<MapTypes.h> - Map Types Enums

Collection of Map enumerations. More...

Header: #include <MapTypes.h>


enum class ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType { Layer, Table, GroupLayer, AnnotationLayer, DimensionLayer, Unknown }
enum class ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType { FeatureLayer, Table, GroupLayer, RasterLayer, NetworkAnalysisLayer, Unknown }
enum class ArcGISSublayerType { ArcGISMapImageSublayer, ArcGISTiledSublayer, SubtypeSublayer, Unknown }
enum class BasemapStyle { ArcGISImagery, ArcGISImageryStandard, ArcGISImageryLabels, ArcGISLightGray, ArcGISLightGrayBase, …, OsmNavigationDark }
enum class BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy { Default, Global, Local, ApplicationLocale }
enum class BingMapsLayerStyle { Unknown, Aerial, Hybrid, Road }
enum class CacheStorageFormat { Unknown, Compact, CompactV2, Exploded }
enum class DisplayFilterDefinitionType { Unknown, ManualDisplayFilterDefinition, ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition }
enum class DisplayFilterType { Unknown, DisplayFilter, ScaleRangeDisplayFilter }
enum class FeatureRenderingMode { Automatic, Static, Dynamic }
enum class FeatureTilingMode { EnabledWhenSupported, Disabled, EnabledWithFullResolutionWhenSupported }
enum class GraphicsRenderingMode { Dynamic, Static }
enum class GroupVisibilityMode { Independent, Inherited, Exclusive }
enum class JoinType { InnerJoin, LeftOuterJoin, Unknown }
enum class KmlAltitudeMode { ClampToGround, RelativeToGround, Absolute, Unknown }
enum class KmlColorMode { Normal, Random }
enum class KmlGeometryObjectType { Geometry, MultiGeometry, Model, Track, MultiTrack, Unknown }
enum class KmlGeometryType { Point, Polyline, Polygon, Model, MultiGeometry, …, Unknown }
enum class KmlGraphicType { None, Point, Polyline, Polygon, ExtrudedPoint, …, Unknown }
enum class KmlListItemType { Check, RadioFolder, CheckHideChildren, Unknown, CheckOffOnly }
enum class KmlNodeType { KmlDocument, KmlFolder, KmlNetworkLink, KmlPlacemark, KmlPhotoOverlay, …, Unknown }
enum class KmlRefreshMode { OnChange, OnExpire, OnInterval }
enum class KmlRefreshStatus { None, InProgress, Completed, Failed }
enum class KmlSimpleFieldType { Boolean, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, …, String }
enum class KmlTourStatus { NotInitialized, Initializing, Initialized, Playing, Paused, Completed }
enum class KmlUnitsType { Fraction, Pixels, InsetPixels }
enum class KmlViewRefreshMode { Never, OnStop, OnRegion, OnRequest }
enum class KmlViewpointType { Camera, LookAt, Unknown }
enum class LayerType { ImageTiledLayer, ServiceImageTiledLayer, ArcGISMapImageLayer, ArcGISTiledLayer, FeatureCollectionLayer, …, UnknownLayer }
enum class LoadStatus { Loaded, Loading, FailedToLoad, NotLoaded, Unknown }
enum class MapServiceImageFormat { Default, PNG, PNG8, PNG24, PNG32, …, Unknown }
enum class NoDataTileBehavior { UpSample, Blank, Show, Unknown }
enum class SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship { Disjoint, Contains }
enum class SelectionMode { Add, New, Subtract }
enum class SublayerSourceType { MapSublayerSource, TableQuerySublayerSource, TableJoinSublayerSource, TableSublayerSource, RasterSublayerSource, Unknown }
enum class ViewpointType { CenterAndScale, BoundingGeometry, Unknown }
enum class WmsVersion { V110, V111, V130 }

Detailed Description

Type Documentation

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType

Enumerates the types of the datasets underlying an Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.

This is used to determine the type of the dataset behind an Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo. Spatial datasets are considered to be layers whereas non-spatial datasets are tables.

The ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType can be one of:

ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::Layer0A feature layer. Containing geometrical features such as a points, lines, or polygons.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::Table1A feature table.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::GroupLayer2A group layer.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::AnnotationLayer3An annotation layer. Containing text features to be drawn at specific positions.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::DimensionLayer4A dimension layer. Containing schematic measurement features to be drawn at specific positions.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::Unknown-1An unknown/unsupported dataset type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1] enum class ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType

The type of sublayer in the ArcGIS map service.

The ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType can be one of:

ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::FeatureLayer0A feature layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::Table1A feature table.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::GroupLayer2A group layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::RasterLayer3A raster layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::NetworkAnalysisLayer4A network analysis layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::Unknown-1An unknown/unsupported service type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class ArcGISSublayerType

Enumerates types of ArcGIS sublayers.

The ArcGISSublayerType can be one of:

ArcGISSublayerType::ArcGISMapImageSublayer0ArcGIS map image sublayer.
ArcGISSublayerType::ArcGISTiledSublayer1ArcGIS tiled sublayer.
ArcGISSublayerType::SubtypeSublayer2A feature subtype sublayer.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10] enum class BasemapStyle

The list of basemap styles.

This is used to determine which basemap to use. These basemaps are secured and require either an APIKey or an authenticated user account to access them.

The BasemapStyle can be one of the following:

