(Added at v1.0)
Toolbar that supports basic navigation such as pan and zoom.
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samples that use this class.
PAN | Map is panned. |
ZOOM_IN | Map zooms in. |
ZOOM_OUT | Map zooms out. |
[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]
All On Style event listeners receive a single event object. Additionally, the event object also contains a 'target' property whose value is the object which fired the event.
Constructor Details
Creates a new Navigation object. A Map is a required parameter.
<Map > map |
Required |
Map the toolbar is associated with. |
Sample: var navToolbar = new esri.toolbars.Navigation(map);
Method Details
Activates the toolbar for map navigation. Activating the toolbar overrides default map navigation.
<String > navType |
Required |
The navigation type. The Constants table lists valid navigation values. |
Deactivates the toolbar and reactivates map navigation.
When "true", map is at the first extent.
Sample: dijit.byId("zoomprev").disabled = navToolbar.isFirstExtent();
When "true", map is at the last extent.
Sample: dijit.byId("zoomnext").disabled = navToolbar.isLastExtent();
Set the SimpleFillSymbol used for the rubber band zoom.
<Symbol > symbol |
Required |
The SimpleFillSymbol used for the rubber band zoom. |
Sample: navToolbar = new esri.toolbars.Navigation(map);
Zoom to initial extent of base layer.
Zoom to next extent in extent history.
Zoom to previous extent in extent history.
Event Details
[ On Style Events | Connect Style Event ]
Fires when the extent history changes. (Added at v3.6)
Sample: require([
"esri/toolbars/navigation", "dijit/registry", ...
], function( Navigation, registry, ... ) {
function init(){
navToolbar = new Navigation(map);
navToolbar.on("extent-history-change", extentHistoryChangeHandler);
function extentHistoryChangeHandler() {
registry.byId("zoomprev").disabled = navToolbar.isFirstExtent();
registry.byId("zoomnext").disabled = navToolbar.isLastExtent();
Fires when the extent history changes.
function init{
navToolbar = new esri.toolbars.Navigation(map);
dojo.connect(navToolbar, "onExtentHistoryChange", extentHistoryChangeHandler);
function extentHistoryChangeHandler() {
dijit.byId("zoomprev").disabled = navToolbar.isFirstExtent();
dijit.byId("zoomnext").disabled = navToolbar.isLastExtent();