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Class: ClassBreaksRenderer



(Added at v1.4)
A class breaks renderer symbolizes each graphic based on the value of some numeric attribute. For more information about renderers, see Symbolizing graphics with renderers.

More information on working with rendering, smart mapping, and using visual variables can be found in the Data Visualization guide topic and the multiple samples referenced within this topic.


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new esri.renderer.ClassBreaksRenderer(defaultSymbol, attributeField)Creates a new ClassBreaksRenderer object.
new esri.renderer.ClassBreaksRenderer(json)Creates a new ClassBreaksRenderer.


attributeFieldStringAttribute field renderer uses to match values.
backgroundFillSymbolFillSymbolTo symbolize polygon features with graduated symbols, use backgroundFillSymbol to specify a simple fill symbol to represent polygon features, and use marker symbols of varying sizes in class breaks to indicate the quantity.
breaksObject[]Deprecated at v2.0, use infos instead.
classificationMethodStringThe classification method used to generate class breaks.
defaultSymbolSymbolDefault symbol used when a value or break cannot be matched.
infosObject[]Each element in the array is an object that provides information about the class breaks associated with the renderer.
isMaxInclusiveBooleanInclude graphics with attribute values equal to the max value of a class in that class.
legendOptionsObjectAn object containing a title property that describes the variable driving the visualization.
normalizationFieldStringWhen normalizationType is "field", this property contains the attribute field name used for normalization.
normalizationTotalNumberWhen normalizationType is "percent-of-total", this property contains the total of all data values.
normalizationTypeStringIndicates how the data is normalized.
valueExpressionStringAn Arcade expression evaluating to a number.
valueExpressionTitleStringThe title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property.
visualVariablesObject[]This property allows you to define how to render values in a layer.


NameReturn typeSummary
addBreak(minValueOrInfo, maxValue?, symbol?)NoneAdds a class break.
clearBreaks()NoneRemove all existing class breaks for this renderer.
getBreakIndex(graphic)NumberReturns the index at which rendering and legend information can be found in the break infos array for the given graphic.
getBreakInfo(graphic)ObjectReturns rendering and legend information (as defined by the renderer) associated with the given graphic.
getColor(graphic, options?)ColorGets the color for the Graphic.
getOpacity(graphic, options?)NumberReturns the opacity value for the specified graphic.
getRotationAngle(graphic, options?)NumberReturns the angle of rotation (in degrees) for the graphic calculated using rotationInfo.
getSize(graphic, options?)NumberReturn the symbol size (in pixels) for the graphic, calculated using sizeInfo.
getSymbol(graphic)SymbolGets the symbol for the Graphic.
getVisualVariablesForType(type)Object[]Returns the visual variable of the specified type.
hasVisualVariables()BooleanIndicates if the renderer has defined visualVariables.
removeBreak(minValue, maxValue)NoneRemoves a break.
setMaxInclusive(enable)NoneA graphic or feature is considered a match for a class break for the first break where the graphic's attribute value is greater than or equal to the class's min value and less than or equal to the class's max value.
Use this method to modify the behavior so that a class break is considered a match only if the attribute value is less than a class's max value.
(Added at v3.3).
setVisualVariables(visualParams)NoneSets the renderer with the specified visualVariables.
toJson()ObjectConverts object to its ArcGIS Server JSON representation.
Constructor Details

new esri.renderer.ClassBreaksRenderer(defaultSymbol, attributeField)

Creates a new ClassBreaksRenderer object.
<Symbol> defaultSymbol Required Default symbol for the renderer. This symbol is used for unmatched values. This parameter is required but can be null or an empty object.
<String | Function> attributeField Required
Specify either the attribute field the renderer uses to match values or starting at version 3.3, a function that returns a value to be compared against class breaks. If a function is specified the renderer will call this function once for every graphic drawn on the map. This can be used in cases where you want class breaks to be compared against a computed value that is not available via the attribute fields. 
At version 3.0, the Class Breaks renderer can be used to render feature layer tracks. Specify the layer's trackIdField as the attributeField
var renderer = new esri.renderer.ClassBreaksRenderer(symbol, "POP07_SQMI");

var renderer = new esri.renderer.ClassBreaksRenderer(defaultSymbol, function(feature){
return feature.attributes.POP07_SQMI;

new esri.renderer.ClassBreaksRenderer(json)

