Class |
Description |
AddRastersParameters |
Analysis |
Represents base class for all analyses that can be performed on a
SceneView .
AnalysisOverlay |
An AnalysisOverlay manages the display of one or more Analysis .
AngularUnit |
Indicates the units of an angular measurement, for example the units of a geographic spatial reference, or angle
measurement operation.
AngularUnitId |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used angular units of measurement.
AnimationCurve |
Control how the map view is moved between positions.
AnnotationLayer |
A layer that can visualize annotation text data.
AnnotationSublayer |
Allows you to interrogate the properties of a sublayer within an annotation layer and to change the visibility of
the sublayer.
AntiAliasingMode |
Various antialiasing modes.
ApiKeyResource |
An interface for getting and setting the API key of an object.
ArcadeConsoleMessageContext |
Provides information about the execution context where an Arcade console function is invoked.
ArcadeConsoleMessageEvent |
Represents the result of evaluating an Arcade console message, which appeared in an Arcade script.
ArcadeConsoleMessageListener |
ArcadeEvaluationResult |
The result from the successful evaluation of an Arcade Expression.
ArcadeEvaluator |
ArcadeExpression |
An Arcade expression, containing an expression, a name, a return type and a title.
ArcadeExpressionReturnType |
The expected type of the result calculated by an expression described within an ArcadeExpression .
ArcadeLabelExpression |
An expression script using the Arcade language.
ArcadeProfile |
The execution context a script will run under.
ArcGISFeature |
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo |
Represents metadata about an individual layer or table in an ArcGIS Feature Service.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.ServiceType |
The type of the dataset underlying an ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo
ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo |
Represents service information for an ArcGIS Feature Service.
ArcGISFeatureTable |
Represents a feature table created from an ArcGIS feature service.
ArcGISImageServiceInfo |
ArcGISKeyStoreException |
An exception indicating that applying a client certificate on the Http client keystore failed.
ArcGISMap |
An ArcGISMap contains layers of mapping data as well as other information which define the maps capabilities (e.g.
ArcGISMap.BasemapChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the Basemap of the ArcGISMap has changed.
ArcGISMap.BasemapChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the Basemap of the ArcGISMap changes.
ArcGISMapImageLayer |
Displays data from an ArcGIS Map service by using dynamically generated map images.
ArcGISMapImageLayer.ImageFormat |
Defines image formats supported by a map image service.
ArcGISMapImageSublayer |
An ArcGIS map image sublayer.
ArcGISMapServiceInfo |
Represents the map service metadata for an ArcGIS Map Service.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo |
Represents the metadata for an ArcGIS Map Service sublayer, indicating a range of appearance and behaviour properties
as defined by the referenced map service.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo.ServiceType |
An enumeration of the different types of the ArcGIS Map Service sublayer.
ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment |
Defines an ArcGIS Runtime Environment object.
ArcGISRuntimeException |
An exception that represents an error in the ArcGIS Runtime.
ArcGISRuntimeException.ErrorDomain |
Defines an enumeration of domains of where errors occur.
ArcGISScene |
An ArcGISScene contains the layers of mapping data which are visualized in a SceneView.
ArcGISScene.BasemapChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the Basemap of the source has changed.
ArcGISScene.BasemapChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the Basemap of the ArcGISScene changes.
ArcGISScene.SceneViewTilingScheme |
Defines types of tiling scheme used for tiled layers.
ArcGISSceneLayer |
A layer to visualize an ArcGIS scene service.
ArcGISSublayer |
ArcGISSublayer represents the base class for all sublayer types.
ArcGISTiledElevationSource |
A tile based elevation service.
ArcGISTiledLayer |
Displays data from a ArcGIS Map service using pre-generated tiles.
ArcGISTiledSublayer |
Represents a sublayer of a tiled map service.
ArcGISVectorTiledLayer |
Displays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source.
AreaUnit |
Indicates the units of an area measurement operation.
AreaUnitId |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of area measurement.
AtmosphereEffect |
Defines the atmosphere effect associated with the SceneView.
Attachment |
Represents a feature attachment.
AttachmentsPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type attachments that displays the attachments associated with a
geoelement in a pop-up.
AttributeParameterValue |
Represents an attribute and corresponding parameter name-value pair.
AttributeUnit |
Defines the units in which the cost values are measured.
AttributionTextChangedEvent |
An event representing a change in the attribution text of a GeoView .
AttributionTextChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving attribution text changed events from a GeoView .
AuthenticationChallenge |
Represents an authentication challenge that is presented upon encountering an authentication error.
AuthenticationChallenge.Type |
Specifies the different types of authentication challenges that can be raised.
AuthenticationChallengeHandler |
Interface for handling AuthenticationChallenge issues.
AuthenticationChallengeResponse |
Represents a response to an AuthenticationChallenge, indicating the action to be taken, and
potentially a parameter with which to complete the action.
AuthenticationChallengeResponse.Action |
Enum specifying the possible actions that can be taken in response to an AuthenticationChallenge.
AuthenticationManager |
Manages user authentication when connecting to secured services.
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache |
Encapsulates a map of server contexts to credentials that may be used to access them.
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache.CredentialCacheChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the CredentialCache has changed.
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache.CredentialCacheChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the CredentialCache changes.
AuthenticationType |
The supported authentication types.
BackgroundGrid |
BackgroundGrid determines what a view looks like without anything in it.
BarrierType |
Specifies whether a Barrier is causing the restriction in the Route or is just going to the increase the cost
of following the route.
Basemap |
A basemap is a non-editable layer that provides background, or reference information, in your map.
Basemap.Type |
BasemapStyle |
The list of basemap styles.
BaseStretchRenderer |
Defines a class common to all stretch renderers.
BingMapsLayer |
Displays Bing maps layers.
BingMapsLayer.Style |
The list of Bing maps layer styles.
BlendRenderer |
Extends a hillshade renderer with options to provide minimum and maximum stretch values, gamma adjustments, elevation
raster, color ramp.
Bookmark |
A spatial bookmark that identifies a particular geographic location and time on an ArcGISMap.
BookmarkList |
Represents the bookmarks of an ArcGISMap.
Callout |
A Callout typically displays text and image content from a GeoElement, such as a Feature.
Callout.LeaderPosition |
Indicates the side of a callout on which the leader is drawn.
Camera |
Represents an immutable camera object.
CameraController |
A CameraController defines how the interactions on a SceneView affect the position of the Camera .
CameraDistanceChangedEvent<S extends CameraController> |
An event that indicates that the distance between camera and the target has changed.
CameraDistanceChangedListener<S extends CameraController> |
The listener interface for receiving camera distance changed events from a CameraController .
CameraHeadingOffsetChangedEvent<S extends CameraController> |
An event that indicates that the camera heading offset has changed.
CameraHeadingOffsetChangedListener<S extends CameraController> |
The listener interface for receiving camera heading offset changed events from a CameraController .
CameraPitchOffsetChangedEvent<S extends CameraController> |
An event that indicates that the camera pitch offset has changed.
CameraPitchOffsetChangedListener<S extends CameraController> |
The listener interface for receiving camera pitch offset changed events from a CameraController .
CertificateCredential |
Represents a digital certificate used to access certificate secured resources.
ClassBreaksRenderer |
Defines a class breaks renderer which symbolizes each feature based on the value of some numeric field.
ClassBreaksRenderer.ClassBreak |
ClassBreaksRenderer.NormalizationType |
Defines the different normalization types that can be applied to values by a class breaks renderer.
ClassBreaksRenderer.RendererClassificationMethod |
The classification method used to generate class breaks.
ClosestFacilityParameters |
ClosestFacilityResult |
ClosestFacilityRoute |
ClosestFacilityTask |
A task to measure the cost of traveling between incidents and facilities and to determine which are nearest to one another.
ClosestFacilityTaskInfo |
Describes the transportation network that a closest facility is bound to.
CodedValue |
Represents a coded value object in a domain.
CodedValueDescription |
An object that describes a CodedValue to be created.
CodedValueDomain |
A domain which specifies an explicit set of valid values for a Field .
CodedValueDomainDescription |
Colormap |
Represents a raster color map.
ColormapRenderer |
Defines a renderer that uses a color map.
ColorRamp |
Represents a color ramp that can be applied to some of the raster renderers.
ColorRamp.PresetType |
Defines presets for type of color ramp.
ColorUtil |
Provides convenience methods for converting Java FX Color objects to integer
representations in the format 0xAARRGGBB and vice versa.
CompositeSymbol |
Defines a Symbol that is made of a collection of zero or more symbols.
Contingency |
An object that defines a contingency.
ContingencyConstraintViolation |
An object that defines a contingency constraint violation.
ContingencyConstraintViolationType |
The different types of contingency constraint violations.
ContingentAnyValue |
An object that indicates any domain value is allowed in a contingency.
ContingentCodedValue |
An object that defines a coded value specified in a contingency.
ContingentNullValue |
An object that indicates a null value is allowed in a contingency.
ContingentRangeValue |
An object that defines a min and max range specified in a contingency.
ContingentValue |
An object that defines possible field values for fields participating in contingent field groups.
ContingentValuesDefinition |
An object that defines a contingent values definition.
ContingentValuesResult |
An object that defines possible values for a field in the context of the contingent field groups it participates in.
