IServerObjectConfigurationInfo Interface

Provides access to properties of a server object configuration.


Name Description
Read-only property Description Description of the server object configuration.
Read-only property IsPooled Indicates whether the server objects defined by this configuration are pooled.
Read-only property Name Name of the server object configuration.
Read-only property TypeName Type of the server object configuration (MapServer or GeocodeServer).

IServerObjectConfigurationInfo.Description Property

Description of the server object configuration.

Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
public string Description {get;}

IServerObjectConfigurationInfo.IsPooled Property

Indicates whether the server objects defined by this configuration are pooled.

Public ReadOnly Property IsPooled As Boolean
public bool IsPooled {get;}


Server objects can be either pooled or non-pooled. Pooled server objects can be shared accross multiple sessions and applications and are held onto by an application for the duration of a single request. Pooled server objects are meant for applications that make stateless use of those objects.

Non-pooled server objects are dedicated to a single application session and are held onto for the duration of an application session. Non-pooled server objects are not shared between application session, and are meant for applications that make stateful use of those objects.

The IsPooledproperty indicates if the server objects created by this server object configuration are pooled or non-pooled.

IServerObjectConfigurationInfo.Name Property

Name of the server object configuration.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}


The Name property in combination with the TypeName property is used to identify a server object configuration in methods such as CreateServerContext.

Name is case-sensitive.

IServerObjectConfigurationInfo.TypeName Property

Type of the server object configuration (MapServer or GeocodeServer).

Public ReadOnly Property TypeName As String
public string TypeName {get;}


The TypeName property indicates the type of server object that this configuration creates and runs. Examples are MapServer and GeocodeServer.

The TypeName property in combination with the Name property is used to identify a server object configuration in methods such as CreateServerContext.

Classes that implement IServerObjectConfigurationInfo

Classes Description


The ArcGIS Server manages a set of server objects running across one or more host (container) machines. How those server objects are configured and run is defined by a set of server object configurations. Server object configurations can be added, removed, and modified by users or developers who are members of the agsadmin users group, and therfore have administrator priviliges on the ArcGIS Server.

Users and developers who are not administrators also need access to the list of server object configurations and the set of their properties that are necessary for programming applications with them. Users that are members of the agsusers user group, but are not members of the agsadmin user group, can get information about server object configurations using the GetConfigurtationInfos method on IServerObjectManager to get the IServerObjectConfigurationInfo interface. Note that GetConfigurtationInfos returns only server object configurations that are started.

IServerObjectConfigurationInfo provides read-access to a subset of the server object configuration's properties. These properties include:

Name: the name of the server object configuration

TypeName: the type of server object configuration (for example MapServer, GeocodeServer)

Description: the description of the server object configuration

IsPooled: inidicates whether the server objects described by this configuration are pooled or non-pooled

The properties listed above are those necessary for developers of server applications to use the various server objects configured on the GIS server.

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