Collection of Error enumerations. More...
Header: | #include <ErrorTypes.h> |
enum class | ErrorDomainType { Unknown, ArcGISRuntime, ArcGISServer } |
enum class | ErrorType { Unknown, Success, CommonNullPtr, CommonInvalidArgument, CommonNotImplemented, …, SymbolDictionaryGeometryToOrderedAnchorPointError } |
enum class | ExtendedErrorType { None, NetworkError, FileIOError } |
Detailed Description
Type Documentation
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class ErrorDomainType
Enumerates the error domain.
The ErrorDomainType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
ErrorDomainType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown |
ErrorDomainType::ArcGISRuntime | 0 | ArcGISRuntime error |
ErrorDomainType::ArcGISServer | 1 | ArcGISServer error |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11]
enum class ErrorType
The list of possible generic errors.
The ErrorType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
ErrorType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown error. The catch-all for unknown errors. |
ErrorType::Success | 0 | Success. Indicates success, not an error. |
ErrorType::CommonNullPtr | 1 | nullptr pointer. |
ErrorType::CommonInvalidArgument | 2 | Invalid argument. |
ErrorType::CommonNotImplemented | 3 | Not implemented. |
ErrorType::CommonOutOfRange | 4 | Out of range. |
ErrorType::CommonInvalidAccess | 5 | Invalid access. |
ErrorType::CommonIllegalState | 6 | Illegal state. |
ErrorType::CommonNotFound | 7 | Not found. |
ErrorType::CommonExists | 8 | Entity exists. |
ErrorType::CommonTimeout | 9 | Timeout. |
ErrorType::CommonRegularExpression | 10 | Regular expression error. |
ErrorType::CommonPropertyNotSupported | 11 | Property not supported. |
ErrorType::CommonNoPermission | 12 | No permission. |
ErrorType::CommonFile | 13 | File error. |
ErrorType::CommonFileNotFound | 14 | File not found. |
ErrorType::CommonInvalidCall | 15 | Invalid call. |
ErrorType::CommonIo | 16 | IO error. |
ErrorType::CommonUserCanceled | 17 | User canceled. |
ErrorType::CommonInternalError | 18 | Internal error. |
ErrorType::CommonConversionFailed | 19 | Conversion failed. |
ErrorType::CommonNoData | 20 | No data. |
ErrorType::CommonInvalidJson | 21 | Invalid JSON. |
ErrorType::CommonUserDefinedFailure | 22 | Propagated error. |
ErrorType::CommonBadXml | 23 | Invalid XML. |
ErrorType::CommonObjectAlreadyOwned | 24 | Object is already owned. |
ErrorType::CommonQtReserved | 25 | An error that occured at the Qt API level, as opposed to in the lower level runtime core. For example a networking service error. Check other error properties for more information. |
ErrorType::CommonExpired | 26 | The resource is past its expiry date. |
ErrorType::CommonNullabilityViolation | 27 | Nullability violation. nullptr was returned from a property or method which is expected to be non-nullable. |
ErrorType::CommonInvalidProperty | 28 | Invalid property. The value of a property is invalid. |
ErrorType::SqliteError | 1001 | SQLite error. |
ErrorType::SqliteInternal | 1002 | SQLite internal error. |
ErrorType::SqlitePerm | 1003 | SQLite permission. |
ErrorType::SqliteAbort | 1004 | SQLite operation aborted. |
ErrorType::SqliteBusy | 1005 | SQLite database busy. |
ErrorType::SqliteLocked | 1006 | SQLite database locked. |
ErrorType::SqliteNoMem | 1007 | SQLite out of memory. |
ErrorType::SqliteReadonly | 1008 | SQLite read only. |
ErrorType::SqliteInterrupt | 1009 | SQLite operation interrupted. |
ErrorType::SqliteIoErr | 1010 | SQLite IO error. |
ErrorType::SqliteCorrupt | 1011 | SQLite corrupt database. |
ErrorType::SqliteNotFound | 1012 | SQLite not found. |
ErrorType::SqliteFull | 1013 | SQLite disk full. |
ErrorType::SqliteCantOpen | 1014 | SQLite cannot open. |
ErrorType::SqliteProtocol | 1015 | SQLite file locking protocol. |
ErrorType::SqliteEmpty | 1016 | SQLite empty error. This code is not currently used. |
ErrorType::SqliteSchema | 1017 | SQLite schema changed. |
ErrorType::SqliteTooBig | 1018 | SQLite string or data blob too large. |
ErrorType::SqliteConstraint | 1019 | SQLite constraint violation. |
ErrorType::SqliteMismatch | 1020 | SQLite data type mismatch. |
ErrorType::SqliteMisuse | 1021 | SQLite interface misuse. |
ErrorType::SqliteNolfs | 1022 | SQLite no large file support. |
ErrorType::SqliteAuth | 1023 | SQLite statement not authorized. |
ErrorType::SqliteFormat | 1024 | SQLite format error. This code is not currently used. |
ErrorType::SqliteRange | 1025 | SQLite out of range. |
ErrorType::SQLiteNotADatabase | 1026 | Not an SQLite database. |
ErrorType::SqliteNotice | 1027 | SQLite unusual operation notice. |
ErrorType::SqliteWarning | 1028 | SQLite unusual operation warning. |
ErrorType::SqliteRow | 1029 | SQLite row is available. |
ErrorType::SqliteDone | 1030 | SQLite operation is complete. |
ErrorType::GeometryUnknownError | 2000 | Unknown geometry error. |
ErrorType::GeometryCorruptedGeometry | 2001 | Corrupt geometry. |
ErrorType::GeometryEmptyGeometry | 2002 | Empty geometry. |
ErrorType::GeometryMathSingularity | 2003 | Math singularity. |
ErrorType::GeometryBufferIsTooSmall | 2004 | Geometry buffer too small. |
ErrorType::GeometryInvalidShapeType | 2005 | Geometry invalid shape type. |
ErrorType::GeometryProjectionOutOfSupportedRange | 2006 | Geometry projection out of supported range. |
ErrorType::GeometryNonSimpleGeometry | 2007 | Non simple geometry. |
ErrorType::GeometryCannotCalculateGeodesic | 2008 | Cannot calculate geodesic. |