CoordinateFormatter |
Converts between Points and formatted coordinates notation strings such as
decimal degrees; degrees, minutes, and seconds; U.S.
CoordinateFormatter.GarsConversionMode |
Indicates the location of a point relative to a Global Area Reference System (GARS) cell.
CoordinateFormatter.LatitudeLongitudeFormat |
Supports the formats for representing latitude-longitude geographical coordinates as a string.
CoordinateFormatter.MgrsConversionMode |
Determines the lettering scheme and treatment of coordinates at 180 degrees longitude
when converting Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates.
CoordinateFormatter.UtmConversionMode |
Determines how latitude is designated in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) notation.
CostAttribute |
Represents the cost incurred while traversing a route.
Credential |
Defines the concept of a Credential, allowing various different types of authenticating credentials
to be passed to network requests.
Credential.CredentialChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that one or more properties of this Credential have changed.
Credential.CredentialChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when one or more properties of a Credential have changed.
CredentialCacheEntry |
Represents an entry in the credential cache.
CredentialChangedEvent |
Defines an event indicating that the Portal's Credential has changed.
CredentialChangedListener |
Defines a listener that is notified when the Portal's Credential has been changed.
CredentialPersistence |
This interface provides a means of persisting credentials as they are added, changed, or removed from the
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache as well as loading persisted credentials into the credential cache.
CubicBezierSegment |
A cubic Bezier curve for use in a multipart geometry.
CurbApproach |
Specifies the direction a vehicle may arrive at and depart from the network location.
DashGeometricEffect |
Represents a GeometricEffect for dashes on lines.
DatumTransformation |
Represents a function to convert between the coordinate systems.
DefaultAuthenticationChallengeHandler |
Implements an authentication challenge handler that handles user credential and OAuth challenges.
DictionaryRenderer |
DictionarySymbolStyle |
Defines a mechanism to obtain unique multi-layer symbol style from a given specification, such as mil2525d.
DictionarySymbolStyleConfiguration |
Configuration settings for a custom DictionarySymbolStyle.
DimensionLayer |
A layer that can visualize dimension features data.
DirectionEvent |
DirectionManeuver |
Represents an individual maneuver in a series of turn-by-turn driving directions.
DirectionManeuverType |
Indicates the type of a given DirectionManeuver.
DirectionMessage |
Represents the Directions String.
DirectionMessageType |
Specifies the type of a DirectionMessage.
DirectionsStyle |
Defines network directions output type.
DisplayFilter |
Represents a type used for limiting which features are rendered.
DisplayFilterDefinition |
Provides definition on how features are filtered from the display.
Distance |
Represents a distance which contains a value and its units.
DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol |
A type of Symbol that changes based on the distance, in meters, between the SceneView's Camera and GeoElement
that the Symbol is assigned to.
DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol.Range |
Links a Symbol to a minimum and maximum distance, in meters, from the SceneView's Camera at which this Symbol will
be visible between.
DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol.RangeCollection |
Represents a list of DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol.Range s which link a Symbol to a minimum and maximum distance, in meters, from the
SceneView's Camera which the Symbol is visible between.
Domain |
Represents a domain used to define and restrict the valid values for a Field .
DomainDescription |
An object that describes a domain to be created.
DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob |
A job to download an offline map area from an online map as part of the preplanned offline workflow.
DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters |
Parameters used for creating a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob .
DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult |
Represents the result of a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob created by an OfflineMapTask.
DrawingInfo |
Represents drawing information about a feature layer in an ArcGIS feature service or a sub-layer in an ArcGIS map service.
DrawStatus |
Represents the possible drawing states of a GeoView .
DrawStatusChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the drawing state of a GeoView has changed.
DrawStatusChangedListener |
DynamicWorkspace |
Represents information about a workspace to which the LocalMapService can connect in order to
allow the dynamic switching of SublayerSource s within this workspace.
EditFieldsInfo |
Represents information about editor tracking fields: creationDateField, creatorField, editDateField, editorField and
EditorTrackingInfo |
Represents information about an ArcGIS feature service's editor tracking configuration.
EditResult |
EditResult.EditOperation |
ElevationServiceInfo |
Represents a Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service that is provided by the portal.
ElevationSource |
Abstract class representing elevation sources e.g.
EllipticArcSegment |
An elliptic arc segment for use in a multipart geometry.
EncCell |
Represents a single ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart) data source in S-57 data transfer format (*.000 file).
EncDataset |
EncEnvironmentSettings |
Represents settings for ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart) that are applied to all instances of
EncCell and EncLayer .
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings |
Represents various settings used to control display of features in all EncLayers .
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings |
Represents settings to control display of Independent Mariner Selections.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.AreaSymbolizationType |
Represents the type of symbols used to display area features.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.ColorScheme |
Represents various color schemes that effect all layers on the map.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.DisplayCategories |
Represents settings in the S-52 standard that allow selection of different display categories.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.DisplayDepthUnits |
Represents the units used to display soundings and contours.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.PointSymbolizationType |
Represents the type of symbol used to display point features.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.TextGroupVisibilitySettings |
Represents various display settings related to Text Groupings S-57 Objects and Attribute Acronyms as
defined in section 14.4 in the specification.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.ViewingGroupSettings |
Represents various display settings related to the
ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems) viewing groups.
EncExchangeSet |
An Exchange set is a package of files that contains a catalog file and one or more S57 dataset files and other data.
EncFeature |
Represents a feature within an ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart).
EncLayer |
A layer that displays ENC data.
EnterpriseGeodatabaseWorkspace |
An enterprise geodatabase workspace can be used to create a SublayerSource
which displays data from the database.
EnterpriseGeodatabaseWorkspace.ConnectionType |
The types of ArcSDE connection.
Envelope |
A geometry that represents a rectangular shape.
EnvelopeBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Envelope geometries.
EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption |
Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service.
EstimateTileCacheSizeJob |
A Job that estimates the size of a tile cache from a service.
EstimateTileCacheSizeResult |
Represents the estimated size of an exported tile cache.
Expiration |
Expiration details that indicate whether a given package is out of date.
ExpirationType |
Represents the types of expiration.
ExportTileCacheJob |
A Job that exports a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) from a service.
ExportTileCacheParameters |
Represents the input parameters for export tile cache operations.
ExportTileCacheTask |
A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx).
ExportVectorTilesJob |
A Job that exports a vector tile cache from an ArcGIS vector tiles service.
ExportVectorTilesParameters |
Represents the input parameters for an ExportVectorTilesTask operation.
ExportVectorTilesResult |
Represents the result of executing an ExportVectorTilesJob operation.
ExportVectorTilesTask |
A task used to export vector tiles and optionally a portal item's vector tile style resources.
ExpressionPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type expression that defines a pop-up element with an Arcade expression.
ExtendOptions |
ExtensionLicense |
Provides information about Runtime extension license.
Facility |
Represents facility.
FacilityLayerDefinition |
Defines the properties for the layer that contains facilities for a floor-aware map or scene.
Feature |
A representation of a real-world object on a map.
FeatureCollection |
FeatureCollectionLayer |
A layer that can visualize a feature collection.
FeatureCollectionTable |
FeatureEditResult |
An object that represents the results of an attempt to push an feature update to a feature service.
FeatureFenceParameters |
Geotrigger fence data created from features.
FeatureLayer |
A layer that can visualize vector/feature data.
FeatureLayer.RenderingMode |
The different modes of rendering features.
FeatureLayer.SelectionMode |
Represents the modes used for selecting features.
FeatureQueryResult |
Represents the result of a query on a FeatureTable.
FeatureServiceCapabilities |
Represents capabilities supported by an ArcGIS feature service, accessed from the feature layers info object ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo .
FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo |
Represents the metadata for a Feature service layer.
FeatureServiceSessionType |
An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data.
FeatureSet |
This interface encapsulates read-only properties that can be applied to all types of FeatureSets.
FeatureSubtype |
Defines a feature subtype.
FeatureTable |
FeatureTableEditResult |
FeatureTemplate |
Represents a feature template which may contain default, also known as prototype, attribute values for an ArcGISFeature 's Field s.
FeatureTemplate.DrawingTool |
Represents a drawing tool which can be used to digitize geometries.
FeatureTilingMode |
Feature tiling modes available to feature layers.
FeatureType |
A feature type represents a class (sometimes called sub-type) of feature that can be contained in an ArcGISFeatureTable .
FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship |
The spatial relationship that determines when a fence has been entered or exited.
FenceGeotrigger |
FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode |
FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo |
FenceNotificationType |
FenceParameters |
FenceRuleType |
The rule or query that determines whether a FenceGeotrigger condition is met.
Field |
Field.Type |
The different row value types.
FieldDescription |
An object that describes a Field to be created.
FieldGroup |
An object that defines a field group.
FieldsPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type fields that defines an array of PopupField displayed
as a table within a pop-up for a geoelement.
FileGeodatabaseWorkspace |
A file geodatabase workspace can be used to create a SublayerSource that
displays data from the geodatabase.
FillSymbol |
Defines a FillSymbol's basic functionality and is base class for all FillSymbols.
FillSymbolLayer |
A base class for fill symbol layers.
FloorAware |
An interface that can be implemented by layers that support floor filtering.
FloorFacility |
A facility that contains one or more levels for a floor-aware map or scene.
FloorLevel |
A floor level within a facility for a floor-aware map or scene.
