(Added at v1.0)
This data object is used as the identifyParameters argument to IdentifyTask.execute method. It specifies the criteria used to identify the features.
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samples that use this class.
LAYER_OPTION_ALL | All layers are identified, even if they are not visible. Performance note: if your service has many layers, a request using ths option will not perform well.
A visible layer means you can see it in the map at the current extent. If a layer is turned off or not in range based on its scale dependency settings, it cannot be identified. |
LAYER_OPTION_TOP | Only the top-most visible layer is identified. |
LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE | All visible layers are identified. |
Constructor Details
Creates a new IdentifyParameters object. The constructor takes no parameters.
Sample: var identifyParams = new esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters();
Property Details
Resolution of the current map view in dots per inch.
Default value: 96
An array of DynamicLayerInfos used to change the layer ordering or redefine the map. When set the Identify operation will perform the identify against the dynamic layers. (Added at v2.7)
The geometry used to select features during Identify. The type of the geometry is specified by
Geometry type. The most common geometry used with Identify is a
Sample: identifyParams.geometry = evt.mapPoint;
Specifies the number of decimal places for the geometries returned by the query operation. (Added at v3.14)
Height of the map currently being viewed in pixels.
identifyParams.height = map.height;
Array of layer definition expressions that allows you to filter the features of individual layers. Layer definitions with semicolons or colons are supported if using a map service published using ArcGIS Server 10.
Sample: identifyParams.layerDefinitions[23] = "LANDUSE = 'COM'";
The layers to perform the identify operation on. The layers are specified as a comma-separated list of layer ids. The list of ids is returned in
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer layerInfos.
Sample: identifyParams.layerIds = [23,25];
Specifies which layers to use when using Identify. See the Constants table for valid values.
Default value: LAYER_OPTION_TOP
Sample: identifyParams.layerOption = esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_ALL;
Array of LayerTimeOptions objects that allow you to define time options for the specified layers. There is one object per sub-layer.
var timeOption1 = new esri.layers.LayerTimeOptions();
timeOption1.timeOffset = 4;
timeOption1.timeOffsetUnits = esri.layers.TimeInfo.UNIT_YEARS;
var options = [];
options[2]= timeOption1;
options[5] = timeOption2;
identifyParameters.layerTimeOptions = options;
Extent or bounding box of the map currently being viewed. The
mapExtent property is assumed to be in the spatial reference of the map unless
sr has been specified.
The values for
width, and
dpi are used to determine the current map scale. Once the scale is known, the map service can exclude layers based on their scale dependency settings. The map service is not performing a spatial intersection based on the provided extent. These properties are also used to calculate the search distance on the map based on the
tolerance in screen pixels.
Sample: identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;
The maximum allowable offset used for generalizing geometries returned by the identify operation. The offset is in the units of the spatialReference. If a spatialReference is not defined the spatial reference of the map is used. (Added at v2.0)
If true, field names will be returned instead of field aliases. In case with layers with joins, fully qualified field names will be returned. Requires ArcGIS Server service 10.5 or greater. (Added at v3.22)
Default value: false
If "true", the result set includes the geometry associated with each result. The default is "false".
Known values: true | false
Default value: false
Sample: identifyParams.returnGeometry = true;
If true, the values in the result will not be formatted i.e. numbers will returned as is and dates will be returned as epoch values. Subtype and domain values will be returned as numeric values instead of descriptions. Requires ArcGIS Server service 10.5 or greater. (Added at v3.22)
Default value: false
The spatial reference of the input and output geometries as well as of the
mapExtent. If the
spatial reference is not specified, the geometry and the extent are assumed to be in the spatial reference of the map, and the output geometries will also be in the spatial reference of the map. See
Projected Coordinate Systems and
Geographic Coordinate Systems for the list of supported spatial references.
Specify the time extent used by the identify task.
The distance in screen pixels from the specified geometry within which the identify should be performed.
Sample: identifyParams.tolerance = 3;
Width of the map currently being viewed in pixels.
identifyParams.width = map.width;