require(["esri/styles/heatmap"], function(esriStylesHeatmap) { /* code goes here */ });
(Added at v3.13)
This module contains a collection of themes suitable for visualizing features using a heatmap.
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samples that use this class.
Method Details
Returns available themes. See the Object Specifications table below for the returned Object[]
<String > basemap |
Optional |
Specify the basemap name if you only want themes applicable to a specific basemap, for example: Example: streets , gray , topo , terrain , national-geographic , oceans , osm , satellite , hybrid , dark-gray . |
Object Specifications: <Object[]
<String[] > basemaps |
Required |
Basemaps that this theme has schemes for. Example: ["streets","gray","topo","terrain","national-geographic","oceans","osm","satellite","hybrid","dark-gray"]. |
<String > description |
Required |
Theme description. Example: "Default theme for basic visualization of features." |
<String > label |
Required |
Display label for theme. |
<String > name |
Required |
Name of the theme. The following themes are available: default . |
Sample: var map;
"esri/styles/heatmap", "dojo/domReady!"], function(Map, esriStylesHeatmap) {
map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "topo-vector",
center: [-122.45, 37.75], // longitude, latitude
zoom: 12
map.on("load", function(){
themes = esriStylesHeatmap.getAvailableThemes(map.getBasemap());
Returns schemes matching the given parameters. See the Object Specifications table below for the returned Object
<Object > params |
Required |
Parameters used to determine the returned scheme type. |
Object Specifications: <params
<String > basemap |
Required |
Name of the basemap. Example: streets , gray , topo , terrain , national-geographic , oceans , osm , satellite , hybrid , dark-gray . |
<String > theme |
Required |
Name of the theme. Example: default . |
<Object > primaryScheme |
Required |
Primary scheme is an object with a colors property. The first color is recommended for the coldest pixels of the heatmap, and the last color is recommended for the hottest pixels. Colors in between are interpolated along the heat intensity scale. |
<Object[] > secondarySchemes |
Required |
Secondary schemes. It is an array of objects with properties identical to the primaryScheme . |
Sample: var map;
"esri/styles/heatmap", "dojo/domReady!"
], function (Map, esriStylesHeatmap){
map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "topo-vector",
center: [-122.45, 37.75], // longitude, latitude
zoom: 12
map.on("load", function (){
schemes = esriStylesHeatmap.getSchemes({theme: "default", basemap: map.getBasemap());