ErrorType::GeometryNotationConversion | 2009 | Geometry notation conversion. |
ErrorType::GeometryMissingGridFile | 2010 | Missing grid file. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseValueOutOfRange | 3001 | Geodatabase value out of range. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDataTypeMismatch | 3002 | Geodatabase data type mismatch. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseBadXml | 3003 | Geodatabase invalid XML. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseAlreadyExists | 3004 | Database already exists. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseDoesNotExist | 3005 | Database does not exist. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseNameLongerThan128Characters | 3006 | Geodatabase name longer than 128 characters. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidShapeType | 3007 | Geodatabase invalid shape type. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRasterNotSupported | 3008 | Geodatabase raster not supported. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRelationshipClassOneToOne | 3009 | Geodatabase relationship class one to one. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseItemNotFound | 3010 | Geodatabase item not found. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDuplicateCode | 3011 | Geodatabase duplicate code. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMissingCode | 3012 | Geodatabase missing code. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseWrongItemType | 3013 | Geodatabase wrong item type. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseIdFieldNotNullable | 3014 | Geodatabase Id field not nullable. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDefaultValueNotSupported | 3015 | Geodatabase default value not supported. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTableNotEditable | 3016 | Geodatabase table not editable. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFieldNotFound | 3017 | Geodatabase field not found. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFieldExists | 3018 | Geodatabase field exists. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldType | 3019 | Geodatabase cannot alter field type. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldWidth | 3020 | Geodatabase cannot alter field width. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToNullable | 3021 | Geodatabase cannot alter field to nullable. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToEditable | 3022 | Geodatabase cannot alter field to editable. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToDeletable | 3023 | Geodatabase cannot alter field to deletable. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterGeometryProperties | 3024 | Geodatabase cannot alter geometry properties. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseUnnamedTable | 3025 | Geodatabase unnamed table. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidTypeForDomain | 3026 | Geodatabase invalid type for domain. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMinMaxReversed | 3027 | Geodatabase min max reversed. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFieldNotSupportedOnRelationshipClass | 3028 | Geodatabase field not supported on relationship class. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRelationshipClassKey | 3029 | Geodatabase relationship class key. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseValueIsNull | 3030 | Geodatabase value is nullptr . |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMultipleSqlStatements | 3031 | Geodatabase multiple SQL statements. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseNoSqlStatements | 3032 | Geodatabase no SQL statements. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseGeometryFieldMissing | 3033 | Geodatabase geometry field missing. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransactionStarted | 3034 | Geodatabase transaction started. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransactionNotStarted | 3035 | Geodatabase transaction not started. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeRequiresZ | 3036 | Geodatabase shape requires z. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeRequiresM | 3037 | Geodatabase shape requires m. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeNoZ | 3038 | Geodatabase shape no z. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeNoM | 3039 | Geodatabase shape no m. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeWrongType | 3040 | Geodatabase shape wrong type. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotUpdateFieldType | 3041 | Geodatabase cannot update field type. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseNoRowsAffected | 3042 | Geodatabase no rows affected. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypeInvalid | 3043 | Geodatabase subtype invalid. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypeMustBeInteger | 3044 | Geodatabase subtype must be integer. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypesNotEnabled | 3045 | Geodatabase subtypes not enabled. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypeExists | 3046 | Geodatabase subtype exists. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDuplicateFieldNotAllowed | 3047 | Geodatabase duplicate field not allowed. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotDeleteField | 3048 | Geodatabase cannot delete field. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseIndexExists | 3049 | Geodatabase index exists. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseIndexNotFound | 3050 | Geodatabase index not found. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCursorNotOnRow | 3051 | Geodatabase cursor not on row. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInternalError | 3052 | Geodatabase internal error. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotWriteGeodatabaseManagedFields | 3053 | Geodatabase cannot write geodatabase managed fields. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseItemAlreadyExists | 3054 | Geodatabase item already exists. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidSpatialIndexName | 3055 | Geodatabase invalid spatial index name. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRequiresSpatialIndex | 3056 | Geodatabase requires spatial index. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReservedName | 3057 | Geodatabase reserved name. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotUpdateSchemaIfChangeTracking | 3058 | Geodatabase cannot update schema if change tracking. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidDate | 3059 | Geodatabase invalid date. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseDoesNotHaveChanges | 3060 | Geodatabase database does not have changes. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaDoesNotExist | 3061 | Geodatabase replica does not exist. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseStorageTypeNotSupported | 3062 | Geodatabase storage type not supported. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaModelError | 3063 | Geodatabase replica model error. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaClientGenError | 3064 | Geodatabase replica client generation error. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaNoUploadToAcknowledge | 3065 | Geodatabase replica no upload to acknowledge. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseLastWriteTimeInTheFuture | 3066 | Geodatabase last write time in the future. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidArgument | 3067 | Geodatabase invalid argument. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkCorrupt | 3068 | Geodatabase transportation network corrupt. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkFileIo | 3069 | Geodatabase transportation network file IO error. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFeatureHasPendingEdits | 3070 | Geodatabase feature has pending edits. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseChangeTrackingNotEnabled | 3071 | Geodatabase change tracking not enabled. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkFileOpen | 3072 | Geodatabase transportation network file open. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkUnsupported | 3073 | Geodatabase transportation network unsupported. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotSyncCopy | 3074 | Geodatabase cannot sync copy. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseAccessControlDenied | 3075 | Geodatabase access control denied. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseGeometryOutsideReplicaExtent | 3076 | Geodatabase geometry outside replica extent. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseUploadAlreadyInProgress | 3077 | Geodatabase upload already in progress. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseClosed | 3078 | Geodatabase is closed. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDomainAlreadyExists | 3079 | Domain exists. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseGeometryTypeNotSupported | 3080 | Geodatabase geometry type not supported. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseAttachmentsRequireGlobalIds | 3081 | ArcGISFeatureTable requires a global Id field to support adding bulk attachments. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseConstraintRuleViolation | 3082 | Violated attribute constraint rule. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMaxRuleEvaluationLevelExceeded | 3083 | The evaluation of attribute rules is cyclic or exceeds maximum cascading level. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseUnsupportedVersion | 3084 | The version of the geodatabase is unsupported |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkUnsupportedEvaluator | 3085 | Network attribute evaluator is not supported. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseGlobalIdSupportMismatch | 3086 | Data changes cannot safely be committed due to mismatch of global ID support. |
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReconcileBranchVersionUnsupported | 3087 | Feature service does not support branch version reconciliation during sync. |
ErrorType::GeocodeUnsupportedFileFormat | 4001 | Geocode unsupported file format. |
ErrorType::GeocodeUnsupportedSpatialReference | 4002 | Geocode unsupported spatial reference. |
ErrorType::GeocodeUnsupportedProjectionTransformation | 4003 | Geocode unsupported projection transformation. |
ErrorType::GeocodeGeocoderCreation | 4004 | Geocoder creation error. |
ErrorType::GeocodeIntersectionsNotSupported | 4005 | Geocode intersections not supported. |
ErrorType::GeocodeUninitializedGeocodeTask | 4006 | Uninitialized geocode task. |
ErrorType::GeocodeInvalidLocatorProperties | 4007 | Invalid geocode locator properties. |
ErrorType::GeocodeRequiredFieldMissing | 4008 | Geocode required field missing. |
ErrorType::GeocodeCannotReadAddress | 4009 | Geocode cannot read address. |
ErrorType::GeocodeReverseGeocodingNotSupported | 4010 | Geocoding not supported. |