BasemapStyle::ArcGISImagery0A composite basemap with satellite imagery of the world (raster) as the base layer and labels (vector) as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryStandard1A raster basemap with satellite imagery of the world as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryLabels2A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryStandard.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGray3A vector basemap for the world featuring a light neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGrayBase4A vector basemap for the world featuring a light neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGrayLabels5A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on light neutral backgrounds such as the BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGrayBase style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGray6A vector basemap for the world featuring a dark neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGrayBase7A vector basemap for the world featuring a dark neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGrayLabels8A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on dark neutral backgrounds such as the BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGrayBase style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNavigation9A vector basemap for the world featuring a custom navigation map style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNavigationNight10A vector basemap for the world featuring a 'dark mode' version of the BasemapStyle::ArcGISNavigation style, using the same content.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreets11A vector basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri street map style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsNight12A vector basemap for the world featuring a custom 'night time' street map style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsRelief13A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and a classic Esri street map style (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTopographic14A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and classic Esri topographic map style including a relief map (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceans15A composite basemap with ocean data of the world (raster) as the base layer and labels (vector) as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceansBase16A raster basemap with ocean data of the world as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceansLabels17A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceansBase.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrain18A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster), minimal map content like water and land fill, water lines and roads (vector) as the base layers and minimal map content like populated place names, admin and water labels with boundary lines (vector) as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrainBase19A vector basemap with minimal map content like water and land fill, water lines and roads as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrainDetail20A vector basemap with minimal map content like populated place names, admin and water labels with boundary lines as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrainBase and hillshade.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISCommunity21A vector basemap for the world in a style that is optimized to display special areas of interest (AOIs) that have been created and edited by Community Maps contributors.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISChartedTerritory22A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and the world featuring a geopolitical style reminiscent of a school classroom wall map (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISColoredPencil23A vector basemap presented in the style of hand-drawn, colored pencil cartography.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNova24A vector basemap for the world featuring a dark background with glowing blue symbology inspired by science-fiction and futuristic themes.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISModernAntique25A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and the look of 18th and 19th century antique maps in the modern world of multi-scale mapping (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISMidcentury26A vector basemap inspired by the art and advertising of the 1950's that presents a unique design option to the ArcGIS basemaps.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNewspaper27A vector basemap in black & white design with halftone patterns, red highlights, and stylized fonts to depict a unique "newspaper" styled theme.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHillshadeLight28A raster basemap with elevation hillshade. Designed to be used as a backdrop for topographic, soil, hydro, landcover or other outdoor recreational maps.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHillshadeDark29A raster basemap with world hillshade (Dark) is useful in building maps that provide terrain context while highlighting feature layers and labels.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsReliefBase30A vector basemap in the classic Esri street map style, using a relief map as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTopographicBase31A vector basemap in the classic Esri topographic map style, using a relief map as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISChartedTerritoryBase32A vector basemap in a geopolitical style reminiscent of a school classroom wall map as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISModernAntiqueBase33A vector basemap in the style of 18th and 19th century antique maps in the modern world of multi-scale mapping as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeography34A vector tile basemap for ArcGIS Human Geography, with labels. A vector tile layer basemap containing monochromatic land polygons. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Label and Detail layers. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeographyBase35A vector tile basemap for ArcGIS Human Geography. A vector tile layer basemap containing monochromatic land polygons. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Label and Detail layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeographyDetail36A detailed vector tile basemap for ArcGIS Human Geography. A vector tile layer providing a detailed basemap for the world, featuring a monochromatic style with content adjusted to support Human Geography information. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Label and Base layers. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeographyLabels37A vector tile basemap for ArcGIS Human Geography labels. A vector tile layer providing a detailed basemap for the world, featuring a monochromatic style with content consisting of labels to support Human Geography information. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Detail and Base layers. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeographyDark38A vector tile basemap for dark ArcGIS Human Geography, with labels. A vector tile layer basemap containing dark monochromatic land polygons. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Dark Label and Detail layers. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeographyDarkBase39A vector tile basemap for dark ArcGIS Human Geography. A vector tile layer basemap containing dark monochromatic land polygons. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Dark Label and Detail layers. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeographyDarkDetail40A detailed vector tile basemap for dark ArcGIS Human Geography, with labels. A vector tile layer providing a detailed basemap for the world, featuring a dark monochromatic style with content adjusted to support Human Geography information. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Dark Label and Base layers. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHumanGeographyDarkLabels41A vector tile basemap for dark ArcGIS Human Geography labels. A vector tile layer providing a detailed basemap for the world, featuring a dark monochromatic style with content adjusted to support Human Geography information. This map is designed for use with Human Geography Dark Detail and Base layers. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISOutdoor42A detailed vector tile basemap for the natural world. A vector tile layer providing a detailed basemap with an emphasis on the natural world. It includes rich cartographic styling with vector contours and vector hillshade. This is a multisource style. The default global place labels are in English.
BasemapStyle::OsmStandard101A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using Open Street Map (OSM) cartography.
BasemapStyle::OsmStandardRelief102A composite basemap that uses elevation as an artistic hillshade (raster) and Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. It is rendered similarly to the Esri Street Map (with Relief) and uses a cartographic style (vector) as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmStandardReliefBase103A vector basemap is a version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using Esri Street Map cartographic style.
BasemapStyle::OsmStreets104A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using Esri Street Map style.
BasemapStyle::OsmStreetsRelief105A composite basemap with elevation as an artistic hillshade (raster) and Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered similarly to the Esri Street Map (with Relief) cartographic style (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::OsmLightGray106A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using light neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmLightGrayBase107A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using light neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmLightGrayLabels108A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. Contains only labels as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on light neutral styles with minimal colors such as BasemapStyle::OSMLightGrayBase.
BasemapStyle::OsmDarkGray109A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using dark neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmDarkGrayBase110A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using dark neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmDarkGrayLabels111A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. Contains only labels as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on dark neutral styles with minimal colors such as BasemapStyle::OSMDarkGrayBase.
BasemapStyle::OsmStreetsReliefBase112A vector basemap with Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. It is rendered similarly to the Esri Street Map (with Relief) and uses a cartographic style as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::OsmBlueprint113An Open Street Map (OSM) vector basemap presented using a blueprint style. This vector basemap is based on the Daylight map distribution of OSM data and is hosted by Esri. The map is presented in a creative cartographic style emulating a blueprint technical drawing. The default place labels are shown in the local language for where the label appears. For example, labels for places in France are shown in French.
BasemapStyle::OsmHybrid114An Open Street Map (OSM) basemap for the world. A basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. This layer presents low-resolution satellite imagery for the world and high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery, typically within 3-5 years of currency, for most of the world. The default place labels are shown in the local language for where the label appears. For example, labels for places in France are shown in French.
BasemapStyle::OsmHybridDetail115An Open Street Map (OSM) detailed vector basemap for the world. A basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. This vector tile layer provides a detailed reference layer for the world designed to be overlaid on imagery. The default place labels are shown in the local language for where the label appears. For example, labels for places in France are shown in French.
BasemapStyle::OsmNavigation116An Open Street Map (OSM) vector basemap presented using the Navigation style. This vector basemap is based on the Daylight map distribution of OSM data and is hosted by Esri. It presents the map in a cartographic style similar to the Esri Vector Basemap Navigation map. The default place labels are shown in the local language for where the label appears. For example, labels for places in France are shown in French.
BasemapStyle::OsmNavigationDark117An Open Street Map (OSM) vector basemap presented using the dark Navigation style. This vector basemap is based on the Daylight map distribution of OSM data and is hosted by Esri. It presents the map in a cartographic style similar to the Esri Vector Basemap Navigation Dark Mode map. The default place labels are shown in the local language for where the label appears. For example, labels for places in France are shown in French.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.3] enum class BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy

Options for setting the language on a Basemap created from a BasemapStyle.

BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy enumerates which language to use when displaying labels on the basemap.

The BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy can be one of:

BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy::Default0Use the default language setting for the `BasemapStyle`. Currently, for ArcGIS styles, the default behavior is global labels for ArcGIS styles and local labels for OpenStreetMap styles.
BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy::Global1Use the global language (English) for basemap labels. This is the default setting for ArcGIS basemap styles.
BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy::Local2Use the local place names for basemap labels. This option uses the names of places in their local language - for example, "Lisboa" for "Lisbon" and "北京" for "Beijing". This is the default setting for OpenStreetMap basemap styles.
BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy::ApplicationLocale3Attempt to use the system locale language for basemap labels. Refer to BasemapStyleParameters.specificLanguage for a description of the behavior if the system's locale is an unsupported language.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.3.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1] enum class BingMapsLayerStyle

Enumerates the types of layer styles for a Bing Maps layer.

The BingMapsLayerStyle can be one of:

BingMapsLayerStyle::Unknown-1Unknown Bing Maps layer style.
BingMapsLayerStyle::Aerial0Aeriel layer style.
BingMapsLayerStyle::Hybrid1Hybrid layer style (aerial with labels).
BingMapsLayerStyle::Road2Road layer style.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2] enum class CacheStorageFormat

The storage format of a tile cache.

The CacheStorageFormat can be one of:

CacheStorageFormat::Unknown-1Unknown storage format.
CacheStorageFormat::Compact0Compact storage format (.tpk).
CacheStorageFormat::CompactV21Compact V2 storage format (.tpkx). For more details on the specification of a .tpkx file, see https://github.com/Esri/tile-package-spec.
CacheStorageFormat::Exploded2Exploded storage format.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13] enum class DisplayFilterDefinitionType

The different types of available display filter definitions.

The DisplayFilterDefinitionType can be one of:

DisplayFilterDefinitionType::Unknown-1An unknown display filter definition type.
DisplayFilterDefinitionType::ManualDisplayFilterDefinition0A ManualDisplayFilterDefinition type.
DisplayFilterDefinitionType::ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition1A ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13] enum class DisplayFilterType

The different types of available display filters.

The DisplayFilterType can be one of:

DisplayFilterType::Unknown-1An unknown display filter type.
DisplayFilterType::DisplayFilter0A DisplayFilter type.
DisplayFilterType::ScaleRangeDisplayFilter1A ScaleRangeDisplayFilter type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2] enum class FeatureRenderingMode

Enumerates types of rendering modes available for the FeatureLayer.

FeatureRenderingMode enumerates rendering modes available for the FeatureLayer.

The FeatureRenderingMode can be one of:

FeatureRenderingMode::Automatic0The rendering mode for the layer will be automatically chosen based on the geometry type and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Renderer.
FeatureRenderingMode::Static1Static rendering mode - Features will only update between zoom and pan operations in a retained mode. This mode is ideal, for example, for complex geometries or features rendered with cartographic quality symbology. It may also be suited for rendering features when low-end graphics hardware is used.
FeatureRenderingMode::Dynamic2Dynamic rendering mode - Features will be updated during pan and zoom operations for a smoothly rendered display. This mode is not supported by all Renderers. A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::HeatmapRenderer is an example of a renderer which does not support dynamic rendering mode.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10] enum class FeatureTilingMode

Feature tiling modes available to feature layers. This determines how feature tiling is handled for each layer. Using the default mode is highly recommended. As of now, only services based on service feature tables support feature tiling.