FloorManager |
Manages the data displayed by a floor-aware map or scene, allowing filtering based on floor levels.
FloorSite |
A site containing one or more facilities for a floor-aware map or scene.
FrameCameraAddRastersParameters |
Adds raster datasets to a MosaicDatasetRaster by setting various
parameters including the use of frame and camera text files.
FullTimeExtentChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the full time extent of a TimeAware object has changed.
FullTimeExtentChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving full time extent changed events from TimeAware objects.
GenerateGeodatabaseJob |
A Job that requests a feature service to generate a geodatabase file to be downloaded for off-line use.
GenerateGeodatabaseParameters |
GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.AttachmentSyncDirection |
Specifies the direction to synchronize attachments when a geodatabase is synchronized against its originating service.
GenerateLayerOption |
Used in conjunction with GenerateGeodatabaseParameters to refine what layers or tables are included and
allows filtering of features within these layers or tables.
GenerateLayerOption.QueryOption |
Control which features for a layer or table are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.
GenerateOfflineMapJob |
A Job that generates an offline map from an online map.
GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides |
Gives access to the individual parameters objects that will generate the various geodatabase, vector tile and tile
cache packages that make up the data of an offline map.
GenerateOfflineMapParameters |
Represents the parameters that are used for creating a GenerateOfflineMapJob .
GenerateOfflineMapParameters.DestinationTableRowFilter |
Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows.
GenerateOfflineMapParameters.OnlineOnlyServicesOption |
Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline).
GenerateOfflineMapParameters.ReturnLayerAttachmentOption |
Indicates the type of layers for which attachments will be included when taking feature layers offline.
GenerateOfflineMapResult |
Represents the result of a GenerateOfflineMapJob created by an OfflineMapTask.
GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode |
Defines the different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map.
GeocodeParameters |
Holds parameters to be passed to geocode operations.
GeocodeResult |
A match candidate returned from a LocatorTask geocode or reverse geocode operation.
GeocodeServiceInfo |
Represents a geocode service that is provided by the Portal.
Geodatabase |
A mobile geodatabase containing offline feature data.
Geodatabase.TransactionStatusChangedEvent<S extends Geodatabase> |
An event indicating that the transaction status has changed.
Geodatabase.TransactionStatusChangedListener |
Listens for the transaction status change when a transaction starts or ends (either committed or rolled back).
GeodatabaseDataset |
An interface of common part of functionality for all geodatabase datasets.
GeodatabaseDeltaInfo |
Represents the delta files created to synchronize changes to a Geodatabase .
GeodatabaseFeatureTable |
GeodatabaseSyncTask |
A task that can be used to create, download, and synchronize a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase from a sync-enabled ArcGIS
Feature service.
GeodesicEllipseParameters |
Defines parameters used to create a geodesic ellipse.
GeodesicSectorParameters |
Defines parameters used to create a geodesic sector.
GeodeticCurveType |
The different geodetic curve types.
GeodeticDistanceResult |
GeoElement |
Common interface for entities which possess both a geometry and attribute table.
GeoElementLineOfSight |
GeoElement Line of Sight analysis calculates segments of visibility between two GeoElements.
GeoElementViewshed |
GeoElementViewshed can be used to perform viewshed analysis from a location, known as an observer,
where the observer's location and direction are relative to those of the GeoElement.
GeographicTransformation |
Represents a function used to transform coordinates of geometries between spatial references that have two different
geographic coordinate systems.
GeographicTransformationStep |
Represents a step in the process of transforming coordinates from one datum to another.
GeometricEffect |
Represents a geometric effect which is a component of display rules that dynamically alter the representation of a
symbol layer.
Geometry |
Base class for all classes that represent geometric shapes.
GeometryBuilder |
Base class for builders that allow immutable geometries to be defined incrementally.
GeometryBuilderType |
The different types of geometry builders.
GeometryDimension |
Indicates the dimensionality of a Geometry, relating to the number of spatial dimensions in which the geometry may
have a size.
GeometryEngine |
GeometryOffsetType |
Defines the type of joints when calculating an offset from a geometry.
GeometryType |
Indicates the subtype of a Geometry.
GeoModel |
GeoModelFloorDefinition |
Contains floor-awareness settings for a map or scene.
GeoPackage |
A GeoPackage is an open, standards-based, platform-independent, portable, self-describing, compact format for
transferring geospatial information.
GeoPackageFeatureTable |
A GeoPackageFeatureTable supports core GeoPackage geometry types and represents them as Point, Multipoint, Polyline,
or Polygon.
GeoPackageRaster |
A GeoPackageRaster represents GeoPackage images of types PNG or JPEG.
GeoprocessingBoolean |
Corresponds to GPBoolean parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingDataFile |
Corresponds to GPDataFile parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingDate |
Corresponds to GPDate parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingDouble |
Corresponds to GPDouble parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingFeatures |
Corresponds to GPRecordSet and GPFeatureRecordSetLayer parameter types in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingFeatureSet |
GeoprocessingJob |
Geoprocessing job is used to run the geoprocessing task on the service.
GeoprocessingLinearUnit |
Corresponds to GPLinearUnit parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingLinearUnit.Unit |
The list of geoprocessing linear unit types.
GeoprocessingLong |
Corresponds to GPLong parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingMultiValue |
Corresponds to GPMultiValue parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingParameter |
Base class for all concrete parameters types that can be used in geoprocessing.
GeoprocessingParameter.Type |
Geoprocessing parameter types.
GeoprocessingParameterInfo |
Provides information on a single input or output parameter of a geoprocessing task.
GeoprocessingParameterInfo.Direction |
Defines whether a GeoprocessingParameterInfo represents an input or an output parameter.
GeoprocessingParameters |
Geoprocessing parameters contains input parameters that are sent to the target geoprocessing task.
GeoprocessingParameters.ExecutionType |
The list of geoprocessing execution types.
GeoprocessingRaster |
Corresponds to GPRasterData and GPRasterDataLayer parameter types in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingResult |
Contains output parameters returned from the service.
GeoprocessingString |
Corresponds to GPString parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingTask |
The GeoprocessingTask class is used to run a geoprocessing task that is published as a web service.
GeoprocessingTaskInfo |
GeoprocessingUnknownParameter |
Represents an output parameter that is a new type of geoprocessing parameter that's not currently supported.
Geotrigger |
GeotriggerFeed |
GeotriggerMonitor |
GeotriggerMonitorNotificationEvent |
GeotriggerMonitorNotificationEventListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to GeotriggerMonitorNotificationEventListener events.
GeotriggerMonitorStatus |
GeotriggerMonitorStatusChangedEvent |
GeotriggerMonitorStatusChangedEventListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to GeotriggerMonitorStatusChangedEventListener events.
GeotriggerMonitorWarningChangedEvent |
GeotriggerMonitorWarningChangedEventListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to GeotriggerMonitoringErrorChangedEventListener events.
GeotriggerNotificationInfo |
Provides details about a Geotrigger condition that has been met.
GeotriggersInfo |
GeoView |
A GeoView is the base class for working with views in an MVC architecture.
GlobeCameraController |
Represents the default camera controller.
Graphic |
A Graphic consists of a Geometry , optional attributes , and is drawn on a map using a
symbol or renderer.
GraphicFenceParameters |
Geotrigger fence parameters data created from graphics.
GraphicsOverlay |
A GraphicsOverlay manages the display of one or more Graphic s on a GeoView.
GraphicsOverlay.RenderingMode |
Rendering modes available for graphics overlays
GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters |
Grid |
Represents options to display a grid on top of a MapView.
Grid.LabelPosition |
Represents options for positioning grid labels on the MapView.
GroupLayer |
A container for other layers and group layers.
GroupVisibilityMode |
Defines the visibility modes on a group layer.
HatchFillSymbolLayer |
Represents a symbol layer for polygon geometries that are filled with hatch lines, uniformly spaced parallel lines.
HeatmapRenderer |
Uses the points in a layer to calculate and display the relative density of points on a map.
HelperServices |
Container for helper services that are provided by the portal.
HillshadeRenderer |
Renderer that uses a hillshade.
HistogramEqualizationStretchParameters |
Represents histogram equalization stretch parameters.
HorizontalVerticalTransformation |
Used to transform coordinates of z-aware geometries between spatial references that have different
geographic and/or vertical coordinate systems.
HorizontalVerticalTransformationStep |
Represents a step in the process of transforming between horizontal and/or vertical datums.
HttpResponseException |
Signals a non 2xx HTTP response.
IconUpdatedEvent |
An event to be fired when the icon of a KmlNode has been updated.
IconUpdatedListener |
The listener interface for receiving the icon updated event of a KmlNode .
IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult |
Represents an identify result from a single GraphicsOverlay in a GeoView.
IdentifyLayerResult |
Represents an identify result at a specific screen location within a specific layer, using one of the
identifyLayersAsync methods on GeoView .
IdInfo |
ImageAdjustmentLayer |
Methods on this class allow a layer image's brightness, contrast and gamma to be changed.
ImageFrame |
A frame that, when added to an ImageOverlay , renders an image on top of a scene.
ImageOverlay |
An overlay that contains a frame with an image to display in the view.
ImageServiceRaster |
ImageServiceRaster provides access to a raster that is retrieved from an ArcGIS image service.
