RestHandlerOpCode Class

The RestHandlerOpCode class contains common REST request codes for the Map Server. The main benefit of using class instead of enum is to allow developers to add more opCodes in the derived types. See LayerAccess SOI source for an example of custom REST request codes.


RestHandlerOpCode.DefaultNoOpThe DefaultNoOp REST request code must be used when REST request filtering code could not match any other RestHandlerOpCode to the REST request.
RestHandlerOpCode.RootThe Root code matches the REST root resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.RootFindThe RootFind code matches 'find' operation on REST root resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.RootIdentifyThe RootIdentify code matches 'identify' operation on REST root resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.RootExportThe RootExport code matches 'export' operation on REST root resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.RootGenerateKmlThe RootGenerateKml code matches 'generateKml' operation on REST root resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.RootLayersThe RootLayers code matches 'layers' sub-resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.RootLegendThe RootLegend code matches 'legend' sub-resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.LayerRootThe LayerRoot code matches '/layers/{id}/' sub-resource.
RestHandlerOpCode.LayerGenerateRendererThe LayerGenerateRenderer code matches '/layers/{id}/generateRenderer' operation.
RestHandlerOpCode.LayerQueryThe LayerQuery code matches 'layers/{id}/query' operation.
RestHandlerOpCode.LayerQueryRelatedRecordsThe LayerQueryRelatedRecords code matches '/layers/{id}/queryRelatedRecords' operation.
RestHandlerOpCode.InternalValueThe InternalValue property is used to emulate enum cast-to-int compatibility.

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