<NavigationTypes.h> - Navigation Enums

Collection of Navigation enumerations. More...

Header: #include <NavigationTypes.h>


enum class DestinationStatus { NotReached, Approaching, Reached }
enum class ReroutingStrategy { ToNextWaypoint, ToNextStop, ResequenceStopsOnly }
enum class VoiceGuidanceType { ApproachingManeuver, AtManeuver, ApproachingDestination }

Detailed Description

Type Documentation

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6] enum class DestinationStatus

The list of route tracking destination statuses.

Used to determine how close the current location is to the next destination.

The DestinationStatus can be one of:

DestinationStatus::NotReached0Not reached destination status. Default value.
DestinationStatus::Approaching1Approaching destination status. Value returned when provided GPS location gets within 500 meters of the next destination. This status can be used to manually call RouteTracker::switchToNextDestinationAsync if a vehicle can not get closer to a destination to trigger a status of DestinationStatus::Reached.
DestinationStatus::Reached2Reached destination status. Value returned when provided GPS location gets within 7-40 meters, along the route, of the next destination. Once within 40 meters of the next destination the vehicle is tracked to determine if it is getting closer or moving away from the next destination. If the vehicle continues to get closer this value will be returned when within 7 meter of the next destination, if the vehicle starts to move away this value is returned. This status can be used to automatically call RouteTracker::switchToNextDestinationAsync.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6] enum class ReroutingStrategy

The route tracker's rerouting strategy.

Strategies determine which locations will be used during rerouting and/or if new route is optimized.

The ReroutingStrategy can be one of:

ReroutingStrategy::ToNextWaypoint0Reroute to next unvisited waypoint, rest break, or stop.
ReroutingStrategy::ToNextStop1Reroute to next unvisited stop.
ReroutingStrategy::ResequenceStopsOnly2Re-sequence (optimize) all remaining stops, which will drop all waypoints and rest breaks.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6] enum class VoiceGuidanceType

Enumerates possible navigation voice guidance types.

VoiceGuidanceType::ApproachingManeuver0Approaching maneuver. This guidance notification type is set:
  • After passing the previous maneuver (Example: In a half mile, Turn right on North Eureka Street)
  • 20-30 seconds before next maneuver (Example: Turn right on North Eureka Street)
  • 9-10 seconds before next maneuver (Example: Turn right)
VoiceGuidanceType::AtManeuver1At maneuver. Guidance notification set when at maneuver, this type has no text. Can be used to notify user with a sound (e.g. beep) when at maneuver.
VoiceGuidanceType::ApproachingDestination2Approaching destination. Guidance notification type set when approaching a destination. Examples:
  • In 200 feet, the destination is ahead.
  • You have arrived at 1099 East Hospitality Lane on your right destination.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

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