Creates a new ClassBreaksRenderer.
<Object> json Required JSON object representing the ClassBreaksRenderer.

var rend = new esri.renderer.ClassBreaksRenderer(inputJson);
Property Details

<String> attributeField

Attribute field renderer uses to match values. At version 3.0 the Class Breaks renderer can be used to render feature layer tracks. Specify the layer's trackIdField as the attributeField

<FillSymbol> backgroundFillSymbol

To symbolize polygon features with graduated symbols, use backgroundFillSymbol to specify a simple fill symbol to represent polygon features, and use marker symbols of varying sizes in class breaks to indicate the quantity. (Added at v3.7)

<Object[]> breaks

Deprecated at v2.0, use infos instead. A 2-D array representing defined breaks. The array consists of [minValue,maxValue] pairs.

<String> classificationMethod

The classification method used to generate class breaks. (Added at v3.5)
Known values: equal-interval | geometrical-interval | natural-breaks | quantile | standard-deviation

<Object> colorInfo

Deprecated. As of v3.13 use visualVariables instead. The object specification table defined here provides the specification for colorInfo objects within the visualVariables property.

An object defining a color ramp used to render the layer. See the following object specifications table for its properties. (Added at v3.8)
Object Specifications:
<Color[]> colors Required An array of colors defining the color ramp. The first color will be used to render minimum data value, and the last color will be used to render maximum data value. At least two colors are required. If there are three or more colors, the intermediate colors will be placed proportionally between the first and the last to create a multi-color ramp. Note: Specify either colors or stops to construct the color ramp.
<String> field Required Name of the feature attribute field that contains the data value.
<Object> legendOptions Optional An object providing options for displaying the color ramp in the legend. See the object specification table for legendOptions below.
<Number> maxDataValue Required Maximum data value.
<Number> minDataValue Required Minimum data value.
<String> normalizationField Optional Name of the feature attribute field by which the data value will be normalized.
<Object[]> stops Optional An array of objects defining the color ramp. Each object defines a stop on the color ramp. At least two stops are required.
  • (Required) Value is a number type and indicates the value in the data range.
  • (Required) Color is the color used to render the value.
  • string label property used by the Legend. When at least one stop has a label, only those stops with a label will be marked and labeled, (added at v3.12).
NOTE: Specify either colors or stops to construct the color ramp. If you use stops, then you do not need minDataValue and maxDataValue.
var stops = [
: 50,
: new Color([255,0,0]),
: "50"
<String> type Required This value must be colorInfo.
<String> valueExpression Optional An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.
<String> valueExpressionTitle Optional The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding color ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.
<Boolean> showLegend Optional Indicates whether to show the color ramp in the legend.
<String> title Optional Text that describes the visualization. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding color ramp in the Legend and takes precedence over the field alias or valueExpressionTitle.
: "M086_07",
: 0,
: 100,
: [
new Color([255, 255, 255]),
new Color([127, 127, 0])

<Symbol> defaultSymbol

Default symbol used when a value or break cannot be matched.

<Object[]> infos

Each element in the array is an object that provides information about the class breaks associated with the renderer. The object has the following properties:
<Number> minValue The minimum value.
<Number> maxValue The maximum value.
<Symbol> symbol The symbol used to display the value.
<String> label Label for the symbol used to draw the value.
<String> description Label for the symbol used to draw the value.
(Added at v2.0)
//create an array containing the label and symbol for the renderer
var symbols = dojo.map(results[0].layer.renderer.infos,function(info){
return  {label: info.label,symbol:info.symbol};

<Boolean> isMaxInclusive

Include graphics with attribute values equal to the max value of a class in that class. Always true. Use setMaxInclusive(false) after creating a renderer to change this property if the desired behavior is to make a class include values less than the max value but not equal to the max value. (Added at v3.10)
Known values: true | false
Default value: true