ImageTiledLayer |
A base class for layers that display cached maps.
ImageTiledLayer.BufferSize |
Defines various relative buffer sizes used to indicate the number of
tiles that should be requested from outside the current extent of a
tiled layer.
ImageTiledLayer.NoDataTileBehavior |
Determines how a tile request that returns 'NoData' is resampled.
ImmutablePart |
ImmutablePartCollection |
ImmutablePointCollection |
Represents an immutable collection of Points that compose an immutable Multipoint geometry.
Incident |
Represents incident.
InheritedDomain |
IntegratedMeshLayer |
Represents a layer that can visualize an integrated mesh layer.
InteractionListener |
Defines a listener to handle various input events on a view.
Item |
Abstract base class for items of geographic information, providing metadata and also access to the item content.
ItemResourceCache |
Contains information on resources associated with a vector tile cache.
Job |
Represents the base class of a long running operation that is performed by an ArcGIS Server asynchronous service
Job.Message |
Represents a message indicating progress of a Job.
Job.MessageSeverity |
The different levels of severity of a job message.
Job.MessageSource |
The origin of a job message.
Job.Status |
Signifies the status of a Job.
JobMessage |
A message from a job.
JobMessageAddedEvent |
A callback invoked when a job message is added.
JobMessageAddedListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to JobMessageAdded events.
JsonEmbeddedException |
Represents a json embedded error from a service response, typically
indicates a token secured service that wasn't properly authenticated.
JsonSerializable |
Implemented by classes that can be serialized to and from JSON.
KmlAltitudeMode |
Determines how altitude values should be interpreted.
KmlColorMode |
Defines a KML color mode.
KmlColorStyle |
Defines how KmlNode will appear based on the specified color and KmlColorMode properties.
KmlContainer |
A KML container element holds one or more KML nodes and allows the creation of nested hierarchies.
KmlContainer.ListItemType |
The list of KML list item types.
KmlDataset |
A KML dataset object.
KmlDocument |
A KML document is a container for nodes and styles.
KmlFolder |
KmlGeometry |
A KML geometry contains all the KML specific information associated with a geometry.
KmlGeometry.Type |
The list of KML geometry types.
KmlGroundOverlay |
A KML ground overlay is an image overlay draped on to the terrain.
KmlIcon |
A KML icon.
KmlIconStyle |
A KML icon style.
KmlImageCoordinate |
A KML image coordinate system.
KmlLabelStyle |
Specifies how the name of a KmlNode is draw, including color and style.
KmlLayer |
A layer that can visualize KML data.
KmlLineStyle |
Specifies the drawing style (color, color mode, and line width) for all line geometry.
KmlNetworkLink |
A KML network link references other KML resources, locally or on the network.
KmlNetworkLinkMessageReceivedEvent |
An event that indicates that a network link control message is available.
KmlNetworkLinkMessageReceivedListener |
The listener interface for receiving network link control messages from a KmlDataset .
KmlNode |
A single node within a KML document.
KmlNode.RefreshStatus |
KML node refresh statuses.
KmlNodeBalloonVisibilityChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a Kml node's balloon visibility is changed during a KML tour execution.
KmlNodeBalloonVisibilityChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving balloon visibility changed events for a KML node during a KML tour execution.
KmlNodeRefreshStatusChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a Kml node's refresh status changes.
KmlNodeRefreshStatusChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving refresh status changed events for KML nodes.
KmlPhotoOverlay |
Photo overlays are a legacy KML feature.
KmlPlacemark |
A KML Placemark is a KML node associated with geometries.
KmlPlacemark.GraphicType |
The list of KML graphic types.
KmlPolygonStyle |
Specifies the drawing style for all polygons, including polygon extrusions (which look like buildings)
and line extrusions (which look like solid fences).
KmlRefreshMode |
KML refresh modes.
KmlScreenOverlay |
A KML screen overlay is an image overlay fixed to the screen.
KmlStyle |
Specifies the drawing style for a KmlNode .
KmlTour |
A KML tour is a type of KmlNode, it is usually associated with an executed playlist command.
KmlTourController |
Controls the execution of a KML tour on a SceneView.
KmlTourCurrentPositionChangedEvent |
An event to inform its listener when the current position of a KML tour changes.
KmlTourCurrentPositionChangedListener |
The interface for receiving current position changed events for a KML tour.
KmlTourStatus |
KML tour execution status.
KmlTourStatusChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a Kml tour's status changed.
KmlTourStatusChangedListener |
The listener for receiving KML tour status changed events for a KmlTour.
KmlTourTotalDurationChangedEvent |
An event to inform its listener when the total duration of a KML tour changes.
KmlTourTotalDurationChangedListener |
The interface for receiving total duration changed events for a KML tour.
KmlUnitsType |
A KML units type.
KmlViewpoint |
A KML viewpoint contains information about a viewer's position, defined as either a
LookAt relationship
to another object or a camera.
KmlViewpoint.Type |
The list of view types.
KmlViewRefreshMode |
List of KML view refresh modes.
LabelAngle |
Specifies how to calculate the angular position and layout direction for labels on or around point feature symbols.
LabelAngleRotationType |
How the placement angle should be interpreted.
LabelBarrierWeight |
The weight of features when considered as barriers to labeling.
LabelDeconflictionStrategy |
The strategy for moving labels to avoid overlapping point symbols or higher priority labels.
LabelDefinition |
An object that defines the text, appearance, and position of labels for features within a given scale range.
LabelExpression |
Abstract base class for the different types of expressions that can be used to create label text.
LabelingInfo |
An object that defines the text, appearance and position of labels for features for a given scale range.
LabelingPlacement |
Defines the labeling placement options.
LabelLineConnection |
The strategy for whether line features with the same label, and matching end vertices, should be joined before
sharing a label.
LabelMultipartStrategy |
The strategy for the number of labels to be placed on a multipart feature.
LabelOverlapStrategy |
The strategy for whether another label is allowed to be placed over this feature or label.
LabelOverrunStrategy |
The strategy for whether a label should be visible at viewing scales where the feature is too small for the label to
LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy |
The strategy for whether labels should be removed if they have the same text as other labels,
to reduce clutter and free up space.
LabelRepeatStrategy |
The strategy for whether a label should have multiple copies created and placed along or across the same feature.
LabelStackAlignment |
The strategy for how multi-row (stacked) text should be horizontally aligned.
LabelStackBreakPosition |
The strategy for whether a row of text should be broken before or after it exceeds the ideal length.
LabelStackSeparator |
A separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text.
LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition |
The position where the separator character in a label will be written, if used.
LabelStackStrategy |
The strategy for whether the text should be stacked or wrapped, rather than place long trailing labels across the
LabelTextLayout |
The layout to use for label text, which can be either horizontal, straight, perpendicular, or follow the line
LabelTextOrientation |
The orientation of label text.
LatitudeLongitudeGrid |
Represents a grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude (also known as
LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat |
Represents the possible grid label distance formats that can be displayed to grid.
Layer |
The abstract base class of all layer types.
LayerContent |
A layer implements this interface to provide information about the layer
visibility, the layer legend, and the sub layers hierarchy.
LayerFloorDefinition |
Describes how features in a FloorAware layer are associated with floor levels of a facility.
LayerList |
Represents the operational layers of an ArcGISMap or the base or reference layers of a Basemap.
LayerSceneProperties |
A set of properties for displaying a layer or a graphics overlay in 3D space.
LayerSceneProperties.SurfacePlacement |
Handles the altitude of objects from a layer or graphics overlay in 3D space.
LayerTimeInfo |
Metadata about a Layer or Sublayers support for time.
LayerViewState |
A layer view state object.
LayerViewStateChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the view state of a layer in a GeoView has changed.
LayerViewStateChangedListener |
LayerViewStatus |
The status of a layer in the GeoView .
LegendInfo |
Represents a single legend item.
LevelLayerDefinition |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains floor levels for a floor-aware map or scene.
LevelOfDetail |
Represents a single level of detail in a tiled map service.
License |
Provides methods to manage the license of the ArcGIS Runtime.
LicenseInfo |
Contains information for licensing an app from a portal instance.
LicenseLevel |
ArcGIS Runtime license levels.
LicenseResult |
Runtime license result information.
LicenseStatus |
Represents the status of license after it is applied.
LicenseType |
Type of license.
LightingMode |
Defines the Sun lighting mode associated with the SceneView .
LinearUnit |
Indicates the units of a linear distance, for example the units of a projected spatial reference, or
line measurement operation.
LinearUnitId |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of linear measurement.
LineOfSight |
Line of Sight analysis calculates segments of visibility between two points.
LineOfSight.TargetVisibility |
Specifies the target's visibility.
LineOfSight.TargetVisibilityChangedEvent |
An event indicating that the target visibility has changed.
LineOfSight.TargetVisibilityChangedListener |
Listener for changes in target visibility.
LineSegment |
Represents a straight line between a start and end Point.
LineSymbol |
Defines a LineSymbol's basic functionality and is the base class for all LineSymbols.
ListChangedEvent<T> |
Event indicating that an item has been added to or removed from a list that implements ListenableList.
ListChangedEvent.Action |
Indicates the type of change that occurred on the list.
ListChangedListener<E> |
Implement this interface to handle item added and removed events on a ListenableList instance.