The FeatureTilingMode can be one of:

FeatureTilingMode::EnabledWhenSupported0Use feature tiling whenever a service supports it. Feature tiling retrieves more features per layer from a service by making multiple, smaller requests to said service. Since each request gathers a portion of the total features, this allows more features to be rendered in the extent than what the maxRecordCount would normally allow. When in this mode, all rendering requests to services will use feature tiling unless the following applies: FeatureRequestMode is FeatureRequestMode::ManualCache, the service does not support coordinate quantization, or if the service does not support tile result types. This is the default mode.
FeatureTilingMode::Disabled1Feature tiling is disabled. When in this mode, feature tiling will not be used even if a service supports it. This reduces the number of requests sent by each layer. Disabling feature tiling results in less features returned from a service.
FeatureTilingMode::EnabledWithFullResolutionWhenSupported2Use feature tiling and request full resolution geometries when supported by the service. If the latter is not supported, FeatureTilingMode::EnabledWhenSupported is used instead. This mode requires the service to support the edit quantization mode, which returns all vertices of the source geometry in a high resolution. Use this mode for workflows that benefit from precise geometry editing, such as snapping feature geometries, without loading the feature. This mode may impact performance due to the increase in network traffic.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class GraphicsRenderingMode

Enumerates types of rendering modes available for the GraphicsOverlay.

GraphicsRenderingMode enumerates rendering modes available for the GraphicsOverlay.

The GraphicsRenderingMode can be one of:

GraphicsRenderingMode::Dynamic0Dynamic mode is used to provide smooth draws of Graphics. Graphics are redrawn at a high frame rate along with other map features. This requires more work on the part of your machine's graphics rendering pipeline than Static.
GraphicsRenderingMode::Static1Static mode is used to increase draw performance when the GraphicsOverlay may contain many unmoving Graphics. Graphics are rasterized for display. When the map display changes (such as during zoom) the symbols are not redrawn until the map display change is finished. Static rendering mode is not suitable for moving Graphics.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9] enum class GroupVisibilityMode

Enumerates the visibility modes on a group layer.

The GroupVisibilityMode can be one of:

GroupVisibilityMode::Independent0A child layer's visibility property is independent of its parent's and siblings' visibility properties. Changes to the parent or siblings' visibility properties have no effect on the current layer's visibility property. However, the rendering of a child layer on the view requires both its visibility property and its parent's visibility property to be true. This can be visualized in the context of a table of contents. A parent can contain multiple child layers, each with a differing value of their visibility property. Turning off the parent's visibility will prevent any child layer from rendering on the view. But their visibility property will still be reflected in the table of contents. Setting the parent's visibility back to true returns the view to the original state.
GroupVisibilityMode::Inherited1The visibility property of child layers is determined by the visibility of the parent layer and cannot be set independently of the parent. All child layers' visibility properties always match the visibility property of the parent. In an implementation of a table of contents, setting the parent's visibility to on or off will cause child layers to match. You may choose to hide all child layers from your table of contents given the group is treated as a single logical layer in terms of visibility.
GroupVisibilityMode::Exclusive2Only a single child may have its visible property set to true. When setting the visibility property of a child layer to true, all others will have their visibility set to false. However, the rendering of a child layer requires both its visibility property and its parent's visibility property to be true. In an implementation of a table of contents, a group layer will only ever contain one visible child layer.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1] enum class JoinType

Enumerates join types of a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TableJoinSublayerSource.

The JoinType can be one of:

JoinType::InnerJoin0Inner join.
JoinType::LeftOuterJoin1Left outer join.
JoinType::Unknown-1Unknown join type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4] enum class KmlAltitudeMode

Enumerates the KML altitude modes.

The KmlAltitudeMode can be one of:

KmlAltitudeMode::ClampToGround0The <altitude> specification is ignored, and the object will be draped over the ground.
KmlAltitudeMode::RelativeToGround1(default) Interprets the <altitude> as a value in meters above the ground. If the point is over water, the <altitude> will be interpreted as a value in meters above sea level.
KmlAltitudeMode::Absolute2Interprets the <altitude> as a value in meters above sea level.
KmlAltitudeMode::Unknown-1Unknown altitude type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6] enum class KmlColorMode

Enumerates the KML color modes.

