Collection of Portal enumerations. More...
Header: | #include <PortalTypes.h> |
enum class | PortalAccess { Unknown, Organization, Private, Public, Shared } |
enum class | PortalFileType { Unknown, CSV, Shapefile, TilePackage, FeatureService, …, ServiceDefinition } |
enum class | PortalGroupSortField { AverageRating, Created, Modified, Owner, Title, …, ViewCount } |
enum class | PortalItemType { Unknown, ArcGISProAddIn, ArcPadPackage, CADDrawing, CSV, …, StreamService } |
enum class | PortalMode { Unknown, MultiTenant, SingleTenant } |
enum class | PortalPrivilegeRealm { Unknown, Portal, Features, OpenData, Premium, Marketplace } |
enum class | PortalPrivilegeRole { Unknown, Administrator, Publisher, User } |
enum class | PortalPrivilegeSubtype { Unknown, None, Stored, Temporary, ClosestFacility, …, VehicleRouting } |
enum class | PortalPrivilegeType { Unknown, Edit, FullEdit, Manage, Purchase, …, ScheduleNotebooks } |
enum class | PortalQuerySortOrder { Ascending, Descending } |
enum class | PortalUserRole { Unknown, Publisher, Admin, User } |
enum class | SubscriptionState { Unknown, Active, Canceled, Deleted, Expired, …, Suspended } |
Detailed Description
Type Documentation
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalAccess
Indicates the level of access to this portal object: private, shared, organization, or public.
The PortalAccess can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalAccess::Unknown | -1 | An unknown portal access. |
PortalAccess::Organization | 0 | Members of the user's organization. |
PortalAccess::Private | 1 | Only the owner. |
PortalAccess::Public | 2 | Any user. |
PortalAccess::Shared | 3 | Shared with one or more groups. |
- For the PortalInfo object, it determines the level of access to an organization for anonymous users.
- For the PortalItemInfo object, it determines who can see and access the item.
- For the PortalGroupInfo object, it determines who can see and access the group.
- For the PortalUserInfo object, it determines what level of access to the user information will be available to others and whether it will be searchable.
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalFileType
Enumerates types of files that can be items in a portal.
The PortalFileType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalFileType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown file type. |
PortalFileType::CSV | 0 | Comma-separated value text file. |
PortalFileType::Shapefile | 1 | Shapefile. |
PortalFileType::TilePackage | 2 | Tile package. |
PortalFileType::FeatureService | 3 | Feature service. |
PortalFileType::FeatureCollection | 4 | Feature collection. |
PortalFileType::ServiceDefinition | 5 | Service definition. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalGroupSortField
Enumerates fields to sort by.
The PortalGroupSortField can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalGroupSortField::AverageRating | 0 | AverageRating. |
PortalGroupSortField::Created | 1 | Created. |
PortalGroupSortField::Modified | 2 | Modified. |
PortalGroupSortField::Owner | 3 | Owner. |
PortalGroupSortField::Title | 4 | Title. |
PortalGroupSortField::Unknown | 5 | Unknown. |
PortalGroupSortField::ViewCount | 6 | ViewCount. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalItemType
Enumerates types of items that may be stored in a portal.