<Object> legendOptions

An object containing a title property that describes the variable driving the visualization. This is displayed as the title of the renderer in the Legend and takes precedence over a given fieldAlias or valueExpressionTitle. (Added at v3.19)

<String> normalizationField

When normalizationType is "field", this property contains the attribute field name used for normalization. (Added at v3.5)

<Number> normalizationTotal

When normalizationType is "percent-of-total", this property contains the total of all data values. (Added at v3.5)

<String> normalizationType

Indicates how the data is normalized. If this property is defined then the class breaks contain a normalized min/max value instead of the actual value. The data value, obtained from the attributeField, is normalized using one of the following functions before it is compared with the class breaks:

  • field: Divide the data value using the attribute value of the field specified by the normalizationField property.
  • log: Compute the base 10 logarithm of the data value. This can be a useful approach for some data distributions because it reduced the influence of very large data values.
  • percent-of-total: Divide the data value by the sum of all data values then multiply by 100. Use normalizationTotal to determine the total value.

With the exception of log normalization, data normalization creates a ratio by dividing two values. When comparing attribute values between features normalization is useful to minimize the effect of varying map area or the number of observations.

For example, dividing the 18 to 30 year old population by the area of a polygon feature yields a density value that can be compared regardless of the size of each feature. Dividing the 18 to 30 year old population by the total population of a feature yields a ratio of people between the ages of 18 and 30 which is comparable regardless of the possibly large differences in total population between the features.

(Added at v3.5)

<Object> opacityInfo

Deprecated. As of v3.13 use visualVariables instead. The object specification table defined here provides the specification for opacityInfo objects within the visualVariables property.

An object that describes how opacity of features is calculated. See the object specifications table below for properties of the opacityInfo object. (Added at v3.11)
Object Specifications:
<Boolean> showLegend Optional Indicates whether to show the opacity ramp in the legend.
<String> title Optional Text that describes the visualization. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding opacity ramp in the Legend and takes precedence over the field alias or valueExpressionTitle.
<String> field Required Name of the feature attribute field that contains the data value.
<Object> legendOptions Optional An object providing options for displaying the opacity ramp in the legend. See the object specification table for legendOptions above.
<Number> maxDataValue Required Maximum data value.
<Number> minDataValue Required Minimum data value.
<String> normalizationField Optional Name of the feature attribute field used to normalize the data value.
<Number[]> opacityValues Required An array of opacity values. Each value must be a number ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. The first value is used for features with minimum data value (or lower), the last value is used for features with maximum data value (or higher). At least two values are required. If there are three or more, the intermediate ones are applied proportionally between the first and last values. You need to specify either opacityValues or stops.
<Object[]> stops Required An array of objects, each with two properties: value and opacity. At least two stops are required. You need to specify opacityValues or stops. If you specify stops, then you do not need minDataValue and maxDataValue.
<String> type Required This value must be opacityInfo.
<String> valueExpression Optional An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.
<String> valueExpressionTitle Optional The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding opacity ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.
var opacityInfo = {
: "normalizationField",
:  0,   maxDataValue:  100,
// stops: [
//    { value: 10, opacity: 0   },
//    { value: 39, opacity: 0.5 },  
//    { value: 68, opacity: 1   }  
// ]
// OR, you can specify alphaValues using:
:   [ 0, 1 ]

<Object> rotationInfo

Deprecated. As of v3.13 use visualVariables instead. The object specification table defined here provides the specification for rotationInfo objects within the visualVariables property.

Defines how marker symbols are rotated. Use rotation to depict wind direction, vehicle heading etc. Specify an object with the following properties. (Added at v3.7)
Object Specifications:
<String | Function> field Required

Name of the feature attribute field that contains the angle of rotation. Or a function that returns the angle of rotation.

A function is useful in cases where the angle of rotation is not available in an attribute field but needs to be computed using a mathematical expression or formula. For example, you can specify a function to compute wind or current direction when the underlying data is stored as U or V vectors. View example below.

