There are three options for creating a custom data feeds feature service:
- Create from a registered custom data provider (CDP) in ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory
- Create from a registered CDP in ArcGIS Server Manager
- Create through the CDF command line tool (available in version ArcGIS Enterprise SDK version 11.3)
Create a Feature Service in ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory
After you've registered your custom data provider with ArcGIS Server, you can create a feature service that references your data provider and serves data to ArcGIS clients.
Complete the following steps to create a custom data feeds feature service in ArcGIS Server Administrator.
In a web browser, navigate to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, and sign in as an administrator.
Click services > createService.
On the Create Service page, copy and paste the following JSON into the Service (in JSON format) text box.
{ "serviceName": "<name of service>", "type": "FeatureServer", "description": "", "capabilities": "Query", "provider": "CUSTOMDATA", "clusterName": "default", "minInstancesPerNode": 0, "maxInstancesPerNode": 0, "instancesPerContainer": 1, "maxWaitTime": 60, "maxStartupTime": 300, "maxIdleTime": 1800, "maxUsageTime": 600, "loadBalancing": "ROUND_ROBIN", "isolationLevel": "HIGH", "configuredState": "STARTED", "recycleInterval": 24, "recycleStartTime": "00:00", "keepAliveInterval": 1800, "private": false, "isDefault": false, "maxUploadFileSize": 0, "allowedUploadFileTypes": "", "properties": { "disableCaching": "true" }, "jsonProperties": { "customDataProviderInfo": { "dataProviderName": "<name of provider>", "dataProviderHost": "", "dataProviderId": "" } }, "extensions": [], "frameworkProperties": {}, "datasets": [] }
Provide values for the dataProviderHost and dataProviderID fields if your custom data provider uses them.
Click the Create button.
Verify that a feature service was created by navigating to the ArcGIS Server Services Directory, and ensure the service is listed.
You will be able to use the URL (
) of
this feature service in ArcGIS clients like ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online,
and ArcGIS Enterprise.
Create a Feature Service in ArcGIS Server Manager
Sign into ArcGIS Server Manager and navigate to Services > Publish Service. From here, follow the built in Server Manager work flow to publish a service "From a registered custom data provider".
Create a Feature Service in the Custom Data CLI
In ArcGIS Enterprise SDK v11.3, the option to create a feature service from a custom data provider in the command line is available. When registering a custom data provider from the command line, you can specify options for service creation. See Custom Data CLI Reference for more details on positionals and options.
Navigate to the app-level directory of your custom data provider.
Use the command
cdf register <name
> <server-admin-url > <token > -s "service-name" --host "host-value" --id "id-value"