ListenableFuture<V> |
A specialized Future that allows listeners to be set to run when the
asynchronous computation is done.
ListenableList<E> |
This interface defines a listenable version of a List.
Loadable |
An interface for loading metadata for an object.
LoadSettings |
Contains properties that set the rendering behavior for a map or scene as it loads.
LoadStatus |
The load status for the object.
LoadStatusChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the load status of a Loadable changed.
LoadStatusChangedListener |
LocalFeatureEdit |
An object that represents a pending feature edit specifying
its edit operation and most recent edit time.
LocalFeatureEditsResult |
An object that represents the LocalFeatureEdit results in ascending order based on edit time.
LocalFeatureService |
Class representing a local feature service.
LocalGeoprocessingService |
A class representing a local geoprocessing service which runs on an instance of Local Server.
LocalGeoprocessingService.ServiceType |
The geoprocessing service types.
LocalItem |
Defines a LocalItem.
LocalItem.Type |
Defines a LocalItem Type.
LocalMapService |
Class representing a local map service.
LocalServer |
A singleton class representing a Local Server instance.
LocalServer.StatusChangedListener |
LocalServerStatus |
Local server and service states.
LocalService |
Class representing a service on a local server.
LocalService.StatusChangedListener |
LocationDataSource |
An abstract data source that provides location updates to the associated MapView's LocationDisplay.
LocationDataSource.ErrorChangedListener |
LocationDataSource.HeadingChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving heading changed events from a LocationDataSource.
LocationDataSource.Location |
A location update provided by a LocationDataSource, consisting primarily of a Point representing a
geographical location, and attributes of location change such as the course (direction of travel), and the velocity
(speed of location change).
LocationDataSource.LocationChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving location changed events from a LocationDataSource.
LocationDataSource.Status |
The enumeration of possible LocationDataSource statuses.
LocationDataSource.StatusChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving status changed events from a LocationDataSource.
LocationDisplay |
Manages display of current location in a MapView.
LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode |
Defines how the MapView behaves when location updates are received.
LocationDisplay.AutoPanModeChangedEvent |
Holds information from a change to the AutoPanMode of a LocationDisplay.
LocationDisplay.AutoPanModeChangedListener |
Defines methods that are called when the AutoPanMode of a LocationDisplay changes.
LocationDisplay.DataSourceStatusChangedEvent |
Holds information from a change to the status of a LocationDataSource.
LocationDisplay.DataSourceStatusChangedListener |
Defines methods that are called when the LocationDataSource of a LocationDisplay is started or stopped.
LocationDisplay.LocationChangedEvent |
Holds information from a change to the Location of a LocationDisplay.
LocationDisplay.LocationChangedListener |
Defines methods that are called when the Location of a LocationDisplay changes.
LocationDistanceMeasurement |
LocationDistanceMeasurement measures the distance between a start and an end location (each using
Point geometry).
LocationDistanceMeasurement.MeasurementChangedEvent |
Represents the event for changes in distances.
LocationDistanceMeasurement.MeasurementChangedListener |
Listener for changes in the distances.
LocationGeotriggerFeed |
LocationLineOfSight |
Location Line of Sight analysis calculates segments of visibility between two Point objects.
LocationStatus |
Specifies the status of location of a Stop or a PointBarrier.
LocationToScreenResult |
Class combining a 2D screen point and visibility of a location.
LocationToScreenResult.SceneLocationVisibility |
LocationViewshed |
LocatorAttribute |
Represents an attribute that can be used as input to multi-line geocode operations.
LocatorAttribute.Type |
Signifies the type of a LocatorAttribute.
LocatorInfo |
Holds information about a LocatorTask.
LocatorTask |
A task used to convert an address to a point (geocode) or vice-versa (reverse geocode).
ManualDisplayFilterDefinition |
Filter features from the display based on the specified active display filter.
MapRotationChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that rotation of the MapView has changed.
MapRotationChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving rotation changed events from a MapView .
MapScaleChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that scale of the MapView has changed.
MapScaleChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving scale changed events from a MapView .
MapServiceCapabilities |
Indicates the capabilities of an ArcGIS map service, including whether it supports exporting map images, data
and query operations.
MapServiceLayerIdInfo |
Represents the sub layer metadata for a Map service.
MapSublayerSource |
A map sublayer source refers to a layer in the current map service.
MapView |
A MapView renders data from an ArcGISMap and allows users to interact with the map.
MapView.DefaultInteractionListener |
Default listener to handle input events on the map view.
MarkerSceneSymbol |
Defines a MarkerSceneSymbol which is a SceneSymbol based on simple 3D geometries (e.g., sphere) or 3D models (e.g.,
COLLADA file format):
Color, color of the symbol.
Width, width of the symbol .
Height, height of the symbol .
Depth, depth of the symbol .
Pitch, pitch of the symbol.
Roll, roll of the symbol.
Heading, heading of the symbol.
MarkerSymbol |
Defines a MarkerSymbol's basic functionality and is the base class for all MarkerSymbols, including TextSymbols.
MarkerSymbol.AngleAlignment |
Defines whether the rotation of a Symbol is relative to the map or the user's screen.
MarkerSymbolLayer |
A base class for marker symbol layer, representing a symobl layer used to display a marker.
MediaPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type media that defines an individual or array of chart and/or image
to display in a pop-up for a geoelement.
MgrsGrid |
Represents a MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) for displaying on a MapView.
MgrsGrid.LabelUnit |
Represents the possible grid label distance units that can be displayed to grid.
MinMaxStretchParameters |
Represents a minimum/maximum stretch parameters.
MismatchedHostnameException |
Represents an exception caused by an SSL certificate whose hostname does not match the common
name or any of the subject alternative domain names specified in the certificate.
MobileBasemapLayer |
A layer that can visualize the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package.
MobileMapPackage |
A mobile map package.
MobileScenePackage |
A mobile scene package.
ModelSceneSymbol |
A marker symbol based on a 3D model that can be displayed in a scene by a
SceneView .
MosaicDatasetRaster |
Represents a geodatabase model designed for managing collection of images.
MosaicMethod |
Enumerates mosaic method types.
MosaicOperation |
Enumerates mosaic operation types.
MosaicRule |
A rule determining how a requested image should participate in the mosaic.
MultilayerPointSymbol |
Used to render point or multipoint geometries, these symbols are built from multiple layers of symbols.
MultilayerPolygonSymbol |
Used to render polygon geometries, these symbols are built from multiple layers of symbols.
MultilayerPolylineSymbol |
Used to render polyline geometries, these symbols are built from multiple layers of symbols.
MultilayerSymbol |
A base class for multilayer symbols.
Multipart |
Defines common members for polyline and polygon multipart geometries.
MultipartBuilder |
Represents a builder for geometries made up of multiple parts, such as Polyline and Polygon .
Multipoint |
An ordered collection of points that can be managed as a single geometry.
MultipointBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Multipoint geometries.
NavigationChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the navigation status of a GeoView has changed.
NavigationChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving navigation changed events from a GeoView .
NavigationConstraint |
The options for constraining navigation based on the surface elevation.
NetworkDirectionsSupport |
The various types of directions support.
NetworkLocation |
Represents a specific location/position along a transportation network source feature.
NmeaAccuracyType |
The list of NMEA accuracy types.
NmeaFixType |
The list of NMEA fix types.
NmeaGnssSystem |
Enumeration of supported GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems.
NmeaLocationDataSource |
This object will parse specific NMEA messages pushed into it.
NmeaLocationDataSource.NmeaLocation |
An NMEA location object.
NmeaLocationDataSource.SatellitesChangedEvent |
An event representing a change of satellite information.
NmeaLocationDataSource.SatellitesChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving satellite changed events.
NmeaSatelliteInfo |
An NMEA satellite info object.
OAuthConfiguration |
OAuthTokenCredential |
Encapsulates a credential created from the OAuth workflow.
OAuthTokenCredentialRequest |
Performs a request to retrieve an OAuthTokenCredential.
OfflineCapability |
Describes whether a layer or table can be included in an offline map.
OfflineMapCapabilities |
Represents the capability of taking an online map's layers and tables offline.
OfflineMapItemInfo |
Contains metadata for an offline map item.
OfflineMapParametersKey |
Represents a key comprised of a service URL and a type of an online service.
OfflineMapParametersKey.Type |
Indicates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline.
OfflineMapSyncJob |
A Job that synchronizes an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services.
OfflineMapSyncLayerResult |
Represents the result of an OfflineMapSyncJob for a single layer or table.
OfflineMapSyncParameters |
Represents the parameters that are used to create an OfflineMapSyncJob.
OfflineMapSyncResult |
Represents the result of an OfflineMapSyncJob created by an OfflineMapSyncTask.
OfflineMapSyncTask |
A task used to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services.
OfflineMapTask |
A task used to take a map offline.
OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities |
Describes supported methods for obtaining updates for an offline map.
OfflineMapUpdatesInfo |
Provides information on the available updates for an offline map.
OfflineSettings |
Settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use.
OfflineUpdateAvailability |
Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be
OgcAxisOrder |
Represents the different ways to treat the x/y coordinates order.
OgcFeatureCollectionInfo |
Provides the metadata of a layer (feature collection) in an "OGC API - Features" service.
OgcFeatureCollectionTable |
An OGC API - Features feature collection table.