The PortalItemType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalItemType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown item type. |
PortalItemType::ArcGISProAddIn | 0 | ArcGISProAddIn |
PortalItemType::ArcPadPackage | 1 | ArcPad package. |
PortalItemType::CADDrawing | 2 | CAD Drawing. |
PortalItemType::CSV | 3 | Comma-separated value text file. |
PortalItemType::CityEngineWebScene | 4 | CityEngine WebScene. |
PortalItemType::CodeAttachment | 5 | Code attachment. |
PortalItemType::CodeSample | 6 | Code sample. |
PortalItemType::ColorSet | 7 | Color set. |
PortalItemType::DesktopAddIn | 8 | ArcGIS Desktop add-in. |
PortalItemType::DesktopApplication | 9 | ArcGIS Desktop application. |
PortalItemType::DesktopApplicationTemplate | 10 | ArcGIS Desktop application template. |
PortalItemType::DesktopStyle | 11 | Desktop style. |
PortalItemType::DocumentLink | 12 | Document link. |
PortalItemType::ExplorerAddIn | 13 | ArcGIS Explorer add-in. |
PortalItemType::ExplorerLayer | 14 | ArcGIS Explorer layer. |
PortalItemType::ExplorerMap | 15 | ArcGIS Explorer map. |
PortalItemType::FeatureCollection | 16 | Feature collection. |
PortalItemType::FeatureCollectionTemplate | 17 | Feature collection template. |
PortalItemType::FeatureService | 18 | Feature service. |
PortalItemType::FileGeodatabase | 19 | Geodatabase file. |
PortalItemType::Form | 20 | Form. |
PortalItemType::GeocodingService | 21 | Geocoding service. |
PortalItemType::GeodataService | 22 | Geodata service. |
PortalItemType::GeometryService | 23 | Geometry service. |
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingPackage | 24 | Geoprocessing package. |
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingPackageProVersion | 25 | Geoprocessing package pro version. |
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingSample | 26 | Geoprocessing sample. |
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingService | 27 | Geoprocessing service. |
PortalItemType::GlobeDocument | 28 | ArcGlobe document. |
PortalItemType::GlobeService | 29 | ArcGlobe service. |
PortalItemType::Image | 30 | Image file. |
PortalItemType::ImageCollection | 31 | Image collection. |
PortalItemType::ImageService | 32 | Image service. |
PortalItemType::InsightsModel | 33 | Insights model. |
PortalItemType::InsightsPage | 34 | Insights page. |
PortalItemType::InsightsWorkbook | 35 | Insights workbook. |
PortalItemType::IWorkKeynote | 36 | IWork keynote. |
PortalItemType::IWorkNumbers | 37 | IWork numbers. |
PortalItemType::IWorkPages | 38 | IWork pages. |
PortalItemType::KML | 39 | KML document. |
PortalItemType::KMLCollection | 40 | KML collection. |
PortalItemType::Layer | 41 | Layer. |
PortalItemType::LayerPackage | 42 | Layer package. |
PortalItemType::Layout | 43 | Layout. |
PortalItemType::LocatorPackage | 44 | Locator package. |
PortalItemType::MapDocument | 45 | ArcMap document. |
PortalItemType::MapPackage | 46 | Map package. |
PortalItemType::MapService | 47 | Map service. |
PortalItemType::MapTemplate | 48 | Map template. |
PortalItemType::MicrosoftExcel | 49 | Microsoft Excel spreadsheet document. |
PortalItemType::MicrosoftPowerpoint | 50 | Microsoft PowerPoint document. |
PortalItemType::MicrosoftWord | 51 | Microsoft Word document. |
PortalItemType::MobileApplication | 52 | Mobile application. |
PortalItemType::MobileBasemapPackage | 53 | Mobile basemap package. |
PortalItemType::MobileMapPackage | 54 | Mobile map package. |
PortalItemType::NativeApplication | 55 | Native application. |
PortalItemType::NativeApplicationInstaller | 56 | Native Application Installer for ArcGIS AppStudio. |
PortalItemType::NativeApplicationTemplate | 57 | Native Application Template for ArcGIS AppStudio. |
PortalItemType::NetCDF | 58 | Net CDF. |
PortalItemType::NetworkAnalysisService | 59 | Network Analysis service. |
PortalItemType::OperationView | 60 | Operations Dashboard operation view. This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7. |
PortalItemType::OperationsDashboardAddIn | 61 | Operations dashboard add-in. This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7. |
PortalItemType::OperationsDashboardExtension | 62 | Operations dashboard extension. This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7. |