ErrorType::GeocodeGeometryTypeNotSupported | 4011 | Geocode geometry type not supported. |
ErrorType::GeocodeSuggestAddressNotSupported | 4012 | Geocode suggest address not supported. |
ErrorType::GeocodeSuggestResultCorrupted | 4013 | Geocode suggest result corrupt. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidRouteSettings | 5001 | Network analyst invalid route settings. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNoSolution | 5002 | Network analyst no solution. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystTaskCanceled | 5003 | Network analyst task canceled. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidNetwork | 5004 | Network analyst invalid network. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystDirectionsError | 5005 | Network analyst directions error. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfStops | 5006 | Network analyst insufficient number of stops. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopUnlocated | 5007 | Network analyst stop unlocated. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopLocatedOnNonTraversableElement | 5008 | Network analyst stop located on non traversable element. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPointBarrierInvalidAddedCostAttributeName | 5009 | Network analyst point barrier invalid added cost attribute name. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystLineBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeName | 5010 | Network analyst line barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolygonBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeName | 5011 | Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolygonBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeValue | 5012 | Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolylineBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeValue | 5013 | Network analyst polyline barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidImpedanceAttribute | 5014 | Network analyst invalid impedance attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidRestrictionAttribute | 5015 | Network analyst invalid restriction attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAccumulateAttribute | 5016 | Network analyst invalid accumulate attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsTimeAttribute | 5017 | Network analyst invalid directions time attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsDistanceAttribute | 5018 | Network analyst invalid directions distance attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersAttributeName | 5019 | Network analyst invalid attribute parameters attribute name. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersParameterName | 5020 | Network analyst invalid attributes parameters parameter name. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersValueType | 5021 | Network analyst invalid attributes parameters value type. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersRestrictionUsageValue | 5022 | Network analyst invalid attribute parameters restriction usage value. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNetworkHasNoHierarchyAttribute | 5023 | Network analyst network has no hierarchy attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNoPathFoundBetweenStops | 5024 | Network analyst no path found between stops. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUndefinedInputSpatialReference | 5025 | Network analyst undefined input spatial reference. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUndefinedOutputSpatialReference | 5026 | Network analyst undefined output spatial reference. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsStyle | 5027 | Network analyst invalid directions style. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystDirectionsTimeAndImpedanceAttributeMismatch | 5029 | Network analyst directions time and impedance attribute mismatch. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsRoadClassAttribute | 5030 | Network analyst invalid directions road class attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopIsUnreachable | 5031 | Network analyst stop cannot be reached. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopTimeWindowStartsBeforeUnixEpoch | 5032 | Network analyst stop time window starts before unix epoch. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopTimeWindowIsInverted | 5033 | Network analyst stop time window is inverted. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWalkingModeRouteTooLarge | 5034 | Walking mode route too large. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopHasNullGeometry | 5035 | Stop has nullptr geometry. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPointBarrierHasNullGeometry | 5036 | Point barrier has nullptr geometry. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolylineBarrierHasNullGeometry | 5037 | Polyline barrier has nullptr geometry. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolygonBarrierHasNullGeometry | 5038 | Polygon barrier has nullptr geometry. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUnsupportedSearchWhereClause | 5039 | Online route task does not support search_where_clause condition. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfFacilities | 5040 | Network analyst insufficient number of facilities. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasNullGeometry | 5041 | Network analyst facility has nullptr geometry. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidAddedCostAttributeName | 5042 | Network analyst facility has invalid added cost attribute name. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasNegativeAddedCostAttribute | 5043 | Network analyst facility has negative added cost attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidImpedanceCutoff | 5044 | Network analyst facility has invalid impedance cutoff. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfIncidents | 5045 | Network analyst insufficient number of incidents. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasNullGeometry | 5046 | Network analyst incident has nullptr geometry. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidAddedCostAttributeName | 5047 | Network analyst incident has invalid added cost attribute name. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasNegativeAddedCostAttribute | 5048 | Network analyst incident has negative added cost attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidTargetFacilityCount | 5049 | Network analyst invalid target facility count. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidImpedanceCutoff | 5050 | Network analyst incident has invalid impedance cutoff. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStartTimeIsBeforeUnixEpoch | 5051 | Network analyst start time is before Unix epoch. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDefaultImpedanceCutoff | 5052 | Network analyst invalid default impedance cutoff. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDefaultTargetFacilityCount | 5053 | Network analyst invalid default target facility count. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidPolygonBufferDistance | 5054 | Network analyst invalid polygon buffer distance. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolylinesCannotBeReturned | 5055 | Network analyst polylines cannot be returned. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystTimeWindowsWithNonTimeImpedance | 5056 | Network analyst solving non time impedance, but time windows applied. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUnsupportedStopType | 5057 | One or more stops have unsupported type. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystRouteStartsOrEndsOnWaypoint | 5058 | Network analyst route starts or ends on a waypoint. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWaypointsAndRestBreaksForbiddenReordering | 5059 | Network analyst reordering stops (Traveling Salesman Problem) is not supported when the collection of stops contains waypoints or rest breaks. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWaypointHasTimeWindows | 5060 | Network analyst waypoint contains time windows. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWaypointHasAddedCostAttribute | 5061 | Network analyst waypoint contains added cost attribute. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopHasInvalidCurbApproach | 5062 | Network analyst stop has unknown curb approach. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPointBarrierHasInvalidCurbApproach | 5063 | Network analyst point barrier has unknown curb approach. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidCurbApproach | 5064 | Network analyst facility has unknown curb approach. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidCurbApproach | 5065 | Network analyst incident has unknown curb approach. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNetworkDoesNotSupportDirections | 5066 | Network dataset has no directions attributes. |
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystDirectionsLanguageNotFound | 5067 | Desired direction language not supported by platform. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidToken | 6001 | JSON parser invalid token. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidCharacter | 6002 | JSON parser invalid character. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidUnicode | 6003 | JSON parser invalid unicode. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidJsonStart | 6004 | JSON parser invalid start of JSON. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEndOfPair | 6005 | JSON parser invalid end of pair. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEndOfElement | 6006 | JSON parser invalid end of element. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEscapeSequence | 6007 | JSON parser invalid escape sequence. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEndOfFieldName | 6008 | JSON parser invalid end of field name. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidStartOfFieldName | 6009 | JSON parser invalid start of field name. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidStartOfComment | 6010 | JSON parser invalid start of comment. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidDecDigit | 6011 | JSON parser invalid decimal digit. |
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidHexDigit | 6012 | JSON parser invalid hex digit. |
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingNull | 6013 | JSON parser expecting nullptr . |
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingTrue | 6014 | JSON parser expecting true . |
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingFalse | 6015 | JSON parser expecting false . |
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingClosingQuote | 6016 | JSON parser expecting closing quote. |
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingNan | 6017 | JSON parser expecting not a number. |