OgcFeatureService |
Represents an "OGC API - Features" service.
OgcFeatureServiceInfo |
Provides the metadata for an "OGC API - Features" service.
OpenStreetMapLayer |
A layer that requests images from OpenStreetMap servers.
OrbitGeoElementCameraController |
Represents a camera controller that restricts the scene view's camera to a (possibly moving) GeoElement .
OrbitLocationCameraController |
Represents a camera controller that restricts the scene view's camera to orbit a fixed location.
OriginCameraChangedEvent |
An event representing the change of the origin camera of a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
OriginCameraChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving origin camera changed events from a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
OwnershipBasedAccessControlInfo |
Represents information about the ownership-based access control for the features of a feature service layer.
Part |
Represents a mutable collection of Segment s that define the shape of a part of a Multipart
geometry under construction.
PartCollection |
PercentClipStretchParameters |
Represents a percent clip stretch parameters.
PictureFillSymbol |
Uses an image to symbolize the fill for a polygon geoelement.
PictureFillSymbolLayer |
Represents a polygon geometry filled with an image.
PictureMarkerSymbol |
Uses an image to symbolize geoelements that have point or multipoint geometry.
PictureMarkerSymbolLayer |
PictureMarkerSymbolLayers can be used to symbolize point geometries with an image.
PixelType |
Various types of pixel, also known as bit depth, in a raster.
Point |
A location defined by x and y (and optionally z) coordinates.
PointBarrier |
Represents a point barrier that can be used to constrain routes generated by RouteTask .
PointBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Point geometries.
PointCloudLayer |
Represents a layer that can visualize a point cloud layer.
PointCollection |
Polygon |
A multipart shape used to represent an area.
PolygonBarrier |
Represents a polygon barrier that can be used to constrain routes generated by RouteTask .
PolygonBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Polygon geometries.
Polyline |
A multipart linear shape.
PolylineBarrier |
Represents a polyline barrier that can be used to constrain routes generated by RouteTask .
PolylineBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Polyline geometries.
Popup |
Represents the combination of a PopupDefinition and a GeoElement , which
allows a visual representation of the GeoElement's attributes as well as the ability
to edit them.
PopupAttachmentsDisplayType |
The type indicating how to display the attachments.
PopupDefinition |
PopupElement |
Represents an element that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement.
PopupExpression |
Defines an Arcade expression within a pop-up.
PopupExpression.ReturnType |
The type of the result returned by an Arcade expression.
PopupExpressionEvaluation |
The result of an attempt to evaluate a popup expression.
PopupField |
Represents how a geoelement's attribute (field) should be displayed in a pop-up.
PopupField.StringFieldOption |
Type of input box editors see when editing the field in a pop-up.
PopupFieldFormat |
Represents the formatting of a field when used in the application.
PopupFieldFormat.DateFormat |
Format of a date field in a pop-up.
PopupMedia |
Represents the media that is displayed in a pop-up for a geo-element.
PopupMedia.Type |
Type of media in a pop-up.
PopupMediaValue |
Represents the media info values correlating to the type of media.
PopupRelatedFeaturesDefinition |
Contains information about displaying related features in a popup.
PopupRelatedFeaturesSortOrder |
Defines the order in which related features of a particular relationship are sorted for displaying in a popup.
PopupSource |
An interface to classes that support pop-up and have a PopupDefinition.
Portal |
Represents an information portal such as ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.
Portal.LoginType |
Signifies the login type for a portal.
Portal.Mode |
Signifies the tenancy mode of a portal.
PortalFolder |
Represents a sub folder in the root folder of a user.
PortalGroup |
Represents a group within a portal.
PortalGroup.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal group, which determines who can access the content of the group.
PortalGroup.SortField |
Signifies the field that items in a portal group are sorted by.
PortalGroup.SortOrder |
Signifies the sort order for items in a portal group.
PortalGroupContentSearchParameters |
Contains search parameters suitable for finding portal items that belong to a portal group.
PortalGroupContentSearchResultSet |
Represents the results of a Group Content Search operation performed on a PortalGroup.
PortalGroupUsers |
Holds the administrators and users for a portal group.
PortalInfo |
Provides information about a Portal as seen by the current user, anonymous or logged in.
PortalInfo.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal or organization for anonymous users.
PortalItem |
Represents an item (a unit of content) stored in an ArcGIS portal.
PortalItem.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal item.
PortalItem.Type |
Represents the type of an item stored in an ArcGIS portal.
PortalItemComment |
Holds the content of a comment on a portal item.
PortalItemContentParameters |
Specifies the content for a new portal item to be added.
PortalItemContentParameters.PortalItemContentType |
Specifies the type of content represented by a PortalItemContentParameters instance.
PortalItemGroups |
Represents the groups a portal item belongs to.
PortalItemMoveError |
PortalItemRelationship |
PortalItemRelationshipDirection |
An enumeration of PortalItem relationship directions.
PortalPrivilege |
Represents a particular privilege possessed by a portal user.
PortalPrivilege.Realm |
Signifies the realm a privilege belongs to.
PortalPrivilege.Role |
Signifies the user role a privilege belongs to.
PortalPrivilege.Subtype |
An enumeration of the fine-grained operation subtypes a portal privilege can permit.
PortalPrivilege.Type |
Signifies the particular type of operation a privilege permits.
PortalQueryParameters |
Contains query parameters suitable for finding content or groups contained in a portal.
PortalQueryParameters.SortOrder |
Signifies the sort order, indicating whether results are returned in ascending or descending order.
PortalQueryResultSet<T> |
Represents the results of queries performed on a Portal.
PortalUser |
Represents a registered user of a portal.
PortalUser.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal user, which determines who can access the user descriptive
PortalUser.Role |
Signifies the role in the organization of a portal user.
PortalUserContent |
Represents user content in a folder.
PreplannedMapArea |
Represents a single preplanned offline map area.
PreplannedPackagingStatus |
Enumerates the different packaging states that an online PreplannedMapArea can be in.
PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption |
Defines the various options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area.
PreplannedUpdateMode |
Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area.
ProximityResult |
QueryParameters |
Represents the input parameters for a query.
QueryParameters.OrderBy |
Represents the field the results are sorted by, and the sort order.
QueryParameters.SortOrder |
Represents the the order in which results of a query are sorted.
QueryParameters.SpatialRelationship |
Defines the spatial relationship between the geometry set on QueryParameters and the geometry of a feature table's feature.
RangeDomain |
A range domain specifies a valid range of attribute values for a numeric Field .
RangeDomainDescription |
Raster |
Represents raster data that can be rendered using a RasterLayer .
RasterCell |
RasterElevationSource |
A raster based elevation source.
RasterFunction |
Represents operations that can be performed on one or more rasters or a mosaic dataset by applying on-the-fly
RasterFunctionArguments |
Represents arguments associated with a raster function.
RasterLayer |
Displays raster data in a map or scene.
RasterRenderer |
RasterSublayerSource |
Raster sublayer source is a file-based raster that resides in a raster workspace that has been registered with a service that supports Dynamic Layers.
RasterWorkspace |
A raster workspace can be used with a RasterSublayerSource to create
a SublayerSource that displays a raster image.
RefreshStatusChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a KML node's refresh status changes.
RefreshStatusChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving refresh status changed events for a KML node.
RelatedFeatureQueryResult |
Represents the results of a related tables query.
RelatedQueryParameters |
Represents the query parameters to perform a related query operation.
RelationshipCardinality |
An enumeration of the different cardinalities of feature table relationships.
RelationshipConstraintViolation |
The various constraint violations that may occur when relating two features.
RelationshipInfo |
Represents the relationship info for a table relationship.
RelationshipRole |
An enumeration of the different roles of feature table relationships.
RemoteResource |
An interface implemented by classes needing to access network-enabled resources which might be secured.
Renderer |
Base class for Renderers and used to draw Features or Graphics to a GeoView.
Renderer.SceneProperties |
This represents renderer properties applicable only to an ArcGISScene.
Renderer.SceneProperties.ExtrusionMode |
RenderingRule |
RenderingRuleInfo |
Represents information about a rendering rule that is predefined on an ArcGIS Image Service.
RequestConfiguration |
Specifies configuration settings that apply to network requests such as the maximum number of retries or a timeout.
RestrictionAttribute |
Specifies a transportation network restriction attribute.
ReverseGeocodeParameters |
Holds parameters to be passed to reverse geocode operations.
RGBRenderer |
Defines a renderer that allows you to combine bands as red, green, and blue.
RGBRenderer.PansharpenType |
Panchromatic sharpening uses a higher-resolution panchromatic image (or raster band) to fuse with a
lower-resolution multiband raster dataset.
RotationType |
Defines the type of rotation applied to a Symbol.
Route |
RouteParameters |
Represents input parameters for computing routes using RouteTask .
RouteResult |
RouteShapeType |
Specifies the type of shape output for a route.
RouteTask |
A task to compute routes and turn-by-turn directions.
RouteTaskInfo |
Represents metadata about the network analyst service or dataset used by RouteTask
ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition |
Filter features from the display based on the current map scale.
ScaleRangeDisplayFilter |
A DisplayFilter that is applied on the layer based on the provided scale range.
SceneSymbol |
Defines a SceneSymbol's basic functionality and is the base class for all SceneSymbols.
