See also C++ Class List.
Enumerates the AddRastersParametersType used in a mosaic dataset raster | |
List of possible statistic types that can be used for aggregating geoelements | |
Enumerates possible analysis types | |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used angular units of measurement | |
Enumerates types of animation curves | |
Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing items in the map | |
Enumerates the types of the datasets underlying an Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo | |
Type of sublayer in the ArcGIS map service | |
Enumerates types of ArcGIS sublayers | |
Expected type of the result calculated by an expression described within an ArcadeExpression | |
Execution context a script will run under | |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of area measurement | |
Enumerates the aspect ratio mode used | |
Visual effect options for a scene view's atmosphere | |
Enumerates sync direction for attachments | |
Types of unit for network attributes | |
Enumerates types of authentication challenges | |
Enumerates supported authentication types for secured services | |
Enumerates the type of barrier for a route | |
List of basemap styles | |
Options for setting the language on a Basemap created from a BasemapStyle | |
List of possible BeaconScanner statuses | |
Enumerates the types of layer styles for a Bing Maps layer | |
Storage format of a tile cache | |
Enumerates possible types of camera controller | |
Enumerates the style used to generate a ChartImage | |
Specifies how the color is applied to the underlying geometry color/texture | |
An enumeration of the various status values for a connection | |
Different types of contingency constraint violations | |
Different types of contingent values | |
Enumerates the side of street for arrivals or departures of a route | |
Supported datum transformation types | |
List of route tracking destination statuses | |
Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows | |
Describes the rotation of the device | |
Enumerates the types of direction maneuvers on a route | |
Type of direction string | |
Network directions output type | |
Different types of available display filter definitions | |
Different types of available display filters | |
An enumeration of Esri::ArcGISRuntime::DomainDescription types | |
Enumerates the type of domain | |
Enumerates the possible draw status in the GeoView | |
Enumerates the drawing tool that could be used to draw a feature in an editing application | |
Type of DynamicEntityDataSource | |
Enumerates the types of dynamic workspace | |
Enumerates types of feature dataset edit operations | |
Enumerates types of editing results | |
Enumerates possible elevation source types | |
List of area features symbolization settings | |
A switch between S-52 color schemes | |
A switch between units for depth | |
List of point features symbolization settings | |
Enumerates the error domain | |
List of possible generic errors | |
Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service | |
Enumerates the possible types of package expiration | |
Enumerates extended error type | |
Enumerates possible extrusion modes | |
Enumerates feature object types | |
List of feature reduction types | |
Enumerates types of rendering modes available for the FeatureLayer | |
Enumerates feature request modes for the feature table | |
An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data | |
Enumerates feature table types | |
Feature tiling modes available to feature layers. This determines how feature tiling is handled for each layer. Using the default mode is highly recommended. As of now, only services based on service feature tables support feature tiling | |
Enumerates the feature type change modes in a Popup | |
Spatial relationship that determines when a fence has been entered or exited | |
Options that describe how a FenceGeotrigger uses accuracy information from a GeotriggerFeed | |
Type of a FenceGeotrigger that was met | |
Type of a FenceParameters | |
Rule or query that determines whether a FenceGeotrigger condition is met | |
Enumerates the type of value stored in a field | |
List of possible font decorations | |
List of possible font styles | |
List of possible font weights | |
Enumerates possible locations of a point relative to a GARS cell | |
Enumerates generate layer query options | |
Different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map | |
Enumerates types of Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoView objects | |
Enumerates geodatabase dataset types | |
Enumerates types of geodetic curves for use in geodetic GeometryEngine operations | |
List of possible geometric effects for symbol layers | |
Enumerates types of geometry builder that may be represented by GeometryBuilder or a class that inherts from GeometryBuilder | |
Indicates the dimensionality of a Geometry, relating to the number of spatial dimensions in which the geometry may have a size | |
Identifies the type of a GeometryEditorElement | |
Determines how a geometry can be interactively scaled (resized) while using the GeometryEditor | |
Identifies the type of a GeometryEditorTool | |
Enumerates options that the GeometryEngine's extend() method should use | |
Different types of geometry offset joints | |
Enumerates types of geometry that may be represented by Geometry or a class that inherts from Geometry | |
Enumerates types of geoprocessing execution modes | |
Enumerates types of geoprocessing linear units | |
Enumerates types of geoprocessing parameter directions | |
Enumerates types of geoprocessing parameters | |
Enumerates the service type of a GeoprocessingService | |
Type of a GeotriggerFeed | |
Current status of a GeotriggerMonitor | |
Type of a GeotriggerNotificationInfo | |
Type of a Geotrigger | |
Enumerates types of rendering modes available for the GraphicsOverlay | |
Enumerates the label positioning options for the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Grid in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoView | |
Enumerates the grid types that can be used in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoView | |
Enumerates the visibility modes on a group layer | |
List of possible horizontal alignments | |
Enumerates the type of IdInfo | |
An enumeration of the various sources of data used in an IndoorPositioningDefinition | |
Enumerates the type of item | |