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingEndOfComment | 6018 | JSON parser expecting end of comment. |
ErrorType::JsonParserUnexpectedEndOfData | 6019 | JSON parser unexpected end of data. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingStartObject | 6020 | JSON object expecting start object. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingStartArray | 6021 | JSON object expecting start array. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueObject | 6022 | JSON object expecting value object. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueArray | 6023 | JSON object expecting value array. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueInt32 | 6024 | JSON object expecting value int32. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingIntegerType | 6025 | JSON object expecting integer type. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingNumberType | 6026 | JSON object expecting number type. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueString | 6027 | JSON object expecting value string. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueBool | 6028 | JSON object expecting value bool. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectIteratorNotStarted | 6029 | JSON object iterator not started. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectIteratorIsFinished | 6030 | JSON object iterator is finished. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectKeyNotFound | 6031 | JSON object key not found. |
ErrorType::JsonObjectIndexOutOfRange | 6032 | JSON object index out of range. |
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterJsonIsComplete | 6033 | JSON string writer JSON is complete. |
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterInvalidJsonInput | 6034 | JSON string writer invalid JSON input. |
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingContainer | 6035 | JSON string writer expecting container. |
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingKeyOrEndObject | 6036 | JSON string writer expecting key or end object. |
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingValueOrEndArray | 6037 | JSON string writer expecting value or end array. |
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingValue | 6038 | JSON string writer expecting value. |
ErrorType::MappingMissingSpatialReference | 7001 | Spatial reference is missing. |
ErrorType::MappingMissingInitialViewpoint | 7002 | Initial viewpoint is missing. |
ErrorType::MappingInvalidResponse | 7003 | Invalid request response. |
ErrorType::MappingMissingBingMapsKey | 7004 | Bing maps key is missing. |
ErrorType::MappingUnsupportedLayerType | 7005 | Layer type is not supported. |
ErrorType::MappingSyncNotEnabled | 7006 | Sync not enabled. |
ErrorType::MappingTileExportNotEnabled | 7007 | Tile export is not enabled. |
ErrorType::MappingMissingItemProperty | 7008 | Required item property is missing. |
ErrorType::MappingWebmapNotSupported | 7009 | Web map version is not supported. |
ErrorType::MappingSpatialReferenceInvalid | 7011 | Spatial reference invalid or incompatible. |
ErrorType::MappingPackageUnpackRequired | 7012 | Package needs to be unpacked before it can be used. |
ErrorType::MappingUnsupportedElevationFormat | 7013 | Elevation source data format is not supported. |
ErrorType::MappingWebsceneNotSupported | 7014 | Web scene version or viewing mode is not supported. |
ErrorType::MappingNotLoaded | 7015 | Loadable object is not loaded when it is expected to be loaded. |
ErrorType::MappingScheduledUpdatesNotSupported | 7016 | Scheduled updates for an offline preplanned map area are not supported. |
ErrorType::MappingUtilityNetworkTraceFailed | 7017 | Trace operation executed by the service failed. |
ErrorType::MappingInvalidArcadeExpression | 7018 | Arcade expression is invalid. |
ErrorType::MappingUtilityNetworkTooManyAssociations | 7019 | Requested extent contains too many associations. |
ErrorType::MappingMaxFeatureCountExceeded | 7020 | A layer has requested more features than the service maximum feature count. |
ErrorType::MappingBranchVersioningNotSupportedByService | 7021 | Feature service does not support branch versioning. |
ErrorType::MappingPackagingNotComplete | 7022 | Packaging of data for the preplanned map area is not complete and it is not ready for download. |
ErrorType::MappingSyncDirectionUploadNotSupported | 7023 | An upload sync direction is not supported. |
ErrorType::MappingTileCacheCompactV2ExportNotEnabled | 7024 | Tile export in .tpkx format is not supported. |
ErrorType::MappingLayerDoesNotIntersectAreaOfInterest | 7025 | There are no tiles within the export area of interest. |
ErrorType::MappingScheduledUpdateUploadRequired | 7026 | Local edits must be sent to a service (using a sync direction of upload) before scheduled updates can download a replacement geodatabase. |
ErrorType::LicensingUnlicensedFeature | 8001 | Unlicensed feature. |
ErrorType::LicensingLicenseLevelFixed | 8002 | License level fixed. |
ErrorType::LicensingLicenseLevelAlreadySet | 8003 | License level is already set. |
ErrorType::LicensingMainLicenseNotSet | 8004 | Main license is not set. |
ErrorType::LicensingUnlicensedExtension | 8005 | Unlicensed extension. |
ErrorType::LicensingPortalUserWithNoLicense | 8006 | Portal user with no license. |
ErrorType::LocalServerServerFailedToStart | 9001 | Local server failed to start. |
ErrorType::LocalServerServiceFailedToStart | 9002 | A local server's service failed to start. |
ErrorType::LocalServerServiceTerminatedUnexpectedly | 9003 | A local server's service terminated unexpectedly. |