The KmlColorMode can be one of:

KmlColorMode::Normal0Normal is the default value. This means that whatever Color property is set for the KmlColorStyle will be used.
KmlColorMode::Random1Random means whatever the Color property is set for the KmlColorStyle will be overwritten by a random color.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.6] enum class KmlGeometryObjectType

Enumerates the types of concrete KML geometry classes.

Note: this differs from KmlGeometryType, which indicates the type of geometry, which may not correspond with the concrete class type.

The KmlGeometryObjectType can be one of:

KmlGeometryObjectType::Geometry0The KmlGeometry class.
KmlGeometryObjectType::MultiGeometry1The KmlMultiGeometry class.
KmlGeometryObjectType::Model2The KmlModel class.
KmlGeometryObjectType::Track3The KmlTrack class.
KmlGeometryObjectType::MultiTrack4The KmlMultiTrack class.
KmlGeometryObjectType::Unknown-1Unknown or invalid KML geoemtry type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.6.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4] enum class KmlGeometryType

Enumerates the types of KML geometry.

The KmlGeometryType can be one of:

KmlGeometryType::Point0A point.
KmlGeometryType::Polyline1A polyline
KmlGeometryType::Polygon2A polygon.
KmlGeometryType::Model3A model.
KmlGeometryType::MultiGeometry4A multi-geometry.
KmlGeometryType::Track5A track.
KmlGeometryType::MultiTrack6A multi-track.
KmlGeometryType::Unknown-1Unknown KML geometry type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4] enum class KmlGraphicType

Enumerates the types of KML graphics.

The KmlGraphicType can be one of:

KmlGraphicType::None0There is no geoemtry present.
KmlGraphicType::Point1A point.
KmlGraphicType::Polyline2A polyline.
KmlGraphicType::Polygon3A polygon.
KmlGraphicType::ExtrudedPoint4An extruded point.
KmlGraphicType::ExtrudedPolyline5An extruded polyline.
KmlGraphicType::ExtrudedPolygon6An extruded polygon
KmlGraphicType::Model7A model.
KmlGraphicType::MultiGeometry8A multi-geometry. This is a container for geometries.
KmlGraphicType::Unknown-1Unknown KML graphic type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4] enum class KmlListItemType

Enumerates the types of KML list item.

This information is used to determine how a KML node is displayed in a list view.

The KmlListItemType can be one of:

KmlListItemType::Check0(default) - The KML node's visibility is tied to its item's checkbox.
KmlListItemType::RadioFolder1When specified for a Container, only one of the Container's items is visible at a time.
KmlListItemType::CheckHideChildren2Use a normal checkbox for visibility but do not display the Container or Network Link's children in the list view. A checkbox allows the user to toggle visibility of the child objects in the viewer.
KmlListItemType::Unknown-1Unknown KML geometry type.
KmlListItemType::CheckOffOnly3Everything in the container or network link can be turned off all at once. Prevents nodes from becoming visible simultaneously. Child nodes must be enabled individually. This is useful if the container or network link contains a large amount of data.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4] enum class KmlNodeType

Enumerates the types of KML nodes.

The KmlNodeType can be one of:

KmlNodeType::KmlDocument0A document KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlFolder1A folder KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlNetworkLink2A network link KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlPlacemark3A placemark KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlPhotoOverlay4A photo overlay KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlGroundOverlay5A ground overlay KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlScreenOverlay6A screen overlay KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlTour7A tour KML node.
KmlNodeType::Unknown-1Unknown KML node.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6] enum class KmlRefreshMode

Enumerates types of KML refresh mode.

Defines the time-based refresh behavior of a KML network link.

The KmlRefreshMode can be one of:

KmlRefreshMode::OnChange0Refresh when the file is loaded and whenever the Link parameters change.
KmlRefreshMode::OnExpire2Refresh every n milliseconds. Note, if refresh interval is 0 when the mode is set to OnInterval, it will automatically update the refresh interval to 4000 milliseconds.
KmlRefreshMode::OnInterval1Refresh the file when the expiration time is reached. If a fetched file has a network link control, the "expires" time takes precedence over expiration times specified in HTTP headers. If no "expires" time is specified, the HTTP max-age header is used (if present). If max-age is not present, the Expires HTTP header is used (if present). Currently this is treated the same as if the mode were onChange.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4] enum class KmlRefreshStatus

The list of KML refresh status types.