Enumerates the different levels of severity of a job message | |
Enumerates the origin of a job message | |
Enumerates the status of an instance of a Job | |
Enumerates the type of an instance of a Job | |
Enumerates join types of a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TableJoinSublayerSource | |
Enumerates the KML altitude modes | |
Enumerates the KML color modes | |
Enumerates the types of concrete KML geometry classes | |
Enumerates the types of KML geometry | |
Enumerates the types of KML graphics | |
Enumerates the types of KML list item | |
Enumerates the types of KML nodes | |
Enumerates types of KML refresh mode | |
List of KML refresh status types | |
Type associated with a node's extended data attribute | |
Enumerates types of KML tour status | |
A KML units type object | |
Enumerates types of KML view refresh mode | |
Enumerates the types of KML viewpoints | |
How the placement angle should be interpreted | |
Weight of features when considered as barriers to labeling | |
Strategy for moving labels to avoid overlapping point symbols or higher priority labels | |
Type of the label expression | |
Strategy for how to use the geometry of the feature when calculating the label position | |
Strategy for whether line features with the same label, and matching end vertices, should be joined before sharing a label | |
Whether LabelDefinition::placement above or below a line geometry will be interpreted as above or below on the `screen`, or with respect to the `direction` of line's geometry (that is, the digitization order in which the vertices are listed) | |
Strategy for the number of labels to be placed on a multi-part feature | |
Strategy for whether another label is allowed to be placed over this feature or label | |
Strategy for whether a label should be visible at viewing scales where the feature is too small for the label to fit | |
Strategy for whether labels should be removed if they have the same text as other labels, to reduce clutter and free up space | |
Strategy for whether a label should have multiple copies created and placed along or across the same feature | |
Strategy for how multi-row (stacked) text should be horizontally aligned | |
Strategy for whether a row of text should be broken before or after it exceeds the ideal length | |
Position where the separator character in a label will be written, if used | |
Strategy for whether the label text should be "stacked" (wrapped), rather than placed as a single line or row of text across the map | |
Layout to use for label text, which can be either horizontal, straight, perpendicular, or follow the line feature | |
Orientation of label text | |
Enumerates the placement of a label in relation to a geometry | |
Enumerates supported formats for representing latitude-longitude geographical coordinates as a string | |
Enumerates the possible formats for Latitude-Longitude values used in grid labels | |
Enumerates types of map layers | |
Status of a layer in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoView | |
Enumerates the level of licensing used | |
Enumerates the license status of an ArcGIS Maps SDK license | |
Enumerates the possible license types that the application could be licensed as | |
Enumerates ambient lighting options for a scene view | |
Enumerates the visibility state between an observer and target in a line of sight analysis | |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of linear measurement | |
Load status for the object | |
Enumerates the type of local item | |
Enumerates the status of the local server or a local service | |
List of possible LocationDataSource statuses | |
An enumeration of the various modes that define how the map view extent reacts to location changes | |
Status regarding the network location associated with a stop | |
List of Location types | |
Supported login types for portal | |
Enumerates units for displaying values in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MGRSGrid | |
Image formats supported by ArcGIS map services and ArcGIS image services | |
Enumerates the lettering scheme and treatment of coordinates at 180 degrees longitude when converting MGRS | |
Enumerates mosaic method types | |
Enumerates mosaic method types | |
Enumerates navigation constraint options that are based on surface elevation | |
Enumerates the cache behavior for requests | |
An enumeration of the various types of RouteTaskInfo::directionsSupport values | |
List of NMEA accuracy types | |
List of NMEA fix types | |
Enumeration of supported GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems | |
Enumerates the ways an ImageTiledLayer should treat NoData tiles | |
Enumerates the supported modes for logging in using OAuth | |
Enumerates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline | |
Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be determined | |
Enumerates the different ways to treat the x/y coordinates order | |
Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline) | |
Enumerates various types of pan-sharpening for use in a RasterRenderer | |
Enumerates various pixel type values | |
Enumerates the attachment edit state of the Popup | |
Enumerates the type of attachment in a PopupAttachmentManager | |
Indicates how to display the attachments. If `list` is specified, attachments show as links. If `preview` is specified, attachments expand to the width of the pop-up. Setting the value to `auto` allows applications to choose the most suitable default experience for their application | |
Format of a date field in a pop-up | |
Enumerates types of PopupElement | |
Enumerates the error codes in a Popup | |
Enumerates the type of the result returned by an Arcade expression | |
Enumerates the type of media in a Popup | |
Enumerates the string field options in a Popup | |
Indicates the level of access to this portal object: private, shared, organization, or public | |
Enumerates types of files that can be items in a portal | |
Enumerates fields to sort by | |
Enumerates types of items that may be stored in a portal | |
Enumerates whether the portal is operating in multi-tenant or single-tenant mode | |
Enumerates the types of privilege realms available for a portal | |
Enumerates the types of privileges available for a portal | |
An enumeration of the fine-grained operation subtypes a portal privilege can permit | |
Enumerates the particular type of operation a privilege permits | |
