(Added at v3.7)
BasemapToggle provides a simple button to toggle between two basemaps. Use the
BasemapGallery dijit to pick from more than two basemaps.
All basemaps added to the gallery need to have the same spatial reference. If the default basemaps are used then all additional items added to the gallery need to be in Web Mercator (wkids: 102100, 102113 and 3857). If the default basemaps are not used you can add basemaps in any spatial reference as long as all the items added to the gallery share that spatial reference. To achieve the best performance, it is recommended that all basemaps added to the gallery are cached (tiled) layers.
Note: At version 3.7 (only) the basemap toggle does not work with maps created from web maps using
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esri/dijit/BasemapToggle | Download source
basemapContainer | Containing class for the widget's node. |
basemapImage | Class put onto the basemap image. |
basemapTitle | Class put onto the basemap div that holds the label of the basemap. |
toggleButton | Class for the button. |
[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]
All On Style event listeners receive a single event object. Additionally, the event object also contains a 'target' property whose value is the object which fired the event.
load | | Fires when the widget has been loaded. |
toggle | {
currentBasemap: <String >,
error: <Object >,
previousBasemap: <String >
} | Fires when the toggle method has been called. |
Constructor Details
Creates a new BasemapToggle dijit using the given DOM node.
<Object > params |
Required |
Various parameters to configure this dijit. See the list below for details. |
<Node | String > srcNodeRef |
Required |
Reference or id of a HTML element that this dijit is rendered into. |
<String > basemap |
Optional |
The secondary basemap to toggle to. Default value is "hybrid" . |
<Object > basemaps |
Optional |
Object containing the labels and URLs for the image of each basemap. Refer to the basemap property for syntax. |
<Map > map |
Required |
Map object that this dijit is associated with. Required. |
<String > theme |
Optional |
Class used for styling the widget. Default value is "BasemapToggle" . |
<Boolean > visible |
Optional |
Whether the widget is visible by default. Default value is true . |
Sample: var basemapToggle = new esri.dijit.BasemapToggle({
theme: "basemapToggle",
map: map,
visible: true,
basemap: "hybrid"
}, "<dom_id>");
Property Details
The secondary basemap to toggle to.
The "terrain" and "dark-gray" options were added at v3.12. The "dark-gray-vector", "gray-vector", "streets-vector", "streets-night-vector", "streets-relief-vector", "streets-navigation-vector" and "topo-vector" options were added at v3.16. NOTE: Basemap objects created using the esri/basemaps class may also be passed as values to this property.
Known values: "streets" | "satellite" | "hybrid" | "topo" | "gray" | "dark-gray" | "oceans"| "national-geographic" | "terrain" | "osm" | "dark-gray-vector" | "gray-vector" | "streets-vector" | "streets-night-vector" | "streets-relief-vector" | "streets-navigation-vector" | "topo-vector"
Default value: "hybrid"
Object containing the title and thumbnailURL for the image of each basemap.
Sample: {
Whether the widget has been loaded.
Known values: true | false
Map object that this dijit is associated with.
Class used for styling the widget.
Default value: "BasemapToggle"
Whether the widget is visible by default.
Known values: true | false
Default value: true
Method Details
Finalizes the creation of this dijit. This method should be called after the constructor for this dijit is called and before letting the users interact with it.
Toggles to the next basemap.
Event Details
[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]
Fires when the widget has been loaded.
Fires when the toggle method has been called.
Event Object Properties:
<String > currentBasemap |
The basemap that has been switched to. |
<Object > error |
An error objection. Returned if an error has occurred. |
<String > previousBasemap |
The basemap that was switched from. |