SceneSymbol.AnchorPosition |
Defines the placement of a SceneSymbol relative to the GeoElement's geometry it is assigned to.
SceneView |
A SceneView renders data from an ArcGISScene in 3-dimensional space and allows users to interact with the scene.
SceneView.DefaultInteractionListener |
Default listener to handle input events on the scene view.
SceneViewNavigation |
Interface for navigation of scene view and secondary scene views.
Segment |
A segment represents an edge of a multipart geometry, connecting a start to an end point.
SelectedVertexChangedEvent |
An event representing the selection change of the SketchVertex during a sketching session.
SelectedVertexChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the selected vertex during a sketch edit session changes.
SelectionProperties |
Represents selection properties for selecting graphics and features in a GeoView.
SelfSignedCertificateException |
Represents an exception caused by requesting resources from a service with a self
signed SSL certificate.
SelfSignedCertificateListener |
Interface for the listener to handle self-signed certificates.
SelfSignedResponse |
Represents the response from a user defined SelfSignedCertificateListener .
ServiceAreaFacility |
Represents service area facility.
ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry |
Service area overlap geometry.
ServiceAreaParameters |
Represents input parameters for computing service area using ServiceAreaTask .
ServiceAreaPolygon |
ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry |
Service area polygon cutoff geometry.
ServiceAreaPolygonDetail |
Specifies the level of detail of the output polygons.
ServiceAreaPolyline |
ServiceAreaResult |
ServiceAreaTask |
A task to compute areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location using an ArcGIS Network Analyst service.
ServiceAreaTaskInfo |
Represents metadata about the network analyst service used by ServiceAreaTask .
ServiceCurveGeometryMode |
How curve geometries are fetched from and sent to services that support curves.
ServiceDocumentInfo |
Provides various information about the map service such as title, author, keywords and comments.
ServiceFeatureTable |
A feature table created from the URL to an ArcGIS feature service.
ServiceFeatureTable.FeatureRequestMode |
ServiceFeatureTable.QueryFeatureFields |
ServiceGeodatabase |
ServiceImageTiledLayer |
A base class for layers which display tiles from a service.
ServiceSourceType |
An enumeration of the different types of ArcGIS Server services.
ServiceTimeInfo |
ServiceTimeInfo.TimeRelation |
Indicates how the start and end time of the time slider extent are processed.
ServiceVersionInfo |
Represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service.
ServiceVersionParameters |
The parameters used to create a new version in a branch-versioned feature service.
ShapefileFeatureTable |
Represents a shapefile table.
ShapefileInfo |
Contains metadata information about a shapefile.
ShapefileWorkspace |
A shapefile workspace can be used to create a SublayerSource that displays the
data from a shapefile.
SimpleFillSymbol |
Defines a SimpleFillSymbol which is a FillSymbol based on simple pre-defined patterns.
SimpleFillSymbol.Style |
Defines the fill style for a SimpleFillSymbol.
SimpleLabelExpression |
An expression script using the Simple REST language.
SimpleLineSymbol |
Defines a SimpleLineSymbol which is a LineSymbol based on simple patterns.
SimpleLineSymbol.MarkerPlacement |
An enum that contains the possible marker placement locations on a SimpleLineSymbol.
SimpleLineSymbol.MarkerStyle |
An enum that contains the possible marker styles to be placed at the ends of a SimpleLineSymbol.
SimpleLineSymbol.Style |
The list of possible simple line symbol styles.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol |
Used to draw point or multipoint features on a layer using a 3D marker symbol.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol.Style |
Defines the marker style for this SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol.
SimpleMarkerSymbol |
Defines a SimpleMarkerSymbol which is a MarkerSymbol based on simple shapes.
SimpleMarkerSymbol.Style |
Defines the marker style for this SimpleMarkerSymbol.
SimpleRenderer |
A SimpleRenderer uses one Symbol and draws all Features/Graphics using that Symbol.
SimulatedLocationDataSource |
A location data source that provides simulated device locations for testing.
SimulationParameters |
Parameters to control how locations are created from a simulated route of travel (Polyline).
SiteLayerDefinition |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains sites for a floor-aware map or scene.
SketchCreationMode |
Defines what type of geometry is going to be sketched during a SketchEditor session.
SketchEditConfiguration |
Defines the edit capabilities of the SketchEditor in a sketching session.
SketchEditConfiguration.SketchVertexEditMode |
Defines how vertices respond to user interaction.
SketchEditor |
Represents a sketch editor that allows users to interactively sketch geometries on the map view.
SketchGeometryChangedEvent |
An event representing a change of the geometry in the sketch editor.
SketchGeometryChangedListener |
SketchStyle |
Defines a set of styles used for the visual appearance of the sketch geometry during editing.
SketchVertex |
Represents a point location (in map coordinates) and position (in the collections of parts, vertices and mid-vertices)
of the sketch editor.
SlopeType |
Defines a SlopeType.
SolidFillSymbolLayer |
Represents a symbol layer used to fill a polygon geometry with a solid color.
SolidStrokeSymbolLayer |
Represents a polyline geometry symbolized with a solid color.
SourceObjectPosition |
Represents the SourceObjectPosition.
SpaceEffect |
Defines the effect used for the background of the SceneView.
SpatialReference |
Defines how coordinates correspond to locations in the real world.
SpatialReferenceChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the spatial reference of a GeoView has changed.
SpatialReferenceChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving spatial reference changed events from a GeoView .
SpatialReferences |
Provides helper methods that return instances of the most common types of SpatialReference .
StandardDeviationStretchParameters |
Represents a standard deviation stretch parameters.
StartTimeUsage |
Specifies the type of start time usage.
StatisticDefinition |
Defines a statistic type and field to be used for statistics query in the FeatureTable .
StatisticRecord |
Represents the statistic value for a particular field.
StatisticsQueryParameters |
Represents the input parameters for defining a statistics query.
StatisticsQueryResult |
Represents the results of a statistics query.
StatisticType |
Defines the statistic type that can be calculated for non-null values in a field of a FeatureTable.
Stop |
Represent stops - locations that must be visited along a route.
Stop.Type |
Specifies the type of a route stop.
StretchParameters |
Represents a marker interface to indicate stretch parameters.
StretchRenderer |
Defines a renderer that displays continuous raster cell values across a gradual ramp of colors.
StrokeSymbolLayer |
Represents a symbol layer intended for use with line geometries.
StrokeSymbolLayer.CapStyle |
The cap style describes the way that line symbol layers will terminate when combined with a geometry.
StrokeSymbolLayer.LineStyle3D |
The 3D line style describes the way that line symbol layers will render in 3D.
SublayerList |
SublayerSource |
SubscriptionInfo |
Contains information about the user's subscription.
SubscriptionInfo.State |
Signifies the state of the user's subscription.
SubtypeFeatureLayer |
A layer that can visualize feature data with different visibility, rendering, popup
properties, and so on for some or all of the subtypes in an ArcGISFeatureTable .
SubtypeSublayer |
A sublayer that allows custom rendering for features of a particular subtype.
SuggestParameters |
Holds parameters to be passed to suggest operations.
SuggestResult |
Represents an instance of a result from a suggest operation.
Surface |
A Surface is a collection of ElevationSources where the order will determine how the elevations are blended together
for each level of detail.
Surface.ElevationSourceList |
Represents the list of ElevationSources in a Surface.
Symbol |
A base class to represent symbols.
SymbolAnchor |
Represents the anchor point of a symbol layer, including placement mode and anchor position values.
SymbolAnchor.PlacementMode |
Represents the ways in which symbol anchor values may be specified.
SymbolLayer |
SymbolReferenceProperties |
Symbol properties that changes how symbols behave when attached to a renderer.
SymbolSizeUnits |
Represents possible size units for ModelSceneSymbols.
SymbolStyle |
A SymbolStyle is created either from a style file on disk (an SQLite database with a .stylx extension, created
with ArcGIS Pro) or from a style file hosted on ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal (also referred to as
a web style).
SymbolStyleSearchParameters |
Defines parameters used to search for symbol primitives in a SymbolStyle .
SymbolStyleSearchResult |
Defines the results from searching through a *.stylx file.
SyncCapabilities |
Instances of this class represent capabilities supported by a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service.
SyncGeodatabaseJob |
A Job that synchronizes changes between a local geodatabase and an ArcGIS feature service.
SyncGeodatabaseParameters |
SyncGeodatabaseParameters.SyncDirection |
Signifies the geodatabase synchronization direction.
SyncLayerOption |
SyncLayerResult |
SyncModel |
Defines the various geodatabase sync models
TableDescription |
TableJoinSublayerSource |
A table join sublayer source is the result of a join operation.
TableJoinSublayerSource.JoinType |
TableQuerySublayerSource |
Table query sublayer source is a layer/table that is defined by an SQL query.
TableSublayerSource |
Table sublayer source is a table, feature class, or raster that resides in a workspace that has been registered with a service that supports Dynamic Layers.
TextAntiAliasingMode |
An enumeration of the different text antialiasing modes.
TextPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type text that defines descriptive text as an element to display in
a pop-up for a geoelement.
TextSymbol |
Defines how text is displayed, describing the appearance and positioning of the text.
TextSymbol.FontDecoration |
Defines various decorations that can be applied to the text of this Symbol.
TextSymbol.FontStyle |
Defines various styles that can be applied to the text of this Symbol.