PortalItemType::PDF | 63 | Adobe PDF document. |
PortalItemType::ProjectPackage | 64 | ArcGIS Pro project package. |
PortalItemType::ProjectTemplate | 65 | Project template. |
PortalItemType::ProMap | 66 | Pro map. |
PortalItemType::PublishedMap | 67 | Published map file. |
PortalItemType::RasterFunctionTemplate | 68 | Raster function template. |
PortalItemType::RelationalDatabaseConnection | 69 | Relational database connection. |
PortalItemType::ReportTemplate | 70 | Report template. |
PortalItemType::RulePackage | 71 | CityEngine rule package. |
PortalItemType::SceneDocument | 72 | ArcGIS scene document. |
PortalItemType::ScenePackage | 73 | ArcGIS scene package. |
PortalItemType::SceneService | 74 | ArcGIS scene service. |
PortalItemType::ServiceDefinition | 75 | Service definition file. |
PortalItemType::ShapeFile | 76 | Shapefile. |
PortalItemType::StatisticalDataCollection | 77 | Statistical data collection. |
PortalItemType::SymbolSet | 78 | ArcGIS symbol set file. |
PortalItemType::TaskFile | 79 | Task file. |
PortalItemType::TilePackage | 80 | Tile package. |
PortalItemType::VectorTilePackage | 81 | Vector tile package. |
PortalItemType::VectorTileService | 82 | Vector tile service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceUrl property of the item (see Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalItem::serviceUrl). |
PortalItemType::VisioDocument | 83 | Microsoft Visio document. |
PortalItemType::Vr360Experience | 84 | Vr360 experience. |
PortalItemType::WFS | 85 | OGC web feature service. |
PortalItemType::WMS | 86 | OGC web map service (WMS). |
PortalItemType::WMTS | 87 | OGC web map tile service (WMTS). |
PortalItemType::WebMap | 88 | Web map. |
PortalItemType::WebMappingApplication | 89 | Web mapping application. |
PortalItemType::WebScene | 90 | WebScene. |
PortalItemType::WindowsMobilePackage | 91 | Windows Mobile package. |
PortalItemType::WorkflowManagerPackage | 92 | Workflow Manager package. |
PortalItemType::WorkflowManagerService | 93 | Workflow Manager service. |
PortalItemType::WorkforceProject | 94 | Workforce project. |
PortalItemType::SQLiteGeodatabase | 95 | SQLite Geodatabase. |
PortalItemType::MapArea | 96 | Map Area. An offline map area defining a map created ahead-of-time. |
PortalItemType::HubInitiative | 97 | Hub Initiative. |
PortalItemType::HubSiteApplication | 98 | Hub Site Application. |
PortalItemType::HubPage | 99 | Hub Page. |
PortalItemType::AppBuilderExtension | 100 | AppBuilder Extension for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. |
PortalItemType::AppBuilderWidgetPackage | 101 | AppBuilder Widget Package for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. Custom widget in a zip file that can be downloaded for use in Web AppBuilder Developer Edition or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 or above. |
PortalItemType::Dashboard | 102 | Dashboard. |
PortalItemType::ArcGISProConfiguration | 103 | ArcGIS Pro Configuration. |
PortalItemType::ContentCategorySet | 104 | Content Category Set. |
PortalItemType::InsightsTheme | 105 | Insights Theme. |
PortalItemType::MobileScenePackage | 106 | Mobile Scene Package. |
PortalItemType::OrientedImageryCatalog | 107 | Oriented Imagery Catalog. |
PortalItemType::OrthoMappingProject | 108 | Ortho Mapping Project. |
PortalItemType::OrthoMappingTemplate | 109 | Ortho Mapping Template. |
PortalItemType::Solution | 110 | Solution. |
PortalItemType::BuildingSceneLayer | 111 | Building Scene Layer. |
PortalItemType::CompactTilePackage | 112 | Compact Tile Package. |
PortalItemType::DataStore | 113 | Data Store. |
PortalItemType::DeepLearningPackage | 114 | Deep Learning Package. |
PortalItemType::ExcaliburImageryProject | 115 | Excalibur Imagery Project. |
PortalItemType::GeoPackage | 116 | GeoPackage. |
PortalItemType::Mission | 117 | Mission. |
PortalItemType::SiteApplication | 118 | Site Application. |
PortalItemType::SitePage | 119 | Site Page. |
PortalItemType::BigDataAnalytic | 120 | Big Data Analytic. |
PortalItemType::Feed | 121 | Feed. |
PortalItemType::RealTimeAnalytic | 122 | Real Time Analytic. |
PortalItemType::ProReport | 123 | Pro Report. |
PortalItemType::QuickCaptureProject | 124 | QuickCapture Project. |