<String> rotationType Optional

Defines the origin and direction of rotation depending on how the angle of rotation was measured. Can be one of the following:

  • geographic: rotates the symbol from the north in a clockwise direction.
  • arithmetic: rotates the symbol from the east in a counter-clockwise direction.

The default value is "geographic".

<String> type Required This value must be rotationInfo.
<String> valueExpression Optional An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.

<Object> sizeInfo

Deprecated. As of v3.13 use visualVariables instead. The object specification table defined here provides the specification for sizeInfo objects within the visualVariables property.

Defines the size of the symbol where feature size is proportional to data value. Note: prior to v3.12, this property was known as proportionalSymbolInfo. See the object specifications table below for a list of its available properties.

Symbol size rendering can be applied to two types of data:
  • Data that represents a distance quantity. For example:
    • If you have tree locations defined as points and an attribute field with the radius of tree canopy, you can use proportional symbols to depict the actual ground area covered by each tree.
    • You can use proportionally sized lines to depict the width of water mains.
  • Data that represents a non-distance quantity. For example:
    • Display traffic data like roads and highways as line symbols where stroke width is proportional to the traffic count.
    • Create a census map of proportional marker symbols where the area of each symbol reflects the population of the state.

In addition, regardless of the type of data described above, you can map a range of data values to a range of symbol sizes.

For point features, maker size is varied in proportion to the data value. For line features, stroke width is varied.

(Added at v3.7)
Object Specifications:
<Number[]> customValues Optional An array of numbers representing the values to use for the stops in the legend. For example, if the size stops in the legend are 13, 171, 286, 404, and 534, you can adjust the stops in the legend to use more rounded numbers by setting them to this property. For example, sizeInfo.legendOptions.customValues = [10, 150, 300, 400, 500]. See the example snippet below.
<Boolean> showLegend Optional Indicates whether to show the size ramp in the legend.
<String> title Optional Text that describes the visualization. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend and takes precedence over the field alias or valueExpressionTitle.
<String> expression Optional Deprecated. As of v3.19 use valueExpression instead. Allows a size to be defined based on the scale. "view.scale" is the only expression currently supported. Added at 3.14
<String | Function> field Required Required name of the feature attribute field that contains the data value. Or a function that returns the data value.
<Object> legendOptions Optional An object providing options for displaying the size ramp in the legend. See the object specification table for legendOptions above.
<Number> maxDataValue Optional Maximum data value.
<Object> maxSize Required Specifies the largest marker size to use at any given map scale. Note: This is required if valueUnit is set to "unknown". In version 3.13, this could only be set as a number which represented the symbol size in pixels. Beginning with 3.14, it now is an object that contains:
  • expression: (Required) A string value that allows a size to be defined based on the scale. "view.scale" is the only expression currently supported, but is subject to change in future implementations.
  • stops: (Required) An array of objects that define the maximum size of the symbol at various values of the expression. Each object in the array has a numeric size property and a numeric value property. If the value calculated from the expression matches the value of a stop, than the size corresponding to that stop is selected.

    For example, if expression is set to "view.scale", the value corresponds to the map's scale. The size represents the maximum symbol size (in pixels) that corresponds to this scale. If the map scale matches the scale value of a stop, the size corresponding to that stop value is used as the maximum symbol size for the features. If the map scale value falls between two stops, the maximum symbol size is interpolated between the sizes of the two stops.

    The minSize and maxSize stop values are usually the same, although it is possible to have different values depending on how minSize is calculated versus the maxSize.

    The sample snippet below illustrates a scenario where the stops are optimized and minSize and maxSize values are different. In this snippet, all the scales smaller than 288895 have a minSize of 16 and maxSize of 80. This could be optimized by removing the first stop from both minSize and maxSize. The scale values would remain identical even after removing the first stop. This could vary depending on how many consecutive stops have the same size.
    "type": "sizeInfo",

    "field": "pop2000",
    "minDataValue": 493782,
    "maxDataValue": 33871648,
    "valueUnit": "unknown",

    "minSize": {
    "type": "sizeInfo",
    "expression": "view.scale",
    "stops": [
    { "value": 1128,      "size": 16 },
    { "value": 288895,    "size": 16 },
    { "value": 73957191,  "size": 9 },
    { "value": 591657528, "size": 2 }

