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Class: Graphic



(Added at v1.0)
A Graphic can contain geometry, a symbol, attributes, or an infoTemplate. A Graphic is displayed in the GraphicsLayer. The GraphicsLayer allows you to listen for events on Graphics.


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new esri.Graphic(geometry?, symbol?, attributes?, infoTemplate?)Creates a new Graphic object.
new esri.Graphic(json)Creates a new Graphic object using a JSON object.

Data Attributes

data-class-break"<Number>"Class break index as returned by ClassBreaksRenderer.getBreakIndex.
data-geometry-type"<String>"Geometry type: "point", "polyline", "polygon" or "multipoint".
data-hidden"" (empty string)Added to the graphic's node when it is hidden.
data-selected"" (empty string)Added to the graphic's node when it is selected.
data-unique-value"<String>"Graphic's unique value as returned by UniqueValueRenderer.getUniqueValueInfo.


attributesObjectName value pairs of fields and field values associated with the graphic.
geometryGeometryThe geometry that defines the graphic.
infoTemplateInfoTemplateThe content for display in an InfoWindow.
symbolSymbolThe symbol for the graphic.
visibleBooleanIndicate the visibility of the graphic.


NameReturn typeSummary
attr(name, value)GraphicAdds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on the graphic's DOM node.
clone()GraphicCreates a deep clone of the graphic object.
draw()GraphicDraws the graphic.
getChildGraphics()Graphic[]Returns the graphics summarized by an aggregate graphic in a clustering or feature reduction visualization.
getContent()StringReturns the content string based on attributes and infoTemplate values.
getDojoShape()ShapeReturns the dojo/gfx/shape.Shape of the Esri graphic.
getInfoTemplate()InfoTemplateReturns the info template associated with the graphic.
getLayer()LayerReturns a reference to the associated layer.
getNode()SVG group |
SVG element |
VML Shape |
Group Element
Returns the DOM node used to draw the graphic.
getNodes()SVG group | SVG element | VML Shapes or Group ElementsReturns one or more DOM nodes used to draw the graphic.
getParentGraphic()GraphicApplicable to label graphics.
getShape()ShapeReturns the dojox/gfx/shape.Shape of the Esri graphic.
getShapes()Shape[]Returns one or more dojox/gfx/shape.Shape used to draw the graphic.
getSourceLayer()LayerIn contrast to the getLayer method, getSouceLayer does not change when a graphic is added to another layer.
getTitle()StringReturns the title string based on attributes and infoTemplate values.
hide()NoneHides the graphic.
isAggregate()BooleanIndicates if the graphic represents a cluster of features.
setAttributes(attributes)GraphicDefines the attributes of the graphic.
setGeometry(geometry)GraphicDefines the geometry of the graphic.
setInfoTemplate(infoTemplate)GraphicDefines the InfoTemplate for the InfoWindow of the graphic.
setSymbol(symbol)GraphicSets the symbol of the graphic.
show()NoneShows the graphic.
toJson()ObjectConverts object to its ArcGIS Server JSON representation.
Constructor Details

new esri.Graphic(geometry?, symbol?, attributes?, infoTemplate?)

Creates a new Graphic object. Specify parameters in the given order using null if you aren't providing a value for an option.
<Geometry> geometry Optional The geometry that defines the graphic.
<Symbol> symbol Optional Symbol used for drawing the graphic.
<Object> attributes Optional Name value pairs of fields and field values associated with the graphic.
<InfoTemplate> infoTemplate Optional The content for display in an InfoWindow.
var pt = new esri.geometry.Point(xloc,yloc,map.spatialReference)
var sms = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol().setStyle(
new esri.Color([255,0,0,0.5]));
var attr = {"Xcoord":evt.mapPoint.x,"Ycoord":evt.mapPoint.y,"Plant":"Mesa Mint"};
var infoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate("Vernal Pool Locations","Latitude: ${Ycoord} <br/>
  Longitude: ${Xcoord} <br/>
  Plant Name:${Plant}"
var graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt,sms,attr,infoTemplate);
//create a graphic with no attributes or info template 
var graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, sms);

new esri.Graphic(json)

Creates a new Graphic object using a JSON object.
<Object> json Required JSON object representing the graphic.

Create a line

var myLine ={geometry:{"paths":[[[-91.40625,6.328125],[6.328125,19.3359375]]],



var gra= new esri.Graphic(myLine);

Create a polygon

var myPolygon = {"geometry":{"rings":[[[-115.3125,37.96875],[-111.4453125,37.96875],






var gra = new esri.Graphic(myPolygon);

Create a multipoint

var myMultiPoint = {"geometry":{"points":[[-92.109375,44.296875],[-86.1328125,31.9921875],




var gra = new esri.Graphic(myMultiPoint);

Create a point and specify an infoTemplate

var myPoint = {"geometry":{"x":-104.4140625,"y":69.2578125,


"YCoord":69.2578125,"Plant":"Mesa Mint"},"symbol":{"color":[255,0,0,128],




"infoTemplate":{"title":"Vernal Pool Locations","content":"Latitude: ${YCoord} <br/>

   Longitude: ${XCoord} <br/> Plant Name:${Plant}"

var gra= new esri.Graphic(myPoint);
Property Details

<Object> attributes

Name value pairs of fields and field values associated with the graphic.
NOTE: Date field values are always represented as numeric values. This means that when updating existing features, date fields must have numeric values and not date objects.
See also: setAttributes()

<Geometry> geometry

The geometry that defines the graphic.
See also: setGeometry()

<InfoTemplate> infoTemplate

The content for display in an InfoWindow.