PortalItemType::Survey123AddIn | 125 | Survey123 Add In. |
PortalItemType::UrbanModel | 126 | Urban Model. |
PortalItemType::WebExperience | 127 | Web Experience. |
PortalItemType::WebExperienceTemplate | 128 | A template for a web experience, created from Experience Builder for ArcGIS. |
PortalItemType::StoryMap | 129 | The next generation of StoryMap applications. |
PortalItemType::Workflow | 130 | A collection of information (jobs, workflows, and configuration elements) supporting the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server. |
PortalItemType::InsightsScript | 131 | An Insights Script is JSON that allows parameterized code created in the Insights console to be shared as an item and consumed in Insights in order for the user to run the script using different Insights data sets and fields as input parameters. |
PortalItemType::KernelGatewayConnection | 132 | A Kernel Gateway Connection is JSON that creates a connection string from Insights in order for the Insights console to connect and execute code against a Jupyter Kernel Gateway. |
PortalItemType::KnowledgeGraph | 133 | A Knowledge Graph enables you to connect, open, and access graph data so that it can be used in Link Charts and Maps. |
PortalItemType::LinkChart | 134 | A Link Chart enables you to visualize and perform link analysis using entities and relationships from a Knowledge Graph so that you may better understand their connectivity. |
PortalItemType::Style | 135 | A webstyle item. |
PortalItemType::AdministrativeReport | 136 | An administrative report in CSV format that outlines various organization usage activities. This cannot be shared to the public. |
PortalItemType::ExportPackage | 137 | A package that allows administrators or group owners to export a group, and its content, into a downloadable package (.epk file). |
PortalItemType::GeoJson | 138 | An open standard geospatial data interchange format that represents simple geographic features and their nonspatial attributes. Based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. |
PortalItemType::Gml | 139 | Geography Markup Language (GML) file (.zip). An XML grammar defined by the OGC for expressing geographical features, serving as both a modeling language and an interchange format. |
PortalItemType::HubEvent | 140 | A central premium capability within ArcGIS Hub Premium, empowering customers and their trusted community members to create, edit, and manage in-person/online events. |
PortalItemType::HubInitiativeTemplate | 141 | A package of multiple solutions related to a specific project or goal. |
PortalItemType::StoryMapTheme | 142 | A set of fonts, colors, block styles, and other design elements that define the appearance of a StoryMap. |
PortalItemType::WebAppBuilderWidget | 143 | A custom widget (available via marketplace) is a configurable and shareable functional unit for use in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. It will allow administrators to enable the use of a custom widget in Web AppBuilder UI so an organization can leverage the ArcGIS Online platform to host their applications. |
PortalItemType::EarthConfiguration | 144 | An ArcGIS Earth configuration file is an exportable file containing all major settings in Earth. Earth users who have access to this file can customize the Earth settings by modifying this file. An Earth configuration file is saved as an .xml file. Users need to compress and zip the file before sharing. This zip file can be distributed and imported to Earth deployments. |
PortalItemType::OgcFeatureServer | 145 | Support to publish OGC API Features service. |
PortalItemType::Ogc3DTilesService | 146 | Support to publish OGC 3D Tiles Layer service. |
PortalItemType::StreamService | 147 | An ArcGIS Stream Service. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalMode
Enumerates whether the portal is operating in multi-tenant or single-tenant mode.
The PortalMode can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalMode::Unknown | -1 | Unknown portal mode. |
PortalMode::MultiTenant | 0 | Multi-tenant mode. |
PortalMode::SingleTenant | 1 | Single-tenant mode. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalPrivilegeRealm
Enumerates the types of privilege realms available for a portal.
