SoeRestImpl Class

An implementation helper class that can be contained by REST SOEs.


SoeRestImpl(String, RestResource)Creates an instance of SoeRestImpl.
SoeRestImpl(String, RestResource, CheckCapabilityHandler)Creates an instance of SoeRestImpl.

SoeRestImpl(String, RestResource) Constructor

Creates an instance of SoeRestImpl. Capability checking is set to default(looks for an item in comma-separated list, uses case-insensitive comparizon).

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public SoeRestImpl(string soeName, RestResource rootResource)
soeNameThe name of the Server Object Extension (SOE).
rootResourceA reference to the REST SOE's root resource.

SoeRestImpl(String, RestResource, CheckCapabilityHandler) Constructor

Creates an instance of SoeRestImpl.

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public SoeRestImpl(string soeName, RestResource rootResource, CheckCapabilityHandler checkCaps)
soeNameThe name of the Server Object Extension (SOE).
rootResourceA reference to the REST SOE's root resource.
checkCapsA reference to the capability checking delegate. If you pass null, capability checking will be disabled.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Inheritance: ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IRESTRequestHandler → ESRI.Server.SOESupport.SoeRestImpl

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