Conversion Class

Conversion class provides a set of static methods to convert a JSON string into an ESRI object.


Conversion.ToGeometry(String, esriGeometryType)Converts a JSON string into an ArcObjects geometry.
Conversion.ToGeometry(JsonObject, esriGeometryType)Converts a JsonObject into an ArcObjects geometry.
Conversion.ToSpatialReference(String)Converts a JSON string into an ArcObjects spatial reference.
Conversion.ToJson(IGeometry)Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JSON UTF-8 string as an array of bytes.
Conversion.ToJson(IGeometry, Boolean)Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JSON UTF-8 string as an array of bytes.
Conversion.ToJson(IRecordSet)Converts an ArcObjects RecordSet to a JSON UTF-8 string as an array of bytes.
Conversion.ToJsonObject(IGeometry)Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JsonObject.
Conversion.ToJsonObject(IGeometry, Boolean)Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JsonObject.

Conversion.ToGeometry(String, esriGeometryType) Method

Converts a JSON string into an ArcObjects geometry. This method returns null if the conversion can't be performed.

public static IGeometry ToGeometry(string json, esriGeometryType geometryType)
Parameter nameDescription
jsonThe input JSON string.

Conversion.ToGeometry(JsonObject, esriGeometryType) Method

Converts a JsonObject into an ArcObjects geometry. This method returns null if the conversion can't be performed.

public static IGeometry ToGeometry(JsonObject jsonGeometry, esriGeometryType geometryType)
Parameter nameTypeDescription
jsonGeometryJsonObjectThe JsonObject to convert.
geometryTypeesriGeometryTypeThe type of geometry to convert to.

Conversion.ToSpatialReference(String) Method

Converts a JSON string into an ArcObjects spatial reference.

public static ISpatialReference ToSpatialReference(string json)
Parameter nameTypeDescription
jsonstringThe input JSON string for the spatial reference.

Conversion.ToJson(IGeometry) Method

Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JSON UTF-8 string as an array of bytes.

public static byte[] ToJson(IGeometry geometry)
Parameter nameTypeDescription
geometryIGeometryThe ArcObjects geometry to convert to JSON.

Conversion.ToJson(IGeometry, Boolean) Method

Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JSON UTF-8 string as an array of bytes.

public static byte[] ToJson(IGeometry geometry, bool writeSpRef)
Parameter nameTypeDescription
geometryIGeometryThe ArcObjects geometry to convert to JSON.
writeSpRefboolSet to true to include spatial reference.

Conversion.ToJson(IRecordSet) Method

Converts an ArcObjects RecordSet to a JSON UTF-8 string as an array of bytes. The geometries in each record will be generalized and densified, before they are serialized to JSON.

public static byte[] ToJson(IRecordSet recordset)
Parameter nameTypeDescription
recordsetIRecordSetThe RecordSet to convert.

Conversion.ToJsonObject(IGeometry) Method

Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JsonObject.

public static JsonObject ToJsonObject(IGeometry geometry)
Parameter nameTypeDescription
geometryIGeometryThe ArcObjects geometry to convert.

Conversion.ToJsonObject(IGeometry, Boolean) Method

Converts an ArcObjects geometry to a JsonObject.

public static JsonObject ToJsonObject(IGeometry geometry, bool writeSpRef)
Parameter nameTypeDescription
geometryIGeometryThe ArcObjects geometry to convert.
writeSpRefboolSet to true to include spatial reference.

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