Key features

Browse below to discover the key features and capabilities of ArcGIS Maps SDK for Flutter.

Access services

Use API key, user, or app authentication to access ArcGIS location services or ArcGIS Enterprise services.

Display basemap layers

Access streets, satellite imagery, and other vector tile styles and map tiles from the basemap styles service.

Display hosted data layers

Access and display hosted feature layers from data services.

Query feature data

Use attribute expressions, spatial relationships, and time ranges to return query results from feature layers and map services.

Display local data

Display features from a local data source, such as a shapefile, geodatabase, geopackage, or other supported file.

Edit features

Allow users to create and edit features, add, edit or remove feature attachments, and edit the geometry of features.

Get device location

Display the user's location on the map using an integrated or external GPS.

Geocode addresses

Find the location of an address using the geocoding service.

Find places

Search for businesses, restaurants, and other points of interest using the geocoding service.

Take a map offline (on-demand)

Allow users to take an area of your web map offline (while connected) for use without a network connection.

Take a map offline (ahead of time)

Define areas of your web map that users can download (while connected) for use without a network connection.

Perform client-side geometry analysis

Evaluate spatial relationships with powerful client-side geometry operations.

Find routes and directions

Find routes and directions to one or more locations using the routing service.

Support multiuser editing

Use geodatabase versioning to accommodate multiuser editing scenarios and long transactions.

Create data-driven visualizations

Apply supported renderers to a feature layer based on attribute values.

Make measurements

Make accurate geodesic measurements of distance and area.

For a hands-on overview of the key features, explore the comprehensive list of samples in the documentation or download sample code from the GitHub repository.

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