(Added at v2.0)
Utility methods to work with content from
When coding legacy (non-AMD) style, there is no need to require the module. All methods and properties are available in the namespace. For example,
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arcgisUrl | String | Specify the domain where the map associated with the webmap id is located. |
Property Details
Specify the domain where the map associated with the webmap id is located. The default value is
Known values:
Default value:
Method Details
Create a map using information from an item. The information included in the response object returned to the callback depends on the version.
Note: - If working with an item whose basemap layer does not have a geographic or Web Mercator spatial reference, you will need to make certain the
method projects the item's extent using a geometry service or by passing in an extent using options.mapOptions
. If using a geometry service, it will either create a new GeometryService using the options.geometryServiceURL
or it will use the GeometryService at esriConfig.defaults.geometryService
(if it exists). - It is recommended to set
if working with popups within the web map. One thing to note about this is that the clickEventHandle
and clickEventListener
will be undefined. Instead, use the
to control visibility of the popup.
- If the web map contains hosted feature services, the feature layer's default
. When working with smaller amounts of features, SNAPSHOT
mode is enabled. Whereas working with larger amounts of features enables on-demand
map: <esri.Map>,
clickEventHandle, <undefined>
clickEventListener, <undefined>
item: <Object>,
errors: [<Object>]
The returned object contains the following properties.
map: <esri.Map>,
clickEventHandle, <Event Handler>
clickEventListener, <Function>
item: <Object>,
errors: [<Object>]
: handle to the map event connection registered by createMap
to display popups. Use this if you need to disconnect the handle at runtime.
require(["dojo/_base/connect", ... ], function(connect, ... ) {
: Use this function to reconnect the popup event handler.
map.on("click", function(response) {
<String | Object > itemIdOrItemInfo |
Required |
An itemId for an item or the response object obtained from calling the arcgisUtils.getItem method. You can discover the item's unique ID by browsing to the item in then extracting the id from the item's URL. |
<String > mapDiv |
Required |
Container ID for referencing map. |
<Object > options |
Optional |
Optional parameters that define the map functionality. See the Object Specifications table below for the structure of the options object. |
Object Specifications: <options
<String > bingMapsKey |
Optional |
The Bing Maps key, required if working with Microsoft Bing Maps. |
<Boolean > editable |
Optional |
Whether to allow layers in the created web map to be editable. If set to false, createMap() will create FeatureLayers where FeatureLayer.isEditable() returns false. This will override layers that would have otherwise been editable. This allows the FeatureLayer to load features optimally. Added at v3.11 |
<String > geometryServiceURL |
Optional |
URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a geometry service. If not using a geometry service from esriConfig.defaults.geometryService , you will need to specify this if the basemap layer is not geographic or Web Mercator.
For more information on constructing a URL, see the Services Directory and the REST API. |
<Boolean > ignorePopups |
Optional |
When true, webmap define popups will not display. |
<Object[] > layerMixins |
Optional |
An optional array of objects which identify the layer using either matching id or url properties. It also has a Object mixin property that is mixed into the layer. Added at 3.14 |
<Object > mapOptions |
Optional |
See the optional parameters for the constructor for more details. |
<Boolean > usePopupManager |
Optional |
If true and a map click event occurs, it may show the map's infoWindow.
If the infoWindow supports showing more than one feature, it will search
for all features in all layers of the map that have an infoTemplate configured, including
the sublayers of a ArcGIS tiled or dynamic map service.
When false , disables the Map.showInfoWindowOnClick behavior.
The default value is false .
(Added in version 3.10)
See also: Map.setInfoWindowOnClick(enabled). |
Sample: var deferred = esri.arcgis.utils.createMap(agoId, "map", {
var map;
mapOptions: {
slider: true
bingMapsKey: bingMapsKey,
geometryServiceURL: ""
deferred.then(function(response) {
map =;
Get details about the input item. An object with the following specification is passed to the callback:
item: <Object>,
itemData: <Object>
The information included in the response object returned to the callback depends on the version. View the
Working with web maps help topic for details on the response object.
<String > itemId |
Required |
The itemId for a publicly shared item. You can discover the item's unique ID by browsing to the item in then extracting the id from the item's URL. |