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Class: ImageServiceIdentifyParameters



(Added at v2.0)
Input parameters for the ImageServiceIdentifyTask.


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new esri.tasks.ImageServiceIdentifyParameters()Creates a new ImageServiceIdentifyParameters object.


geometryGeometryInput geometry that defines the location to be identified.
maxItemCountNumberIf the returnCatalogItems parameter is set to true, this parameter will take effect.
mosaicRuleMosaicRuleSpecifies the mosaic rules defining the image sorting order.
noDataString | NumberThe pixel or RGB color value representing no information.
noDataInterpretationStringUsed along with the noData property.
pixelSizeSymbolSpecify the pixel level being identified on the x and y axis.
pixelSizeXNumberThe pixel level being identified (or the resolution being looked at) on the x-axis.
pixelSizeYNumberThe pixel level being identified (or the resolution being looked at) on the y-axis.
renderingRuleRasterFunctionSpecifies the rendering rule for how the requested image should be rendered.
returnCatalogItemsBooleanIf "true", returns both geometry and attributes of the catalog items.
returnGeometryBooleanWhen true, each feature in the catalog items includes the geometry.
returnPixelValuesBooleanIf true, returns the pixel values of all mosaicked raster catalog items under the requested geometry.
timeExtentTimeExtentSpecify a time extent.
Constructor Details

new esri.tasks.ImageServiceIdentifyParameters()

Creates a new ImageServiceIdentifyParameters object.
var imageParams = new esri.tasks.ImageServiceIdentifyParameters();
.geometry = point;
Property Details

<Geometry> geometry

Input geometry that defines the location to be identified. The location can be a point or a polygon.

<Number> maxItemCount

If the returnCatalogItems parameter is set to true, this parameter will take effect. The default behavior is to return all raster catalog items within the requested geometry. Otherwise, the number of items returned will be the value specified in the maxItemCount or all eligible items, whichever number is smaller. Setting the property to 1 will return only the topmost raster and can improve the identify operation's performance significantly. Requires ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 services. (Added at v3.25)

<MosaicRule> mosaicRule

Specifies the mosaic rules defining the image sorting order. When a mosaic rule is not specified, METHOD_CENTER is used.

<String | Number> noData

The pixel or RGB color value representing no information. It can be defined as a number noData=0 where it is a pixel value or as a string noData="58,128,187" where it is an RGB color value. (Added at v3.6)

<String> noDataInterpretation

Used along with the noData property. (Added at v3.6)

<Symbol> pixelSize

Specify the pixel level being identified on the x and y axis. Defaults to the base resolution of the dataset when not specified. (Added at v3.5)

<Number> pixelSizeX

The pixel level being identified (or the resolution being looked at) on the x-axis. If not specified, it will default to the base resolution of the dataset.

<Number> pixelSizeY

The pixel level being identified (or the resolution being looked at) on the y-axis. If not specified, it will default to the base resolution of the dataset.

<RasterFunction> renderingRule

Specifies the rendering rule for how the requested image should be rendered. View the Raster Functions help topic in the REST help for more details. (Added at v3.7)
var params = new esri.tasks.ImageServiceIdentifyParameters();
var rasterFunction = new esri.layers.RasterFunction();
.functionName = "Hillshade";

.arguments = {
.variableName = "DEM";
params.renderingRule = rasterFunction;

<Boolean> returnCatalogItems

If "true", returns both geometry and attributes of the catalog items. Set it to false when catalog items are not needed to improve identify operation's performance significantly. (Added at v3.6)
Known values: true | false

<Boolean> returnGeometry

When true, each feature in the catalog items includes the geometry. Set to false if the features will not be displayed on the map. The default value is false. (Added at v3.5)
Known values: true | false

<Boolean> returnPixelValues

If true, returns the pixel values of all mosaicked raster catalog items under the requested geometry. Set it to false when only the pixel value of mosaicked output is needed at requested geometry. Requires ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 services. (Added at v3.25)
Known values: true | false
Default value: true

<TimeExtent> timeExtent

Specify a time extent. (Added at v3.5)
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