<Symbol> symbol

The symbol for the graphic.
See also: setSymbol()

<Boolean> visible

Indicate the visibility of the graphic. The default value is true.
Known values: true | false
Default value: true
Method Details

attr(name, value)

Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on the graphic's DOM node. Removes the attribute if the value is null or undefined. Add at v3.7.. Note: use the attributes property or setAttributes() method to set the graphic attributes. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: Graphic
<String> name Required The name of the attribute.
<String> value Required The value of the attribute. Set this value as null to remove the attribute.


Creates a deep clone of the graphic object. (Added at v3.22)
Return type: Graphic


Draws the graphic. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: Graphic


Returns the graphics summarized by an aggregate graphic in a clustering or feature reduction visualization. Use isAggregate() to first check if the graphic calling this method represents an aggregation of points. See FeatureLayer.setFeatureReduction() for more details. (Added at v3.22)
Return type: Graphic[]


Returns the content string based on attributes and infoTemplate values.
Return type: String


Returns the dojo/gfx/shape.Shape of the Esri graphic. One common use for the getDojoShape method is to change the drawing order of a graphic using the moveToFront and moveToBack methods. Deprecated at v3.8. Use getShape and getShapes instead.
Return type: Shape


Returns the info template associated with the graphic. If no info template is associated with the graphic it returns the info template associated with the parent layer of the graphic. (Added at v3.5)
Return type: InfoTemplate


Returns a reference to the associated layer. The layer is always returned, even if the graphic is no longer part of that layer. Prior to version 3.10, it would return a graphics layer that contains the graphic in addition to returning null if the graphic was not added to a layer. (Added at v2.0)
Return type: Layer


Returns the DOM node used to draw the graphic. Returns null or undefined if the graphic is drawn on HTML Canvas. The SVG element will likely return a Path, Circle, or Rect. (Added at v3.7)
Return type: SVG group |
SVG element |
VML Shape |
Group Element


Returns one or more DOM nodes used to draw the graphic. Multiple nodes are used when a graphics layer has a renderer with backgroundFillSymbol. The SVG element will likely return a Path, Circle, or Rect. (Added at v3.8)
Return type: SVG group | SVG element | VML Shapes or Group Elements


Applicable to label graphics. This returns the parent graphic associated to the label. (Added at v3.27)
Return type: Graphic


Returns the dojox/gfx/shape.Shape of the Esri graphic. One common use is to change the drawing order of a graphic using the moveToFront and moveToBack methods. (Added at v3.8)
Return type: Shape


Returns one or more dojox/gfx/shape.Shape used to draw the graphic. Multiple shapes are used when a graphics layer has a renderer with backgroundFillSymbol. (Added at v3.8)
Return type: Shape[]


In contrast to the getLayer method, getSouceLayer does not change when a graphic is added to another layer. (Added at v3.21)
Return type: Layer


Returns the title string based on attributes and infoTemplate values.
Return type: String


Hides the graphic.


Indicates if the graphic represents a cluster of features. This only applies to point graphics in a FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, or StreamLayer. See FeatureLayer.setFeatureReduction() for more details about clustering and feature reduction. (Added at v3.22)
Return type: Boolean


Defines the attributes of the graphic.
Return type: Graphic
<Object> attributes Required The name value pairs of fields and field values associated with the graphic.
gra.setAttributes( {"XCoord":evt.mapPoint.x,"YCoord":evt.mapPoint.y,"Plant":"Mesa Mint"});
See also: attributes


Defines the geometry of the graphic.
Return type: Graphic
<Geometry> geometry Required The geometry that defines the graphic.

.simplify([ polygonGraphic.geometry ], function(geometries){


See also: geometry


Defines the InfoTemplate for the InfoWindow of the graphic. When a user clicks a graphic, the InfoWindow opens with this template.
Return type: Graphic
<InfoTemplate> infoTemplate Required The content for display in an InfoWindow.

var infoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate();


.setContent("<b>2000 Population: </b>${POP2000}<br/>"

+ "<b>2000 Population per Sq. Mi.: </b>${POP00_SQMI}<br/>"

+ "<b>2007 Population: </b>${POP2007}<br/>"

+ "<b>2007 Population per Sq. Mi.: </b>${POP07_SQMI}");



Sets the symbol of the graphic.
Return type: Graphic
<Symbol> symbol Required The symbol for the graphic.
var symbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, 
new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new esri.Color([98,194,204]), 2), new esri.Color([98,194,204,0.5])
var graphic = results[i].feature;
See also: symbol


Shows the graphic.


Converts object to its ArcGIS Server JSON representation.
Return type: Object
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