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Class: AnalysisBase



(Added at v3.6)
The AnalysisBase widget is the base class for all other widgets under esri/dijit/analysis. It has the execution logic for analysis widgets, including:
  • Authenticate user
  • Create service
  • Submit job
  • Updates item
  • Get result
  • Publish events during the analysis workflows
This widget does not provide a user interface, but can be used to build analysis apps with customized user interface.


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analysisGpServerStringThe URL to the analysis service, for example "http://analysis.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/tasks/GPServer".
folderIdStringSets the selected folder of the select folder dropdown, based on the provided folderId, when showSelectFolder is true.
folderNameStringSets the selected folder of the select folder dropdown, based on the provided folderName, when showSelectFolder is true.
portalSelfObjectThe self response of the Portal.
portalUrlStringThe URL to the ArcGIS.com site or in-house portal where the GP server is hosted, for example "http://www.arcgis.com".


NameReturn typeSummary
cancel(jobInfo)NoneCancels an analysis job that is being processed.
checkJobStatus(jobId)NoneStarts checking the analysis job status for the given jobId.
execute(params)NoneStarts an analysis tool.
getCreditsEstimate(toolName, jobParams)DeferredGets credits estimate for a specific analysis job.


[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]
All On Style event listeners receive a single event object. Additionally, the event object also contains a 'target' property whose value is the object which fired the event.


NameEvent ObjectSummary
closeFires when close icon is clicked or when run analysis button is clicked.
drawtool-activateFires when the drawn boundaries option is activated.
drawtool-deactivateFires when the drawn boundaries option is deactivated.
  response: <Object>
Fires when the job in cancelled.
  error: <Object>
Fires when the job fails.
  result: <Object>
Fires after the job fetches result data.
  jobInfo: <Object>
Fires when the job execution status is received.
  params: <Object>
Fires when the job is submitted to the server for asynchronous processing.
  jobInfo: <Object>
Fires when the job succeeds.
  params: <Object>
Fires when the execute method is called.
Property Details

<String> analysisGpServer

The URL to the analysis service, for example "http://analysis.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/tasks/GPServer".

<String> folderId

Sets the selected folder of the select folder dropdown, based on the provided folderId, when showSelectFolder is true. When folderId and folderName are both provided, folderId has higher precedence. (Added at v3.13)

<String> folderName

Sets the selected folder of the select folder dropdown, based on the provided folderName, when showSelectFolder is true. (Added at v3.13)

<Object> portalSelf

The self response of the Portal. When set, optimizes performance to reuse self calls made by the widget. For more documentation on the properties of this object, see the Portal Self ArcGIS REST API documentation. (Added at v3.14)

<String> portalUrl

The URL to the ArcGIS.com site or in-house portal where the GP server is hosted, for example "http://www.arcgis.com". (Added at v3.7)
Method Details


Cancels an analysis job that is being processed.
<Object> jobInfo Required An object containing job information including job ID, status, message, etc returned by the job-status event.


Starts checking the analysis job status for the given jobId. (Added at v3.12)
<String> jobId Required Job id of the analysis job to check.


Starts an analysis tool.
<String> params Required See the object specifications table below for the structure of the params object.
Object Specifications:
<Object> itemParams Optional Parameters for creating the output service item. Refer to the ArcGIS REST API - Add Item help topic for a list of available parameters. Only used when the analysis task creates a hosted service.
<Object> jobParams Required The input job parameters. Required parameters vary from class to class. Refer to the Analysis REST API Documentation for details (Under the Request Parameters section of each task). When creating a hosted service, a layer name is required.
var params = {
: {
: "Item description.",
: "A short summary about this item.",
: "<tag1>, <tag2>, <tag3>, ... ",
: "<typeKeyword1>, <typeKeyword2>, <typeKeyword3>, ... "
: {
: "{\"serviceProperties\":{\"name\":\"Name of the output feature service\"},\"itemProperties\":{\"itemId\":\"<itemId>\"}}",


getCreditsEstimate(toolName, jobParams)

Gets credits estimate for a specific analysis job. This method returns a deferred object. The callback function has an object containing the number of records to be processed and the estimated credit cost for this job.
Return type: Deferred
<String> toolName Required The name of the analysis tool from which a credits estimate will be returned.
<String> jobParams Required The input job parameters. This value should be the same as the jobParams property of an analysis tool dijit. Refer to the jobParams property of this class for detailed syntax.
AnalysisLayer: layer._json,
: '{"outSR":{"wkid":102100}}',
: true,
: true

//the "result" argument above:
//  "cost": 1.472,
//  "totalRecords": 1472,
Event Details
[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]


Fires when close icon is clicked or when run analysis button is clicked. (Added at v3.7)


Fires when the drawn boundaries option is activated. Only valid when using the FindHotSpots or ExtractData widget. A typical usage is to disable the zoom/pan/popup handlers when drawing is activated. (Added at v3.7)


Fires when the drawn boundaries option is deactivated. Only valid when using the FindHotSpots or ExtractData widget. A typical usage is to enable the zoom/pan/popup handlers when drawing is deactivated. (Added at v3.7)


Fires when the job in cancelled. (Added at v3.7)
Event Object Properties:
<Object> response An GP job object returned by the GP server. Refer to the GP Job and the Checking job status topics in the ArcGIS REST API Documentation for more information and syntax.
"inputs": {},
"jobId": <job id>,
"jobStatus": <job status>,
"messages": <an array of message text>,
"results": {}


Fires when the job fails. (Added at v3.7)
Event Object Properties:
<Object> error The error message returned by a failed job.
"analysisReport": <analysis report message>,
"dataType": <analysis report message>,
"paramName": < parameter  name >,
"value": <output item info | feature collection>


Fires after the job fetches result data. The returned argument contains the output value (either a feature collection or a url to the hosted service), which you may add to the map as a feature layer. (Added at v3.7)
Event Object Properties:
<Object> result An object containing the resulted message and value. Based on the GP result object returned by the GP server with the analysisReport property added.

If output is a feature collection, value is a feature collection object; if output is a hosted arcgis.com feature service, value is an object with item information including ID and URL. Refer to the ArcGIS REST API documentation - Feature Output for more information.
"analysisReport": <analysis report message>,
"dataType": <analysis report message>,
"paramName": < parameter  name >,
"value": <output item info | feature collection>
analysisTool.on("job-result", function(result){
var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(result.value['url'] || result.value);


Fires when the job execution status is received. (Added at v3.7)
Event Object Properties:
<Object> jobInfo An object containing job information including job ID, status, message, etc. Based on the GP job object returned by the GP server with the jobParam property attached. Refer to the GP Job and the Checking job status topics in the ArcGIS REST API Documentation for more information and syntax.
"inputs": {},
"jobParams": <job parameters>,
"jobId": <job id>,
"jobStatus": <job status>,
"messages": <an array of message text>,
"results": {}


Fires when the job is submitted to the server for asynchronous processing. (Added at v3.7)
Event Object Properties:
<Object> params The input job parameters.


Fires when the job succeeds. (Added at v3.7)
Event Object Properties:
<Object> jobInfo An object containing job information including job ID, status, message, etc. Based on the GP job object returned by the GP server with the jobParam property attached. Refer to the GP Job and the Checking job status topics in the ArcGIS REST API Documentation for more information and syntax.

This returned object can be passed into the cancel(jobInfo) method to terminate a job.
"inputs": {},
"jobParams": <job parameters>,
"jobId": <job id>,
"jobStatus": <job status>,
"messages": <an array of message text>,
"results": {}


Fires when the execute method is called. (Added at v3.7)
Event Object Properties:
<Object> params The input job parameters.
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