(Added at v3.0)
The gauge widget provides a streamlined way to create a dashboard-like interface and display data on a semi-circular gauge. To create a gauge provide an object with various options and a dom node. The options define the indicator color, number format, caption text and more.
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esri/dijit/Gauge | Download source
gaugeContainer | Define the size of the gauge. |
Constructor Details
Create a new Gauge object.
<Object > params |
Required |
See options list for parameters. |
<Node | String > srcNodeRef |
Required |
HTML element where the gauge should be rendered. |
<String > caption |
Optional |
Text to display at the bottom of the gauge. |
<String > color |
Optional |
Color used for the arc indicator on the gauge. The default color is black (#000). |
<String > dataField |
Optional |
Name of the attribute field used to drive the gauge. If a layer is supplied as a parameter dataField is required. |
<String > dataFormat |
Optional |
Either "value" or "percentage" . If "percentage is specified the gauge automatically calculates a percentage using maxDataValue and displays the result. The default is "value" . |
<String > dataLabelField |
Optional |
Name of the attribute field used to display a feature name on the gauge. |
<Boolean > fromWebmap |
Optional |
When true, the gauge is created with JSON from an ArcGIS Online webmap. The default value is false. |
<GraphicsLayer > layer |
Optional |
A esri.layers.GraphicsLayer or esri.layers.FeatureLayer used to drive the gauge. When this parameter is specified the gauge will automatically update as onMouseOver fires on the layer. |
<Number > maxDataValue |
Optional |
Maximum value that will be displayed on the gauge. The default value is 100. When dataFormat is "percentage", this value is used to calculate percentages as the chart updates. |
<String > noDataLabel |
Optional |
The text to display when a feature does not not a value for the dataLabelField . |
<Object > numberFormat |
Optional |
Object passed to dojo.number.format to specify how data values are formatted. For instance, { "places": 2 } . See dojo.number documentation for more details. |
<String > title |
Optional |
Text displayed above the gauge. The default value is an empty string. |
<String > unitLabel |
Optional |
What to dsiplay after the value of the currently selected feature. When dataFormat is "percentage", this is always "%". |
Sample: var gaugeParams = {
"caption": "Hurricane windspeed.",
"color": "#c0c",
"dataField": "WINDSPEED",
"dataFormat": "value",
"dataLabelField": "EVENTID",
"layer": fl,
"maxDataValue": 120,
"noFeatureLabel": "No name",
"title": "Atlantic Hurricanes(2000)",
"unitLabel": "MPH"
var gauge = new esri.dijit.Gauge(gaugeParams, "gaugeDiv");
Method Details
Destroy the gauge. Call this method when the gauge is no longer needed by the application.
Get the value of the property from the Gauge. Public properties are:
<String> caption |
The gauge caption |
<String> dataLabel |
Data label |
<Graphic> feature |
Current graphic associated with the gauge widget. |
<String> title |
The gauge title. |
<Number> value |
The gauge's current value. |
<String > name |
Required |
Property to get value. |
Set the value of a property from the Gauge. Recommended when the Gauge is not explicitly connected to a layer. Public properties are:
<String> caption |
The gauge caption |
<String> dataLabel |
Data label |
<Graphic> feature |
Specify either an object from a graphic or feature layer mouse event or a graphic Setting feature causes dataLabel and value to update as well. |
<String> title |
The gauge title. |
<Number> value |
The gauge's current value. |
Finalizes the creation of the gauge. Call startup() after creating the widget when you are ready for user interaction.
var gauge = new esri.dijit.Gauge(gaugeParams, "gaugeDiv");