NOTE: For a more updated approach to working with directions, please see the Working with the Directions Widget topic.
esri/tasks.FeatureSet |_esri/tasks.DirectionsFeatureSet
Name | Type | Summary |
displayFieldName | String | The name of the layer's primary display field. |
exceededTransferLimit | Boolean | Typically a layer has a limit on the number of features (i.e., records) returned by the query operation. |
extent | Extent | The extent of the route. |
features | Graphic[] | The array of graphics returned. |
fieldAliases | Object | Set of name-value pairs for the attribute's field and alias names. |
fields | Object[] | The array of fields. |
geometryType | String | The geometry type of the FeatureSet. |
mergedGeometry | Polyline | A single polyline representing the route. |
routeId | String | The ID of the route returned from the server. |
routeName | String | Name specified in RouteParameters.stops . |
spatialReference | SpatialReference | When a FeatureSet is used as input to Geoprocessor, the spatial reference is set to the map's spatial reference by default. |
strings | Object[] | Lists additional information about the direction depending on the value of directionsOutputType. (Added at v3.3). |
totalDriveTime | Number | Actual drive time calculated for the route. |
totalLength | Number | The length of the route as specified in RouteParameters.directionsLengthUnits . |
totalTime | Number | The total time calculated for the route as specified in RouteParameters.directionsTimeAttribute . |
> displayFieldNameBoolean
> exceededTransferLimitmaxRecordCount
is configured for a layer, exceededTransferLimit
will be true if a query matches more than the maxRecordCount
features and false otherwise. Supported by ArcGIS Server version 10.1 and later. (Added at v2.8)true | false
> extentGraphic[]
> featuresvar features = [];
var featureSet = new esri.tasks.FeatureSet();
featureSet.features = features;
> fieldAliasesObject[]
> fieldsString
> geometryTypePolyline
> mergedGeometryString
> routeIdSpatialReference
> spatialReferenceObject[]
> stringsNumber
> totalDriveTimeNumber
> totalLengthRouteParameters.directionsLengthUnits
> totalTimeRouteParameters.directionsTimeAttribute