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LAYER_OPTION_EXCLUDE | Shows all layers visible by default except the specified layer ID's. |
LAYER_OPTION_HIDE | Shows all layers except the specified layer ID's. |
LAYER_OPTION_INCLUDE | Shows specified layer ID's in addition to layers visible by default. |
LAYER_OPTION_SHOW | Shows only the specified layer ID's. |
Constructor Details
Creates a new ImageParameters object. The constructor takes no parameters.
Sample: var imageParameters = new esri.layers.ImageParameters();
Property Details
Extent of map to be exported.
Map image format.
Known values: png | png8 | png24 | png32 | jpg | pdf | bmp | gif | svg
Default value: png8
Sample: imageParameters.format = "jpg";
Requested image height in pixels.
Array of layer definition expressions that allows you to filter the features of individual layers in the exported map image. Layer definitions with semicolons or colons are supported if using a map service published using ArcGIS Server 10.
var layerDefs = [];
layerDefs[5] = "STATE_NAME='Kansas'";
layerDefs[4] = "STATE_NAME='Kansas' and POP2007>25000";
layerDefs[3] = "STATE_NAME='Kansas' and POP2007>25000";
imageParameters.layerDefinitions = layerDefs;
A list of layer ID's, that represent which layers to include in the exported map. Use in combination with
to specify how layer visibility is handled.
imageParameters.layerIds = [3,4,5];
imageParameters.layerOption = esri.layers.ImageParameters.LAYER_OPTION_SHOW;
The option for displaying or hiding the layer. See the Constants table for valid values.
imageParameters.layerOption = esri.layers.ImageParameters.LAYER_OPTION_SHOW;
Array of LayerTimeOptions objects that allow you to override how a layer is exported in reference to the map's time extent. There is one object per sub-layer. (Added at v2.0)
Sample: In the following example, array indices 2 and 5 are valid sub-layer IDs.
var timeOption1 = new esri.layers.LayerTimeOptions();
timeOption1.timeOffset = 4;
timeOption1.timeOffsetUnits = esri.layers.TimeInfo.UNIT_YEARS;
var options = [];
options[2]= timeOption1;
options[5] = timeOption2;
imageParameters.layerTimeOptions = options;
The time extent for the map image. (Added at v2.0)
Whether or not background of dynamic image is transparent.
Known values: true | false
Default value: true
Requested image width in pixels.