The KmlRefreshStatus can be one of:

KmlRefreshStatus::None0The KML node has no refresh status.
KmlRefreshStatus::InProgress1This staus is raised when a KML node refresh starts.
KmlRefreshStatus::Completed2This status is raised when a KML node refresh completes.
KmlRefreshStatus::Failed3This status is raised when a KML node refresh fails.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.5] enum class KmlSimpleFieldType

The type associated with a node's extended data attribute.

The KmlSimpleFieldType can be one of:

KmlSimpleFieldType::Boolean0A boolean value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Int161A 16-bit integer value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Uint162A 16-bit unsigned integer value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Int323A 32-bit integer value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Uint324A 32-bit unsigned integer value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Int645A 64-bit integer value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Uint646A 64-bit unsigned integer value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Float327A float value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Float648A double value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::DateOnly9A date only value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::Date10A date time value.
KmlSimpleFieldType::String11A string value.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.5.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6] enum class KmlTourStatus

Enumerates types of KML tour status.

The KmlTourStatus can be one of:

KmlTourStatus::NotInitialized0The KML tour is not initialized. This is the default status. Set the tour on a tour controller to initialize it.
KmlTourStatus::Initializing1This status is set as soon as a KML tour is set on a tour controller.
KmlTourStatus::Initialized2This status is set when a KML tour is successfully initialized. If initialization fails, the status is set to KmlTourStatus::NotInitialized.
KmlTourStatus::Playing3This status is set when a KML tour starts playing.
KmlTourStatus::Paused4This status is set when a KML tour is paused.
KmlTourStatus::Completed5This status is set when a KML tour is completed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7] enum class KmlUnitsType

A KML units type object.

Use the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType enumeration via the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlImageCoordinate::KmlImageCoordinate(double, double, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType, QObject*)} {KmlImageCoordinate::KmlImageCoordinate(double, double, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType, QObject*)} constructor) to establish the KML image coordinate system. Values of type fraction must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Values below 0.0 will be set to 0.0, and values above 1.0 will be set to 1.0. If a non-integral number is specified with a unit type of device-independent pixels (KmlUnitsType::Pixels or KmlUnitsType::InsetPixels), it will be rounded down to a whole number (e.g. 2.243 will be rounded to 2.0).

The Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType can be one of:

KmlUnitsType::Fraction0Fraction is the default value. Treat the x/y value as a fraction of the width/height.
KmlUnitsType::Pixels1Treat the x/y value as an integral number of pixels.
KmlUnitsType::InsetPixels2Treat the x/y value as an integral number of pixels from the top right corner.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6] enum class KmlViewRefreshMode

Enumerates types of KML view refresh mode.

Defines the view-based refresh behavior of a KML network link.

The KmlViewRefreshMode can be one of:

KmlViewRefreshMode::Never0Ignore changes in the view.
KmlViewRefreshMode::OnStop1Refresh the file n milliseconds after movement stops, where n is specified by viewRefreshTime. Note, if viewRefreshTime is 0 when the mode is set to onStop, it will automatically update the viewRefreshTime to 500 milliseconds.
KmlViewRefreshMode::OnRegion3Refresh the file only when the user explicitly requests it.
KmlViewRefreshMode::OnRequest2Refresh the file when the KML region becomes active.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4] enum class KmlViewpointType

Enumerates the types of KML viewpoints.

The KmlViewpointType can be one of:

KmlViewpointType::Camera0The view type is a camera.
KmlViewpointType::LookAt1The view type is a look at point.
KmlViewpointType::Unknown-1Unknown view type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class LayerType

Enumerates types of map layers.

The LayerType can be one of:

