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INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR | Resamples pixel by bilinear interpolation. |
INTERPOLATION_CUBICCONVOLUTION | Resamples pixel by cubic convolution. |
INTERPOLATION_MAJORITY | Resamples pixel by majority value. |
INTERPOLATION_NEARESTNEIGHBOR | Resamples pixel by nearest neighbor. |
Constructor Details
Creates a new ImageServiceParameters object. The constructor takes no parameters.
var params = new esri.layers.ImageServiceParameters();
Property Details
Array of current band selections.
params.bandIds = [3,1,2];
Current compression quality value. The compression quality controls how much loss the image will be subjected to. Only valid with JPG image types.
Extent of the exported image.
Map image format. If no format is specified the format is set to the server default which is jpgpng
Known values: png8 | png24 | jpg | bmp | gif | jpgpng
var params = new esri.layers.ImageServiceParameters();
params.format = "jpgpng";
Requested image height in pixels.
Current interpolation method. The interpolation method affects how the raster dataset is transformed when it undergoes warping or when it changes coordinate space.
Specifies the mosaic rule when defining how individual images should be mosaicked.
Sample: var params = new esri.layers.ImageServiceParameters();
var mr = new esri.layers.MosaicRule();
mr.method = esri.layers.MosaicRule.METHOD_LOCKRASTER;
mr.lockRasterIds = [32,454,14];
params.mosaicRule = mr;
The pixel value that represents no information.
Sample: var params = new esri.layers.ImageServiceParameters();
params.noData = 0;
Specifies the rendering rule for how the requested image should be rendered. View the
Raster Functions help topic in the REST help for more details.
Sample: var params = new esri.layers.ImageServiceParameters();
var rasterFunction = new esri.layers.RasterFunction();
rasterFunction.functionName = "Hillshade";
rasterFunction.arguments = {
rasterFunction.variableName = "DEM";
params.renderingRule = rasterFunction;
Define the time extent for the image.
Requested image width in pixels.