    "maxSize": {
    "type": "sizeInfo",
    "expression": "view.scale",
    "stops": [
    { "value": 1128,      "size": 80 },
    { "value": 288895,    "size": 80 },
    { "value": 73957191,  "size": 50 },
    { "value": 591657528, "size": 25 }
  • type: String value indicating the type of rendering, e.g., "sizeInfo".
  • target: String value indicating that the sizeInfo should be applied to the outline of polygons. This value can be "outline" or null.
  "maxSize": {
"type": "sizeInfo",
"expression": "view.scale",
"stops": [
{"value": 1128, "size": 80},
{"value": 288895, "size": 80},
{"value": 73957191, "size": 50},
{"value": 591657528, "size": 25}
<Number> minDataValue Required Minimum data value (required if valueUnit is "unknown").
<Object> minSize Required Specifies the smallest marker size to use at any given map scale. Note: This is required if valueUnit is set to "unknown". In version 3.13, this could only be set as a number which represented the symbol size in pixels. Beginning with 3.14, it now is an object that contains:
  • expression: (Required) A string value that allows a size to be defined based on the scale. "view.scale" is the only expression currently supported, but is subject to change in future implementations.
  • stops: (Required) An array of objects that define the minimum size of the symbol at various values of the expression. Each object in the array has a numeric size property and a numeric value property. If the value calculated from the expression matches the value of a stop, than the size corresponding to that stop is selected.

    For example, if expression is set to "view.scale", the value corresponds to the map's scale. The size represents the minimum symbol size (in pixels) that corresponds to this scale. If the map scale matches the scale value of a stop, the size corresponding to that stop value is used as the minimum symbol size for the features. If the map scale value falls between two stops, the minimum symbol size is interpolated between the sizes of the two stops.

    The minSize and maxSize stop values are usually the same, although it is possible to have different values depending on how minSize is calculated versus the maxSize.

    The sample snippet below illustrates a scenario where the stops are optimized and minSize and maxSize values are different. In this snippet, all the scales smaller than 288895 have a minSize of 16 and maxSize of 80. This could be optimized by removing the first stop from both minSize and maxSize. The scale values would remain identical even after removing the first stop. This could vary depending on how many consecutive stops have the same size.
    "type": "sizeInfo",

    "field": "pop2000",
    "minDataValue": 493782,
    "maxDataValue": 33871648,
    "valueUnit": "unknown",

    "minSize": {
    "type": "sizeInfo",
    "expression": "view.scale",
    "stops": [
    { "value": 1128,      "size": 16 },
    { "value": 288895,    "size": 16 },
    { "value": 73957191,  "size": 9 },
    { "value": 591657528, "size": 2 }

    "maxSize": {
    "type": "sizeInfo",
    "expression": "view.scale",
    "stops": [
    { "value": 1128,      "size": 80 },
    { "value": 288895,    "size": 80 },
    { "value": 73957191,  "size": 50 },
    { "value": 591657528, "size": 25 }
  • type: String value indicating the type of rendering, e.g., "sizeInfo".
  • target: String value indicating that the sizeInfo should be applied to the outline of polygons. This value can be "outline" or null.
  "maxSize": {
"type": "sizeInfo",
"expression": "view.scale",
"stops": [
{"value": 1128, "size": 80},
{"value": 288895, "size": 80},
{"value": 73957191, "size": 50},
{"value": 591657528, "size": 25}
<String> normalizationField Optional Name of the feature attribute field used for data normalization. The data value obtained from field is divided by the value obtained from normalizationField before calculating the symbol size.
<Object[]> stops Required Added at 3.14 An array of objects that define the size of the symbol. It takes the following properties:
  • size: A numeric value indicating the size of the symbol
  • value: A numeric value indicating the value the symbol represents.
var stops = 
{ "value": 1128, "size": 16 },
{ "value": 288895, "size": 16 },
{ "value": 73957191, "size": 9 },
{ "value": 591657528, "size": 2 }
<String> type Required This value must be sizeInfo.
<String> valueExpression Optional An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.
<String> valueExpressionTitle Optional The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.
<String> valueRepresentation Required Specifies what the data value measures if it represents a real world distance (required if valueUnit is not "unknown"). The following values are supported:
  • radius: Data value represents the radius of a circular feature.
  • diameter: Data value represents the diameter of a circular feature.
  • area: Data value represents the area of a feature.
  • width: Data value represents the width of a line.
  • distance: Data value represents the distance from the center line (one half of the width).
<String> valueUnit Required Required unit of measurement if the data represents a real world distance quantity. Valid values are: "unknown","inches", "feet", "yards", "miles", "nautical-miles", "millimeters", "centimeters", "decimeters", "meters", "kilometers", "decimal-degrees".