Enumerates sort order for returned results | |
Enumerates portal user roles | |
Enumerates the different packaging states that an online Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea can be in | |
Enumerates options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area | |
Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area | |
Enumerates various types of preset color ramps for use in a RasterRenderer | |
Enumerates query feature options | |
Enumerates various types of raster renderers | |
Enumerates various types of rasters | |
An enumeration of the different cardinalities of feature table relationships | |
Enumerates the type of constraint violation for a given feature participating in a relationship | |
An enumeration of the different roles of feature table relationships | |
Enumerates the type of classification methods used to generate class breaks | |
Enumerates the type of normalization used in a class breaks renderer | |
Enumerates the type of renderer | |
Route tracker's rerouting strategy | |
Enumerates the type of layers we wish to include attachments with when taking feature layers offline | |
List of possible rotation types | |
Enumerates the output shape type for a route | |
Identifies data type contained within a scene layer | |
Spatial relationships for filtering using polygon geometries | |
Enumerates the visibility of a scene location | |
List of possible scene symbol anchor placements | |
Enumerates the options for setting the tiling scheme of a Scene | |
Different types of segments | |
Describes how to combine a feature selection request with the current selected features list | |
Service area overlap geometry | |
Service area polygon cutoff geometry | |
Service area polygon detail | |
How curve geometries are fetched from and sent to services that support curves | |
An enumeration of the different types of ArcGIS services | |
Identifies the type of a ShapeTool | |
List of possible simple fill symbol styles | |
List of possible marker placements on a simple line symbol | |
List of possible marker styles to place on a simple line symbol | |
Enumerates the line style for simple line symbols | |
Enumerates the marker style for simple marker scene symbols | |
Enumerates the marker style for simple marker symbols | |
Enumerates various slope types | |
Resulting snap state when snapping to or from a snap candidate | |
Enumerates the sort order in a query on a FeatureTable | |
Enumerates whether outer space is black with stars or transparent | |
Enumerates different types of spatial relationships between geometries that can be tested for | |
Enumerates the start time usage types | |
An enumeration that represents the various statistics that can be calculated for values in a field in a table | |
A stop's type. Specifies the type of a route stop | |
Enumerates the StretchParametersType used in a raster renderer | |
Enumerates the list of possible cap styles | |
List of possible 3D line styles | |
Different types of sublayer sources | |
Enumerates the state of the user's subscription | |
Enumerates possible ways to add a surface placement of a feature on a scene view | |
List of possible symbol anchor placement modes | |
List of possible symbol angle alignment types | |
Enumerates the type of symbol layer stored in a SymbolLayer object | |
List of possible size units for symbols | |
Enumerates the type of SymbolStyle | |
Enumerates the type of symbol stored in a Symbol object | |
Enumerates sync direction of features | |
Enumerates sync model | |
Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing text in the map | |
Image formats supported by tiled layers | |
Indicates how the start and end time of the time slider extent are processed | |
Enumerates the temporal unit of measurement | |
A travel direction type. Options for traveling to or from the facility | |
Enumerates units for displaying values in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::USNGGrid | |
Enumerates the type of backtracking allowed via U-turns in a network | |
Enumerates the unit system | |
Enumerates types of unit represented by an instance of a Unit type | |
An enumeration of various association deletion behaviors | |
Enumerates the various association roles | |
An enumeration of the various types of associations supported by the utility network | |
Enumerates the various comparison operators for utility attributes | |
Enumerates the various comparison operators for utility categories | |
Specifies connectivity policy for edges in the network | |
Specifies whether the contents of a container are split when the container is split | |
An enumeration of the various types of minimum starting locations used in UtilityTraceParameters | |
Indicates the result of UtilityNearestNeighbor in the UtilityTraceConfiguration::filter in relation to its requested count | |
Enumerates the various network attribute data types | |
Enumerates the various utility network source types | |
Enumerates the various network source usage types | |
Different modes for generation and synchronization of utility networks as part of a geodatabase sync task | |
Enumerates the utility propagator function types | |
An enumeration of the various types of network rules that determine permissible feature associations in a utility network | |
Enumerates the type of subnetwork controllers that are supported by a domain network | |
An enumeration of the directionality setting of terminals on a device | |
Enumerates the type of topology that makes up a UtilityTier definition | |
Describes the tier type of a domain network | |
Enumerates the concrete type of a Utility Network trace condition | |
Enumerates the type of function calculation to perform | |
Enumerates the subclasses of UtilityTraceResult | |
An enumeration of the result types returned by a trace operation | |
Enumerates the various types of traces that may be performed with a utility network | |
Enumerates whether traversability criteria are applied to junctions, edges, or both | |
Determines how latitude is designated in UTM notation | |
Access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service | |
List of possible vertical alignments | |
Different types of Viewpoint | |
Enumerates possible navigation voice guidance types | |
Enumerates the versions of a WMS service | |
Enumerates the wraparound mode of the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MapView |
See also C++ Class List.