemented by IRESTRequestHandler for REST request. This method is called every time a service operation is performed through REST endpoint.

    public byte[] handleRESTRequest(String capabilities, String resourceName, String operationName,
            String operationInput, String outputFormat, String requestProperties, String[] responseProperties)
            throws IOException, AutomationException {
        serverLog.addMessage(3, 200, "Request logged in SampleSOI. User: " + getLoggedInUserName() + ", Operation: "
                + operationName + ", Operation Input: " + processOperationInput(operationInput));
        // Find the correct delegate to forward the request too
        IRESTRequestHandler restRequestHandler = soiHelper.findRestRequestHandlerDelegate(so);
        if (restRequestHandler != null) {
            // Return the response
            return restRequestHandler.handleRESTRequest(capabilities, resourceName, operationName, operationInput,
                    outputFormat, requestProperties, responseProperties);
        return null;

    The REST request sent to a map service carries lots of information, including request headers, output format, request parameters, operation name, and other service information. Request headers are returned by requestProperties. The output format is returned by outputFormat, which can be JSON, GeoJSON, image, and so on, depending on the specific operation. Request parameters are passed in as operationInput. The capabilities, resourceName, and operationName variables are usually used to locate the specific service operation to intercept.

    The handleRESTRequest() method in the above code is used to process the REST request and generate a byte-array response. Right now, this code doesn't modify any request or response, and just let through the request as default.

    To modify the request, you can modify the request parameters, such as changing certain operationInput parameters and passing the updated parameters to the restRequestHandler.handleRESTRequest() method.

    To modify the response, you can customize the return byte array object. For example, if the result of a map service query is a JSON, you can first get a byte array object from the restRequestHandler.handleRESTRequest() method, and then convert this byte-array object to a JSON object and customize the JSON object based on your business logic. Finally, you can pack the updated JSON object back to a byte array and return it for the above handleRESTRequest() method. Additionally, you can also provide your custom response headers by assigning responseProperties.

    Similarly, you can use the handleStringRequest() method to intercept SOAP requests, the handleBinaryRequest() for certain requests sent from ArcMap, and the handleStringWebRequest() method for OGC service requests.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