If the data value represents a non-distance quantity (for example traffic count, census data) then valueUnit should be set to "unknown".
Sample: Data representing distance quantity:
: "tree_canopy",
: "meters",
: "diameter"
//ground area covered by trees measured in square feet. 
: "GroundArea",
: "feet",
: "area"
Specify minSize and maxSize to smooth out outliers.

Data representing a non-distance quantity.

: "avg_daily_traffic",
: "unknown",
: 1000,
: 8
Specify maxSize to smooth out outliers.

Map a range of data values to a range of symbol sizes:

: "avg_daily_traffic",
: "unknown",
: 1,
: 10,
: 1000,
: 100000
To use legendOptions:
: 2,
: 20,
: 100,
: 10000,
: "unknown",
: {
: [100, 200, 300, 10000]

<String> valueExpression

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. This property is typically used as an alternative to attributeField. (Added at v3.19)

<String> valueExpressionTitle

The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the renderer in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property. (Added at v3.19)

<Object[]> visualVariables

This property allows you to define how to render values in a layer. It is composed of an array of objects (called "visual variables"), each of which contains the type of drawing property, the axis the variable is applied to, and additional properties for the variable. Variables (or data values) may be visualized in one of four ways: color, size, opacity, and rotation. The following bullet points outline how each visual variable may be defined:
  • Color - To visualize values by color, set the type property of the visual variable object to colorInfo. Then define the rest of the object using the colorInfo object specification table.NOTE:This does not apply to VectorFieldRenderer.
  • Size - To visualize values by size, set the type property of the visual variable object to sizeInfo. Then define the rest of the object using the sizeInfo object specification table.
  • Opacity - To visualize values by opacity, set the type property of the visual variable object to opacityInfo. Then define the rest of the object using the opacityInfo object specification table.
  • Rotation - Added as a visual variable at version 3.15. To visualize values by rotation, set the type property of the visual variable object to rotationinfo. Then define the rest of the object using the rotationInfo object specification table.
(Added at v3.13)
Method Details

addBreak(minValueOrInfo, maxValue?, symbol?)

Adds a class break. You can provide the minimum, maximum and symbol values as individual arguments or using the info object. The range of the break is greater than or equal to the minimum value and less than the maximum value. After making changes, you must refresh the graphic.
<Number | Object> minValueOrInfo Required The value can be provided as individual arguments or as an info object. See the object specifications table below for the structure of the info object
<Number> maxValue Optional Maximum value in the break.
<Symbol> symbol Optional Symbol used for the break.
Object Specifications:
<String> description Required Description for the symbol used to draw the label
<String> label Required The label for the symbol used to draw the value
<Number> maxValue Required The maximum value
<Number> minValue Required The minimum value
<Symbol> symbol Required The symbol used to display the value
Sample: Specify the minimum and maximum values and symbol as individual arguments.

.addBreak(2, 5, symbol);
Specify the minimum and maximum values and symbol as an info object.


: 2,

: 5,

: symbol,

: "Low Density"



Remove all existing class breaks for this renderer. (Added at v3.3)


Returns the index at which rendering and legend information can be found in the break infos array for the given graphic. Returns -1 if the renderer was unable to classify the graphic. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: Number
<Graphic> graphic Required The graphic whose rendering and legend information index in the break infos array will be returned.