TextSymbol.FontWeight |
Defines how thick or thin the characters in text appear.
TextSymbol.HorizontalAlignment |
Defines horizontal alignment of the text within the Symbol.
TextSymbol.VerticalAlignment |
Defines vertical alignment of the text within the Symbol.
TileCache |
A local cache of pre-rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer.
TileCache.StorageFormat |
The storage format of a tile cache.
TileInfo |
Represents the tiling scheme used by a cached map service.
TileInfo.ImageFormat |
Defines image formats supported by cached map services.
TileKey |
Represents a key that uniquely identifies a tile.
TimeAware |
An interface that is implemented by layers that support time.
TimeExtent |
Represents a span of time between a start time and end time.
TimeExtentChangedEvent |
An event representing a change in the time extent of a GeoView .
TimeExtentChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving time extent changed events from a GeoView .
TimeReference |
Represents information about the reference units for time values.
TimeUnit |
The units of time used in a service, layer or sublayer which support time based operations.
TimeValue |
Defines a time offset or interval.
TransformationCatalog |
Allows discovery and management of the transformations used to convert coordinates between different datums.
TransformationMatrix |
Represents a more precise way to represent Camera properties than using just heading, pitch and roll.
TransformationMatrixCameraController |
Support camera navigation by using TransformationMatrix.
TranslationFactorChangedEvent |
An event representing the change of the translation factor of a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
TranslationFactorChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving translation factor changed events from a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
TransportationNetworkDataset |
Implements the transportation network dataset.
TravelDirection |
Specifies the type of travel direction.
TravelMode |
Represents options that can be used to customize the routes generated by RouteTask .
UniqueValueRenderer |
A UniqueValueRenderer symbolizes groups of geoelements that have matching attributes.
UniqueValueRenderer.UniqueValue |
A UniqueValue object that is used in a UniqueValueRenderer.
Unit |
Defines a unit of measurement.
UnitSystem |
Specifies the system of measurement being used to represent distance units.
UnitType |
Indicates the subtype of an instance of Unit .
UnknownLayer |
Represents a layer whose type could not be determined.
UnsupportedLayer |
Represents a layer type that is not currently supported.
UnsupportedRenderer |
Represents a renderer type that is not currently supported.
UserCredential |
Represents a named user credential.
UsngGrid |
Represents a USNG (United States National Grid) for displaying on a MapView.
UsngGrid.LabelUnit |
Represents possible grid label distance units that can be displayed to the grid.
UtilityAssetGroup |
Describes the configuration of a particular AssetGroup in a Utility Network.
UtilityAssetType |
Describes the configuration of a particular asset type in a utility network.
UtilityAssociation |
A connectivity, containment, or structural attachment association.
UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics |
An enumeration of various association deletion behaviors.
UtilityAssociationRole |
Defines different utility association roles.
UtilityAssociationType |
An enumeration of the various types of associations supported by the utility network.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator |
UtilityCategory |
Defines a characteristic of an asset in a network.
UtilityCategoryComparison |
A condition evaluating whether a particular UtilityCategory exists on a feature in the trace.
UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator |
An enumeration of the various types of operators to use when evaluating the existence of a
UtilityCategory on a network feature.
UtilityDomainNetwork |
Defines the domain network of a Utility Network.
UtilityElement |
Defines a feature in the utility network.
UtilityElementTraceResult |
Defines an element type trace result.
UtilityFunctionTraceResult |
UtilityGeometryTraceResult |
The trace result comprised of a set of Geometry objects representing the
network elements identified by the trace.
UtilityMinimumStartingLocations |
UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration |
A set of predefined trace options that can be used by UtilityTraceParameters to simplify configuring and
running a trace operation.
UtilityNamedTraceConfigurationQueryParameters |
The query parameters to use when searching for applicable named trace configuration objects.
UtilityNearestNeighbor |
Defines a Nearest Neighbor element in a UtilityNetwork.
UtilityNetwork |
Defines a utility network.
UtilityNetworkAttribute |
Defines a network attribute in a utility network.
UtilityNetworkAttribute.DataType |
Defines different network attribute data types.
UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison |
UtilityNetworkDefinition |
Defines the metadata (for example domain networks, network sources etc.) of a utility network.
UtilityNetworkSource |
Defines a network source in a utility network.
UtilityNetworkSource.Type |
Defines different utility network source types.
UtilityNetworkSource.UsageType |
Defines different utility network source usage types.
UtilityNetworkSyncMode |
The different modes for generation and synchronization of utility networks as part of a geodatabase sync task.
UtilityPropagator |
Propagator objects allow a subset of UtilityNetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network while
executing a trace.
UtilityPropagatorFunctionType |
UtilitySubnetworkControllerType |
The type of subnetwork controllers that are supported by a domain network.
UtilityTerminal |
Defines a utility network terminal.
UtilityTerminalConfiguration |
Defines a utility network terminal configuration.
UtilityTerminalConfigurationPath |
The set of flow paths between terminals for a given device configuration.
UtilityTerminalDirectionality |
An enumeration of the directionality setting of terminals on a device.
UtilityTerminalPath |
UtilityTier |
Defines a utility network tier.
UtilityTierGroup |
Defines a utility tier group.
UtilityTierTopologyType |
Specifies the type of topology that makes up a UtilityTier definition.
UtilityTierType |
Describes the tier type of a domain network.
UtilityTraceAndCondition |
Combines two sub-expressions together using a logical AND operator.
UtilityTraceCondition |
The base class for a utility network traversability condition.
UtilityTraceConditionalExpression |
UtilityTraceConfiguration |
The set of utility network parameters that define elements of a trace or of a subnetwork.
UtilityTraceFilter |
A mechanism that can be used to stop tracing when returning results.
UtilityTraceFunction |
Functions allow the computation of values during a network trace.
UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier |
A UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier stops continued traversal when a comparison expression evaluates as true.
UtilityTraceFunctionOutput |
A UtilityTraceFunctionOutput is comprised of a UtilityTraceFunction and its corresponding global result.
UtilityTraceFunctionType |
The type of function calculation to perform.
UtilityTraceOrCondition |
Two sub-expressions combined together using a logical OR operator.
UtilityTraceParameters |
Defines the configuration of particular trace parameters in a Utility Network.
UtilityTraceResult |
Defines a utility trace result.
UtilityTraceResult.Type |
An enumeration of the result types returned by a trace operation.
UtilityTraceType |
Defines a utility network's different trace types.
UtilityTraversability |
A set of options controlling what objects are evaluated or returned during a tracing operation.
UtilityTraversabilityScope |
Used to specify whether traversability criteria are applied to junctions, edges, or both.
UtmGrid |
Represents a grid that displays UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zones on a MapView.
UTurnPolicy |
Specifies the type of backtracking allowed when querying for adjacencies in a network view.
VectorMarkerSymbolElement |
Represents an element within a VectorMarkerSymbolLayer.
VectorMarkerSymbolLayer |
VectorMarkerSymbolLayers are symbol layers intended for use with point geometries.
VectorTileCache |
Metadata for a local cache of vector map tiles that can be used to create a layer.
VectorTileSourceInfo |
VectorTileStyle |
VersionAccess |
The access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service.
ViewLabelProperties |
Represents the labeling properties for a MapView.
Viewpoint |
A Viewpoint is the visible area and view location of a GeoView.
Viewpoint.Type |
ViewpointChangedEvent |
An event representing a change in the Viewpoint of a GeoView .
ViewpointChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving Viewpoint changed events from a GeoView .
Viewshed |
Viewshed is a type of visibility analysis that shows the visible and obstructed areas covered by a directed
field of view.
VisibilityChangedEvent |
An event indicating that the visibility of the layer has changed.
VisibilityChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving the visibility changed event of a Layer .
WebmapLabelExpression |
The label Webmap expression expects to hold a legal, Webmap script and to be read and evaluated by a Webmap
expression interpreter.
WebTiledLayer |
A layer that requests images from a tiled image server based on a URL template.
WfsFeatureTable |
Represents a table in a Web Feature Service.
WfsLayerInfo |
Provides metadata (e.g name, title, description, and more) about a layer (feature type) in a WFS service.
WfsService |
Represents an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS).
WfsServiceInfo |
Provides metadata (e.g name, title, description, and more) about a WFS service.
WmsFeature |
Represents a feature in a Web Map Service (WMS) layer.
WmsLayer |
Displays data from a WMS service.
WmsLayerInfo |
Represents metadata for an individual layer in a Web Map Service (WMS).
WmsService |
Represents an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS).
WmsServiceInfo |
Represents the service metadata for a Web Map Service (WMS).
WmsSublayer |
Represents a sublayer of a WmsLayer, providing data necessary for building a Table of Contents.
WmsVersion |
Represents a version of the Web Map Service (WMS) standard.
WmtsLayer |
Displays data from a WMTS service by using pre-generated tiles.
WmtsLayerInfo |
Represents metadata about an individual layer in a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsService |
Represents the service for a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsServiceInfo |
Represents the service metadata for a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsTileMatrixSet |
Defines a series of tile matrices and some common parameters of a layer in a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsTileMatrixSet.TileMatrix |
Defines a WMTS Tile Matrix.
WrapAroundMode |
Indicates if the map should be displayed as a continuous map, horizontally, by wrapping the east and west hemispheres
around each other.