The PortalPrivilegeRealm can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Unknown | -1 | Unknown realm. |
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Portal | 0 | Used for privileges related to general portal content and usage. |
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Features | 1 | Used for privileges related to feature editing. |
PortalPrivilegeRealm::OpenData | 2 | Used for privileges related to ArcGIS Open Data. |
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Premium | 3 | Used for privileges related to premium content. |
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Marketplace | 4 | Used for privileges related to the ArcGIS Marketplace. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalPrivilegeRole
Enumerates the types of privileges available for a portal.
The PortalPrivilegeRole can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalPrivilegeRole::Unknown | -1 | Unknown privilege. |
PortalPrivilegeRole::Administrator | 0 | Administrator role. |
PortalPrivilegeRole::Publisher | 1 | Pulblisher role. |
PortalPrivilegeRole::User | 2 | User role. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12]
enum class PortalPrivilegeSubtype
An enumeration of the fine-grained operation subtypes a portal privilege can permit.
The PortalPrivilegeSubtype can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Unknown | -1 | An unknown portal privilege subtype. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::None | 0 | The privilege does not relate to a fine-grained operation. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Stored | 1 | Grants the ability to perform geocode operations and store the results, in a database for instance. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Temporary | 2 | Grants the ability to perform geocode operations in which the results are not stored. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::ClosestFacility | 3 | Grants the ability to perform closest facility tasks. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::LocationAllocation | 4 | Grants the ability to perform location-allocation tasks. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::OptimizedRouting | 5 | Grants the ability to perform optimized routing tasks. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::OriginDestinationCostMatrix | 6 | Grants the ability to perform origin-destination cost matrix tasks. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Routing | 7 | Grants the ability to perform simple routing tasks. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::ServiceArea | 8 | Grants the ability to perform service area tasks. |
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::VehicleRouting | 9 | Grants the ability to perform vehicle routing tasks. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalPrivilegeType
Enumerates the particular type of operation a privilege permits.
The PortalPrivilegeType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalPrivilegeType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Edit | 0 | Edit. |
PortalPrivilegeType::FullEdit | 1 | Full Edit. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Manage | 2 | Manage. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Purchase | 3 | Purchase. |
PortalPrivilegeType::StartTrial | 4 | Start Trial. |
PortalPrivilegeType::DesignateGroup | 5 | Designate Group. |
PortalPrivilegeType::OpenDataAdmin | 6 | OpenData Admin. |
PortalPrivilegeType::AssignToGroups | 7 | Assign To Groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ChangeUserRoles | 8 | Change User Roles. |
PortalPrivilegeType::DeleteGroups | 9 | Delete Groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::DeleteItems | 10 | Delete Items. |
PortalPrivilegeType::DeleteUsers | 11 | Delete Users. |
PortalPrivilegeType::DisableUsers | 12 | Disable Users. |
PortalPrivilegeType::InviteUsers | 13 | Invite Users. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageEnterpriseGroups | 14 | Manage Enterprise Groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageLicenses | 15 | Manage Licenses. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ReassignGroups | 16 | Reassign Groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ReassignItems | 17 | Reassign Items. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ReassignUsers | 18 | Reassign Users. |
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateGroups | 19 | Update Groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateItems | 20 | Update Items. |
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateUsers | 21 | Update Users. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewGroups | 22 | View Groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewItems | 23 | View Items. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewUsers | 24 | View Users. |
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishFeatures | 25 | Publish Features. |
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishScenes | 26 | Publish Scenes. |
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishTiles | 27 | Publish Tiles. |
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateGroup | 28 | Create Group. |
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateItem | 29 | Create Item. |
PortalPrivilegeType::JoinGroup | 30 | Join Group. |
PortalPrivilegeType::JoinNonOrgGroup | 31 | Join Non Org Group. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareGroupToOrg | 32 | Share Group To Org. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareGroupToPublic | 33 | Share Group To Public. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareToGroup | 34 | Share To Group. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareToOrg | 35 | Share To Org. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareToPublic | 36 | Share To Public. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Demographics | 37 | Demographics. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Elevation | 38 | Elevation. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Geocode | 39 | Geocode. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Geoenrichment | 40 | Geoenrichment. |
