VoxelLayer variable and render mode

This sample illustrates how properties can be modified to change the display of a VoxelLayer.

A voxel layer contains variables representing continuous or discrete data. For example, permeability could be defined as continuous variable and soil types as discrete variables. The currentVariableId property determines which of the variables is being displayed. Note that currentVariableId corresponds to the id property of a particular variable. It is not an index.

A voxel layer can be visualized as volume or as surface. The renderMode property can take the value volume or surfaces. When set to surfaces, only isosurfaces and sections are displayed, whereas the setting volume draws the full volume instead.

A voxel layer might visualize a very large area in XY but with a small depth. For example, soil types of the Netherlands might only include depth up to 50 m but the XY extent is several kilometers. To assure the voxel layer can be analyzed you can apply an exaggeration. To align a voxel layer with other layers in a scene you can apply an offset. The verticalExaggeration property of a VoxelVolumeStyle controls the amount of exaggeration to apply. The verticalOffset property allows you to offset the volume in the Z dimension by specifying an offset in meters. The layer has a collection of volumeStyles but since only a single volume is currently supported there should only be 1 VoxelVolumeStyle in the collection with a volumeId of 0.

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