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Class: PixelBlock



(Added at v3.13)
The PixelBlock is used to hold pixels. It stores and decodes source data fetched from an image service.


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new esri.layers.PixelBlock(options)Creates a new PixelBlock object.


heightNumberNumber of rows.
maskArrayAn array of nodata mask.
pixelTypeStringPixel type.
pixelsNumber[][]A two dimensional array representing the pixels from the Image Service displayed on the client.
statisticsObject[]Array of objects containing numeric statistical properties (for example minValue, maxValue, noDataValue, etc.).
widthNumberNumber of columns.


NameReturn typeSummary
addData(planeData)NoneAdds another plane.
getAsRGBA()ArrayReturns pixels and masks using a single array in bip format (for example [p_00_r, p_00_g, p_00_b, p_00_a, p_10_r, p_10_g, p_10_b, p_10_a, ...]).
getAsRGBAFloat()ArraySimilar to getAsRGBA, but returns floating point data.
getPlaneCount()NumberReturns the plane band count.
Constructor Details

new esri.layers.PixelBlock(options)

Creates a new PixelBlock object.
<Object> options Required Constructor parameters. See options list below.
options properties:
<Number> height Required Number of rows.
<Array> mask Optional An array of nodata mask. The size is height*width. It's arranged row by row in this format: [p_00, p_10, p_20, ... p_10, p_11, .....]. p_xy means pixel value at the column x row y. The mask is per pixel, not per band.
<String> pixelType Optional Pixel type. Known values include "S8" | "S16" | "S32" | "U8" | "U16" | "U32" | "F32" | "F64"
<Number[][]> pixels Required A two dimensional array. The first dimension is number of bands, the second dimension is height * width. The band x is pixels[x-1]. For each band pixels[x], the size is height*width. It's arranged row by row in this format: [p_00, p_10, p_20, ... p_10, p_11, .....]. p_xy means pixel value at the column x row y.
<Object[]> statistics Optional Array of objects containing numeric statistical properties (for example minValue, maxValue, noDataValue, etc.).
<Number> width Required Number of columns.
Property Details

<Number> height

Number of rows.

<Array> mask

An array of nodata mask. The size is height*width. It's arranged row by row in this format: [p_00, p_10, p_20, ... p_10, p_11, .....]. p_xy means pixel value at the column x row y. The mask is per pixel, not per band.

<String> pixelType

Pixel type.
Known values: "S8" | "S16" | "S32" | "U8" | "U16" | "U32" | "F32" | "F64"

<Number[][]> pixels

A two dimensional array representing the pixels from the Image Service displayed on the client. The first dimension is number of bands, the second dimension is height * width. The band x is pixels[x-1]. For each band pixels[x], the size is height*width. It's arranged row by row in this format: [p_00, p_10, p_20, ... p_10, p_11, .....]. p_xy means pixel value at the column x row y.

<Object[]> statistics

Array of objects containing numeric statistical properties (for example minValue, maxValue, noDataValue, etc.).

<Number> width

Number of columns.
Method Details


Adds another plane. The planData parameter needs to have two properties set: pixels and statistics.
<Object> planeData Required Must have two properties set: pixels and statistics.
Object Specifications:
<Number[][]> pixels Required A two dimensional array. The first dimension is number of bands, the second dimension is height * width.
<Object[]> statistics Required Array of objects containing numeric statistical properties (for example minValue, maxValue, noDataValue, etc.).


Returns pixels and masks using a single array in bip format (for example [p_00_r, p_00_g, p_00_b, p_00_a, p_10_r, p_10_g, p_10_b, p_10_a, .....]). Use this method to get an unsigned 8 bit pixel array. The result can be used to create a webgl texture.
Return type: Array


Similar to getAsRGBA, but returns floating point data. The result can be used to create a webgl texture (OES_texture_float).
Return type: Array


Returns the plane band count.
Return type: Number
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