PortalPrivilegeType::NetworkAnalysis | 41 | NetworkAnalysis. |
PortalPrivilegeType::SpatialAnalysis | 42 | SpatialAnalysis. |
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateUpdateCapableGroup | 43 | CreateUpdateCapableGroup. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewOrgGroups | 44 | ViewOrgGroups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewOrgItems | 45 | ViewOrgItems. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewOrgUsers | 46 | ViewOrgUsers. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Geoanalytics | 47 | Geoanalytics. |
PortalPrivilegeType::Rasteranalysis | 48 | Rasteranalysis. |
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishServerGPServices | 49 | Grants the ability to publish non-hosted server geoprocessing services. |
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishServerServices | 50 | Grants the ability to publish non-hosted server services. |
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateItemCategorySchema | 51 | Grants the ability to configure the organization content category schema. |
PortalPrivilegeType::FeatureReport | 52 | Grants the ability to generate feature reports. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageCollaborations | 53 | Grants the ability to manage the organization's collaborations. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageCredits | 54 | Grants the ability to manage the organization's credit settings. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageRoles | 55 | Grants the ability to manage the organization's member roles. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageSecurity | 56 | Grants the ability to manage the organization's security settings. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageServers | 57 | Grants the ability to manage the portal's server settings. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageUtilityServices | 58 | Grants the ability to manage the organization's utility service settings. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageWebsite | 59 | Grants the ability to manage the organization's website settings. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageReplications | 60 | Grants the ability to manage replications and utilize the collaborations API. |
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateNotebooks | 61 | Grants the ability to create and edit interactive notebook documents. |
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateAdvancedNotebooks | 62 | Grants the ability to publish a notebook as a geoprocessing service. |
PortalPrivilegeType::BulkPublishFromDataStores | 63 | Grants the ability to publish web layers from a registered data store. |
PortalPrivilegeType::EnumerateDataStores | 64 | Grants the ability to get the list of datasets from a registered data store. |
PortalPrivilegeType::RegisterDataStores | 65 | Grants the ability to register data stores to the portal. |
PortalPrivilegeType::CategorizeItems | 66 | Grants the ability to categorize items in groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewTracks | 67 | Grants the ability to view members' location tracks via shared track views when location tracking is enabled. |
PortalPrivilegeType::AddExternalMembersToGroup | 68 | Grants the ability to create groups that allow external members, as well as invite external members to groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageCollaborationGroupMembers | 69 | Grants the ability to manage members in partnered collaboration groups. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageVersions | 70 | Grants the ability to manage version locks and view, alter, delete, edit, reconcile, and post to all branch versions accessed through ArcGIS Server feature layers. |
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishDynamicImagery | 71 | Grants the ability to publish hosted dynamic imagery layers from a single image or collection of images. |
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishTiledImagery | 72 | Grants the ability to publish hosted tiled imagery layers from a single image or collection of images. |
PortalPrivilegeType::ScheduleNotebooks | 73 | Grants the ability to schedule future automated runs of a notebook. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalQuerySortOrder
Enumerates sort order for returned results.
The PortalQuerySortOrder can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalQuerySortOrder::Ascending | 0 | Ascending. |
PortalQuerySortOrder::Descending | 1 | Descending. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class PortalUserRole
Enumerates portal user roles.
The PortalUserRole can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
PortalUserRole::Unknown | -1 | Unknown. |
PortalUserRole::Publisher | 0 | Publisher. |
PortalUserRole::Admin | 1 | Administrator. |
PortalUserRole::User | 2 | User. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9]
enum class SubscriptionState
Enumerates the state of the user's subscription.
The SubscriptionState can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
SubscriptionState::Unknown | -1 | Subscription state is unknown. |
SubscriptionState::Active | 0 | Subscription is active and allows all functionality. |
SubscriptionState::Canceled | 1 | Subscription was canceled. |
SubscriptionState::Deleted | 2 | Subscription was deleted. |
SubscriptionState::Expired | 3 | Subscription has expired. |
SubscriptionState::Restricted | 4 | Subscription has run out of credits. |
SubscriptionState::Suspended | 5 | Subscription was suspended. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.