Returns rendering and legend information (as defined by the renderer) associated with the given graphic. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: Object
<Graphic> graphic Required The graphic whose rendering and legend information will be returned.

getColor(graphic, options?)

Gets the color for the Graphic. (Added at v3.8)
Return type: Color
<Graphic> graphic Required Graphic to get color from.
<Object> options Optional This optional parameter supports colorInfo. If none is provided, the Renderer.colorInfo will be used.

getOpacity(graphic, options?)

Returns the opacity value for the specified graphic. This is calculated using the opacityInfo definition. (Added at v3.11)
Return type: Number
<Graphic> graphic Required Returns the opacity value appropriate for the given graphic. This value is calculated based on the opacityInfo definition.
<Object> options Optional This optional parameter supports opacityInfo. If none is provided, the Renderer.opacityInfo will be used.

getRotationAngle(graphic, options?)

Returns the angle of rotation (in degrees) for the graphic calculated using rotationInfo. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: Number
<Graphic> graphic Required An input graphic for which you want to get the angle of rotation.
<Object> options Optional This optional parameter supports rotationInfo. If none is provided, the Renderer.rotationInfo will be used.

getSize(graphic, options?)

Return the symbol size (in pixels) for the graphic, calculated using sizeInfo. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: Number
<Graphic> graphic Required The graphic for which you want to calculate the symbol size.
<Object> options Optional This optional parameter supports sizeInfo. If none is provided, the Renderer.sizeInfo will be used.


Gets the symbol for the Graphic.
Return type: Symbol
<Graphic> graphic Required Graphic to symbolize. Used when creating a custom renderer.


Returns the visual variable of the specified type. (Added at v3.13)
Return type: Object[]
<String> type Required The type of visual variable desired. Supported Values: colorInfo (does not apply to VectorFieldRenderer) | sizeInfo | opacityInfo


Indicates if the renderer has defined visualVariables. (Added at v3.13)
Return type: Boolean

removeBreak(minValue, maxValue)

Removes a break. After making changes, you must refresh the graphic.
<Number> minValue Required Minimum value in the break to remove.
<Number> maxValue Required Maximum value in the break to remove.


Deprecated. As of v3.13 use setVisualVariables() instead.

Sets the colorInfo property. (Added at v3.8)
Return type: Renderer
<Object> info Required An info object that defines the color. It has the same properties as colorInfo.


A graphic or feature is considered a match for a class break for the first break where the graphic's attribute value is greater than or equal to the class's min value and less than or equal to the class's max value.
Use this method to modify the behavior so that a class break is considered a match only if the attribute value is less than a class's max value.
(Added at v3.3)
<Boolean> enable Required Set true to enable the max inclusive behavior. 


Deprecated. As of v3.13 use setVisualVariables() instead.

Sets opacity info for the renderer as defined by the info parameter.

The info parameter is an object with the same properties as opacityInfo.

(Added at v3.11)
Return type: Renderer
<Object> info Required The info parameter is an object with the same properties as opacityInfo.

var opacityInfo = {
:    "normalizeFieldName",
:  0,
:  100,
// stops: [
//    { value: 10,     opacity: 0   },
//    { value: 39, opacity: 0.5 },  
//    { value: 68, opacity: 1   }  
// ]
// OR, you can specify alphaValues using:
:   [ 0, 1 ]


Deprecated. As of v3.13 use setVisualVariables() instead.

Modifies rotation info for the renderer. The info argument has the same properties as rotationInfo. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: Renderer
<Object> info Required An object with the same properties as rotationInfo.


Deprecated. As of v3.13 use setVisualVariables() instead.

Set size info of the renderer to modify the symbol size based on data value. The info object has the same properties as sizeInfo.

  • Take note that setting type only applies if rendering sizeInfo using visualvariables.
  • Prior to v3.12, this property was known as setProportionalSymbolInfo.
(Added at v3.7)
Return type: Renderer
<Object> info Required An object with the same properties as sizeInfo.


Sets the renderer with the specified visualVariables. (Added at v3.13)
<Object[]> visualParams Required The specified visualVariables.


Converts object to its ArcGIS Server JSON representation. (Added at v2.1)
Return type: Object
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