ErrorType::LocalServerServerFailed | 9004 | The local server has failed. |
ErrorType::LocalServerServiceFailed | 9005 | A local server's service has failed. |
ErrorType::StdIosBaseFailure | 10001 | IO error. |
ErrorType::StdBadArrayNewLength | 10002 | Invalid array length. |
ErrorType::StdUnderflowError | 10003 | Arithmetic underflow. |
ErrorType::StdSystemError | 10004 | System error. |
ErrorType::StdRangeError | 10005 | Range error. |
ErrorType::StdOverflowError | 10006 | Arithmetic overflow. |
ErrorType::StdOutOfRange | 10007 | Out of range. |
ErrorType::StdLengthError | 10008 | Length error. |
ErrorType::StdInvalidArgument | 10009 | Invalid argument. |
ErrorType::StdFutureError | 10010 | Asynchronous error. |
ErrorType::StdDomainError | 10011 | Math domain error. |
ErrorType::StdRuntimeError | 10012 | Unknown error. |
ErrorType::StdLogicError | 10013 | Logic error. |
ErrorType::StdBadWeakPtr | 10014 | Invalid weak reference. |
ErrorType::StdBadTypeId | 10015 | Invalid type Id. |
ErrorType::StdBadFunctionCall | 10016 | Invalid function call. |
ErrorType::StdBadException | 10017 | Invalid error management. |
ErrorType::StdBadCast | 10018 | Invalid cast. |
ErrorType::StdBadAlloc | 10019 | Out of memory. |
ErrorType::StdException | 10020 | Unknown error. |
ErrorType::NavigationReroutingNotSupportedByService | 13001 | Service does not support rerouting. |
ErrorType::GeotriggersFeedError | 16001 | A problem was encountered with a GeotriggerFeed. An invalid GeotriggerFeed indicates that a GeotriggerMonitor is unable to perform checks. No GeotriggerNotificationInfo events will be sent. |
ErrorType::GeotriggersFenceParametersError | 16002 | A problem was encountered with the FenceParameters for a FenceGeotrigger. An invalid FenceParameters indicates that a GeotriggerMonitor is unable to perform checks. No GeotriggerNotificationInfo events will be sent. |
ErrorType::GeotriggersFenceDataWarning | 16003 | A problem was encountered with the fence data for a Geotrigger. There is a problem with some of the fence data and these will not be checked by a GeotriggerMonitor. However, other data is valid so GeotriggerNotificationInfo events can be sent. |
ErrorType::MotionSensorAccelerometerNotSupported | 17000 | Device does not support accelerometer. |
ErrorType::MotionSensorGyroscopeNotSupported | 17001 | Device does not support gyroscope. |
ErrorType::MotionSensorMagnetometerNotSupported | 17002 | Device does not support magnetometer. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationInvalidCredentials | 18001 | Invalid credentials, unable to generate token. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationUnableToDetermineTokenUrl | 18002 | Unable to determine generate token URL. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationTokenExpired | 18003 | Token has expired. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationTokenRequired | 18004 | A token or API key is required. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationInvalidApiKey | 18005 | Invalid API key. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationInvalidToken | 18006 | Invalid token. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationForbidden | 18007 | You do not have permission to access the resource. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationSslRequired | 18008 | Secure socket layer required. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationCredentialCannotBeShared | 18009 | The credential cannot be shared with the request URL. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationOauthFailure | 18010 | The authorization end point responded with a failure. |
ErrorType::AuthenticationChallengeCanceled | 18011 | The authentication challenge was canceled. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryNotSupported | 19000 | Symbol dictionary not supported. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryMissingConfiguration | 19001 | Missing symbol dictionary configuration. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryMissingScript | 19002 | Missing symbol dictionary script. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryMissingDisplayName | 19003 | Missing symbol dictionary display name. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryConfigurationParsingError | 19004 | Error parsing the symbol dictionary configuration. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryArcadeParsingError | 19005 | Error parsing the symbol dictionary script. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryArcadeEvaluationError | 19006 | Error evaluating the symbol dictionary script. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryStylxConnectionError | 19007 | Error establishing connection with the stylx file for symbol dictionary. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryOrderedAnchorPointToGeometryError | 19008 | Error converting ordered anchor points to geometry for symbol dictionary. |
ErrorType::SymbolDictionaryGeometryToOrderedAnchorPointError | 19009 | Error converting geometry to ordered anchor points for symbol dictionary. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class ExtendedErrorType
Enumerates extended error type.
The ExtendedErrorType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
ExtendedErrorType::None | -1 | None |
ExtendedErrorType::NetworkError | 0 | Network error |
ExtendedErrorType::FileIOError | 1 | File I/O error |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.