LayerType::ServiceImageTiledLayer2Service image tiled layer
LayerType::FeatureCollectionLayer5Feature collection layer
LayerType::FeatureLayer6Feature layer
LayerType::KMLLayer7KML layer
LayerType::RasterLayer9Raster layer
LayerType::UnsupportedLayer10Unsupported layer
LayerType::MobileBasemapLayer11Mobile basemap layer
LayerType::ArcGISVectorTiledLayer12ArcGIS vector tiled layer
LayerType::ArcGISSceneLayer13ArcGIS scene layer
LayerType::WmtsLayer14WMTS layer
LayerType::OpenStreetMapLayer15Open street map layer
LayerType::WebTiledLayer16Web tiled layer
LayerType::BingMapsLayer17Bing Maps layer
LayerType::EncLayer18Electronic Navigational Charts layer
LayerType::WmsLayer19WMS Layer
LayerType::IntegratedMeshLayer20Integrated Mesh layer
LayerType::PointCloudLayer21Point Cloud layer
LayerType::GroupLayer22Group layer
LayerType::AnnotationLayer23Annotation layer
LayerType::SubtypeFeatureLayer24Subtype Feature layer
LayerType::DimensionLayer25Dimension layer
LayerType::DynamicEntityLayer26A dynamic entity layer
LayerType::Ogc3dTilesLayer27OGC 3D Tiles Layer
LayerType::UnknownLayer-1Unknown layer type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class LoadStatus

The load status for the object.

This is used to determine the status of an object that is loadable.

The LoadStatus can be one of:

LoadStatus::Loaded0The object is fully loaded and ready to use.
LoadStatus::Loading1The object is currently being loaded and some functionality may not work.
LoadStatus::FailedToLoad2The object failed to load and some functionality may not work.
LoadStatus::NotLoaded3The object is not loaded and some functionality may not work.
LoadStatus::Unknown-1Unknown load state. Only used if an error occurs and we have to return a value. Should not expose it.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class MapServiceImageFormat

The image formats supported by ArcGIS map services and ArcGIS image services.

The MapServiceImageFormat can be one of:

MapServiceImageFormat::Default0To use service-defined default image format.
MapServiceImageFormat::PNG1PNG. Supported in ArcGIS map service only.
MapServiceImageFormat::PNG828-bit PNG. Supported in both the ArcGIS image and map services.
MapServiceImageFormat::PNG24324bit PNG. Supported in both the ArcGIS image and map services.
MapServiceImageFormat::PNG324PNG32. Supported in both the ArcGIS image and map services.
MapServiceImageFormat::JPG5JPEG. Supported in both the ArcGIS image and map services.
MapServiceImageFormat::JPGPNG6JPG | PNG. Supported in ArcGIS image service only. This format returns a JPG if there are no transparent pixels in the requested extent, otherwise it returns a PNG.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class NoDataTileBehavior

Enumerates the ways an ImageTiledLayer should treat NoData tiles.

The NoDataTileBehavior can be one of:

NoDataTileBehavior::UpSample0Show coarser tiles. This is the default for operational layers and basemap base layers.
NoDataTileBehavior::Blank1Show blank tiles (nothing). This is the default for basemap reference layers.
NoDataTileBehavior::Show2Show the tiles with 'No Data' stamped over them.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.2] enum class SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship

The spatial relationships for filtering using polygon geometries.

The SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship can be one of:

SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship::Disjoint0Does not draw the features that are within the defined polygon geometries.
SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship::Contains1Draws the features that are within the specified polygon geometries and does not draw anything that falls outside of the polygons.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.2.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class SelectionMode

Describes how to combine a feature selection request with the current selected features list.

The SelectionMode can be one of:

SelectionMode::Add0Appends the features to be selected with the current list of selected features.
SelectionMode::New1Replaces the current list of selected features with the features to be selected.
SelectionMode::Subtract2Removes the features from the current list of selected features.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1] enum class SublayerSourceType

The different types of sublayer sources.

The SublayerSourceType can be one of:

SublayerSourceType::MapSublayerSource0A map sublayer source.
SublayerSourceType::TableQuerySublayerSource1A table query sublayer source.
SublayerSourceType::TableJoinSublayerSource2A table join sublayer source.
SublayerSourceType::TableSublayerSource3A table sublayer source.
SublayerSourceType::RasterSublayerSource4A raster sublayer source.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0] enum class ViewpointType

Different types of Viewpoint.

ViewpointType enumerates types of Viewpoints for a MapView.

The ViewpointType can be one of:

ViewpointType::CenterAndScale0A center point and scale.
ViewpointType::BoundingGeometry1A visible area.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2] enum class WmsVersion

Enumerates the versions of a WMS service.

The WmsVersion can be one of:

WmsVersion::V110110Version 1.1.0.
WmsVersion::V111111Version 1.1.1.
WmsVersion::V130130Version 1.3.0.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
